Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

. The Contents. CHAP. XXV. I CHAP. XXX. DirtOionr for fearful troubled cb,·iftians who are Diretiiom for tl,e fie'<.· p. 637 perplexed with doubu of tbeir fincerity and 1u· Tit. 1. DirelJimJ for a{.Jfe drath, to frwre J:~!· jlijication ? Cattfts and Cure. P• 612 Vltifln, I. For tbt ttnconverJed in tbcir fick_ncfi. CHAP. XX V I. •Direl1~m for declini1tg bacft-flidiNg CbriflianJ, about perfevtranct. P• 616 '1hew_ay offaUlngintoSelJJ, andHertjief, andEr– rqrJ. Andof declinin~ in Heart and Life. Sign1 'f dtclining. Signt ofa gracrlefl jlm. D•nge– rouJ figHr ofimpenitency. falft fign.r ofdecJiniHf!,· Motivu againjt declining. Direlliom againjl it. p. 616 Tit. 2· Direllion1 for perfeveraJtCe, or to prevenr . h.ckJliding. p. 6 J 8 Antidotes IIJ{ainft tbofe dolirines of prtfi~rnption -gbich wuul6 binder our perfivcrance. P· 623 CHAP. XXVII. Dittf/.i.ons for the poor. Tbe Temptation/ of the poor. The jpecial D11tieJ of the poor. P• 627 CHAP. XXVIII. Diretlifms fer the Rich. CHAP. XXIX. DirdJiolu for the weal(. and aged. (A fod cafe): J, For Examination, 2· For Re· pentance, 3· For {..Jitb in Cbrijf, 4· Fvr a new heart, love IIJ God, and rr[11itairm for obediwce. ~ TYt!l l,;te ](epemanct {erve tbe turn, in jitch a ca{c? 11. Dird7ionJ 111 tlu G,dfy for a f4'e deparwre. '!heir 1'empt.'ltimJ to be rcfifi,·d~ . 1"·6]7 Tit. 2· How to profit byour (tc~m[s. p G4 z Tir. 3• Direl1ions fi,r a· C•lm{urtable or pcace<Jb!e Deatb. p. 6+4· Dirtlliom for rcfi'ling the Tem– ptations "fS,,taJt in time1{fick,p~(s. ' p. 6+8 Tir. 4• Dire{ii.onr for doi1zg go,d to otherI in our fickzufi. P· 6 5 J CHAP. XXXI. Dircliillm to the friends tf t1Jt! fie~( that are abc:tf tbtm. P• 653 ~Can Phyfic~ lcngthm mwJ liveJ? ~ hit mtct t•• nuk._e Jtnunm ''' the fick thei•· d 'Hger of drarb? !JLMujt we tell b.Jd men of tbeir fin and mi{c~ ry when it may cxafperate the difeafe by troubling -them ? 9Z_ What can be dam in j:Jjhurt a time? ~.JYh.Jt to do. in doubtful ca[e1? ~JVhat ordtr jhou/d be obfirved i1t cormfcUing the i~n~r&nt and Hngodly wiJtn time is fo jhort ? Hclpr a~ t,.Jinjt exccffive {orriJW f r the d!!ath of friend!; Yea, of theworjl. A Form of ExbJrtation to be rtad itt Sick_nefJ ta tl>~ Vngodly 1 or th.fc that we jujlly frar are fucb. P· 6;7 A Form (If Exhortatiun ~~ the Godly in Si-Fzttt}i ; Fo11 their comfurt. 1'bri: dyi11g grrllfn/ andhYtJ. p. 66z TOME Ill. Chriftian Ecclefiafticks. CHAP. J, Or: ~he W"'jhip ofGod in General. The Natu~e 11nd Kea{1n1 of it, and Di,fllionJ for it. Ho"' to l(.m"' rigb1 Endt in rvorfhip, &c. P· 673 CHAP. 11. D.:reliiml abom the Manner of worjhip, tiJ avoid all corruptionr, and j.Jlfe untlcccptable worjhipping of God. p. 68o. The difadvJntagu ofu>tgodl) mtn in judgi>tg of holy worjhip. $(:. Hm> far •he ScrjptHru art the Rule or Law ofWIJrjhip aud Difciplint, and how far not? InjlanCIJ of thinJ{s uwlttermitted in Scripture. TYhat Com· ma~ds of Scriptur~ art not univerfal or pcrpau~ a}~ M.1y dan..:,er txcu{t from du1y, t.~nd wbcn? R~tles j'vr the rigln m.Jnmr. · CHAP. JIJ, Dirdlions about the Chriftian Cuvenant with Grxl, and B-•ptifrn. P• 688. The Covenant, what? Tht Par1iu, trltJtter, TermJ, FornJJ, nec(jfary Modrt, FrHill, &c. Extanal B.zptifm, whaJ? Comple.Jt Baptifm, what? OfRemwing tbeCoven:~nta CHAP.