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LORD and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST. 71 Thefe twelve having been confiant at- tendants on our Lord, having learnt his heavenly doarine, and feen his wonderous works, and being fully qualified to preach to the world thofe divine truths which themfelves had received, were fent out to preach the gofpel of the kingdom ; but commanded not to enter into any city of the Samaritans, or of the Gentiles, but confine themfelves to the land of Ifrae], and to proclaim through the nation, that the kingdom Of heaven, is at hand. They were alto provided with miracu- lous power to prove the truth of their doarine, and manifefi to the world, that they came from God, and were com- manded to exert thofe divine powers with unremitting ardour, for the advantage of mankind. The command of their divine Maker was to heal the liick; cleanfe the lepers ; raife the dead ; calf out devils : freely, faid he, ye have received, freely give. And that they might be fenfible of the care of their heavenly Father, over the moil minute circumfiances which concerned them, they were enjoined to make no provifion for their journey, nor take any care about temporal things : Pro- vide, faid their divine Maier, neither gold nor brats inyour poles, norfcripfor your journey, neither two coats, nor (hoes, nei- ther yet Raves; for the workman ,is worthy of his meat. Probably the apoiles,' knowing that the whole Jewilh nation was elated with the apprehenfion of the appearance of the Meffiah, and the high, expeaations they had formed of his fetting up a tem- poral kingdom, might expo& to be re- ceived with honour and efteem by their countrymen, as they were going to pub- lifh the fpeedy approach of that kingdom which they fo ardently defired, and to work fuch miracles, as might . convince them that their declaration was true: but their Maker informed them, that the event, in this cafe, would not be anfwer- able to their expeaation ; for, iniead of being careffed and honoured by their countrymen, he affured them they Ihould meet with derifion and contempt : he in- formed them that they Would be defpifed and perfecuted, delivered to the rulers, and punifhed as wicked men. But, at the fame time, he promifed them the confiant pro- teaion and affllanee of his heavenly Father, and gave them minute and parti- cular infiru£lions for their behaviour on every occafion ; and let them know, that whoever rejeaed them and their meffage, Wouldbe rejeaed, and treated with indig- nation and fcorn, by the great Judge of, the world : but thofe who received them with kindnefs, attended to their preaching, and received it with honeiy and opennefs of mind, kindly contributing to their fup- port, though they gave but a cup of cold water to the leak of his difciples, Ihould not fail of receiving a large reward. The apoiles having received this corn- million, vifited all parts of the country, preaching the doktrine of repentance, and proclaiming the kingdom of the Meffiah at hand. They confirmed the truth of their declarations, by working of miracles, healing the fick, and per- forming every great world which was wor- thy their M'aier's caufe, and neceffary to prepare the minds of mankind to receive him ; while our great Redeemer continued the courfe of his miniltry in Galilee, and, by the divine eloquence of his preaching,.. and the wonders he wrought, proved him- felf to be the Son ofGod. In the eye of worldly wifdom, it muff feem a very foolifh and unpopular attempt, to fend a parcel of illiterate, defpifed Gaff- leans to reform theworld : how was it pof- fible, that fuch perlons as thefe, Ihould con- found the wifdom of the wife, and baffle the power of the mighty ? How was it pofftble, that they Would overturn the many falfe, religions which then flourifhed in the world, which were fupported by civil government, and hadeftablilhed them- felves