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C 428 3 DIRECTIONS to the Bookbinder,' for placing the Elegant COPPER-PLATES of the Rev. Dr. WRIGHT'S NEW and COMPLETE LIFE of CHRIST and his APOSTLES, &C. No. u. FRONTISPIECE, including eight other elegant Engravings, to face the Title Page. Map of the Holy Land, with Chrift and the woman of Sama- ria, to face Page 5 2. The vifit of Mary to her coufin Eliza- beth 14 g. Chrift in triumph riding into Jerufa- lem 186 4. An angel delivering Peter out of prifon 374 g. Chrift preaching to the people of'Judea, and reproving their condua 159 6. Peter's repentance for having denied his Lord and Malter 366 7. The conference of Chrift with the Pha- rifees, concerning the tribute -mo- ney 198 8. Four Engravings, viz. St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. John, the evangelifts got 9. Ananias reftoring Saul to' fight 318 to. Chrift's charge to Peter concerning his church 367 it. Jofeph commanded by an angel to flee withJefus into Egypt 22 12. Defcent of the Holy Ghoit on the apoftles, &c. after the afcenfion.286 13. Chrift's fecond miracle of feeding the people near Decapolis 113 34. The prodigal fon returning to his father's houfe 166 sg. The cruelties of' Herod, in murdering the young children .22 16. The woman taken in adultery brought before Chrift by the Jews.. 133 17. Lazarus raifed from the dead 'by Jefus Chrift 174 No. 18. Jefus healeth the woman difeafed with an iffue of blood 68 19. Four Engravings; viz. St. Paul, St. Peter, St. Thomas, and St. James the Great 316 20. Peter denying Chrift to a maid- fervant in the high-prielt's houfe ..... . - 365 at. The Roman centurion befeeching our Lord to heal his fervant 57 22. Four Engravings, viz. St. Andrew, St. Bartholomew, St. Barnabas, and St. James the Lefs 382 23. Chrift overturneth the tables of the mo- ney-changers, &c. in the temple. t90 24. Chrift, after his refurretlion, appearing inthe charaéter ofa gardener to Mary Magdalene 277 25. The angel appearing to Zacharias in the temple 12 26. Four Engravings, viz. St. Philip, St Si- mon, St. Matthias, and St. Jude.392 27. The wife men offering gold, frankincenfe, &c, to the child Jefus , 20 28. Chrift wafhes hisdifciples feet 223 29. Judas throws down the thirty pieces of Elver in the temple 254 3o. Jefus fcourged bythe Roman foldiers 26o 31. Chrift cleanfeth the ten lepers 172 32. Chrift's commit&on to his difciples to teach and baptize all nations a86 33. Our Saviour's parable of the rich man and Lazarus 168 34. Pilate wafflinghis hands, to teftify his innocence refpeétingChrift's death 259 35. Chrift crowned with thorns by the Ro- man foldíers 26o 36. Herod, having examined Jefus, and found him faultlefs, fends him back to Pilate 258 *** The of Subfcribers and Catalogue of Books, to be placed at the End. N. B. The Bookbinder is PARTICULARLY REQUESTED to beat this Book before the COPPER-PLATES are placed, that the LETT,FA-PRESS may not fei off on, and thereby fpoil, the ENGRAVINGS. A L I S T