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LORD and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST. John the Baptift was not yet cab into prifon, but continued preaching and bap- tizing, probably at Bethabara, the place of his former refidence. Some of the Jews hence took occafion to difpute with the difciples of John, about the propriety of this, and wanted to be informed, whe- ther the baptifin of JEsus was not fupe- rior to that of their mailer. Not being willing themfelves to decide this contro- verfy, or anfwer fo important a quebion, they applied to the Baptift himfelf. The prophet took occafion to remind them, how often he had declared, that the perfon they mentioned, was the Meífiah, whom God had fent into the world, to accomplilh the defigns of his grace, in the falvation of finners ; and that himfelf was no more than a meffenger to pre- pare the way before this illuftrious per - fon. He likewife proceeded to inform them, that his own miniftry now was on the decline, and would foon be at an end: He mull increafe, faid he, but I mutt de- creafe. The holy man continued his teíli- mony concerning CHRIST, by giving his inquiring difciples to underfland that he was above all, and as much fuperior to him, as the heavens were above the earth ; and though, comparatively fpeaking, no man received his teftimony ; though he was low and defpicable in the eyes of mankind, yet he was in the higheb elli- mation in the heavenly world ; that he was the well - beloved of his Father, and the heir of all things, both in heaven and earth ; that the fulnefs of the divine Spirit dwelt in him, and it was of the utmoft importance to mankind to hear, believe in, and obey him. And then the holy man concluded his miniflry with thefe remarkable words, He that believeth on the Son hath - everlafting "life ; but he that be- lieveth not the Son, (hall notfee life, but the wrath of God abideth on him. Soon after this, the holy Baptift de- parted from the banks of Jordan, and leaving the wildernefs of Judea, repaired 43 to Galilee, and often vifited the court of Herod, who feemed to attend to his pre- cepts, and take delight in his company and converfation ; but, as the Baptift was too briflly virtuous to flatter that prince, he took occafion feverely to reprimand him, on account of his cohabiting with the princefs Herodias. This roufed the rage of that haughty woman, who, on that account, procured his . imprifooment and death, in the manner before related. In the mean time, the bleffed JESUS continued in the wildernefs of Judea; great multitudes reforted to him, attended on his divine inllrualions, beheld the mi- racles he wrought, and were baptized by his difciples. His popularity daily in- creating, it excited the envy of the Phari- fees, on which account our Lord thought proper to retire into Galilee, and there continue that great work which he had fo fuccefsfully begun. In this journey, he paffed through Sa- maria, and being fatigued with travelling, and overpowered with the heat of the day, he fat down to rell by the fide of a noted well, near the city of Sychar (which was reported to be given by the patriarch Jacob to his fon Jofeph) while his difciples repaired to the city to purchafe provi- fions. Before their return, a woman came from the city to draw water at the well, and Jesus being thirby, afked her to give him to drink. The woman, knowing him to be a Jew, was very much furprifed at this requeft; for the hatred between the Jews and Samaritans, which had commenced four hundred years before this time, bill continued, and was, on all occafions, carried on by each party : How is it, faid the, that thou, being a Jew, aJke drink of me, who am awoman o`Samaria? For the yews have no dealings with the Samaritans. Little did the woman think, that no lefs a perfon than the Son of 3 God,