Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

The Cohtents. CHAP. I V. ])ireni11n! ilbout the Proft/Jian tf our it.eligioit to othtrs. Tbt t.rtatnc{s t{ tbe duty of np_cn Pro[<ffio>~, VVbm and bow it muft ,be made. p. 692 CHAP. v. iJin{Ji,,,tJ ·abiJut Vows and particulJr Covinants >Tith God. P· 694 VVIut a VoR' H. 1he forti of VowJ. ~the 1t[r, the obligation. VVbttbrr any thing1 be in· diffacill : a11d fucb may be Vnved l As M3r– ryi,tg, &c. May we Vow thi1:gJ Indijftrent in tiJrmftlva, tbGuzh not i 11 their drcumjbnces :? 1-t wbat Cafu we may not Vow. VVh.Jt if 1\ulcr.f command it? VVh:~t if I doubt. whe– ther the Matter impofld be lawful? OfVowing with I! doubting Co1f[cience. Tit. 2. Dircaions againjf Perjury a11d PerJidi IU(– mfi : and for l(seping Vow! a.d Oath1 : .The bcinau{nf{1 of Ptrjury: Thirty fix Rules about the obligation of a Vow, to ]hew when and how f3r it i1 obligatory ; Jt{tful ill an age jligma~ tizrd 1l'ith open Prrjury. ( Moflly out of Dr. Smdcrfon). VVhat i1 the NuUity of an OAth ? Cafe! in which Vow1 mujl not be ktpt. . p. 7oo How fa r Rulm may NuUijie aVow? Numb. :;o. opened. Of the Accidental Evil of a Von>. Of Sc3ndal. ~ Dotb an error de perfona uufcd by that perfon difoblige me> ibid. CHAP. V f. Diretfions to the people com:erning tlecir Internal and ,rivate duty to their Pajlors, and their projiti•g by the Minijlerial Office and Gifi~o P·7I4 1he Minifterial Office opened in fifteen particulars: Tbc Rea[on1 of it. The true old Epifcepacy. Special duties to your own Pajlors above otherJ. OftbeCat'inJ!.,P6Wtr, and Succrflion of Paftors. The brjl to be prrfcrrrd. The Ordtr of Mini· rial Teacbing, and tbe Rt{olution of faith. How j11r f~ith conductJh td Divine. Of'(radi.titm : J/Vhat ufe to make... of your fa ..' flj"' J toP· 7'4 C H<t\..P. V11. ,... "' ..... . _.;\. Dirtaions fur tht difcovery of 'frutb among Gonwrders, and how to t{cJpe Herefie and de– ait. Cautiuns for avoidi~tg ! in Di[puta~ tioitl· ' P· 725 •. '{HI• ::: C HAP. v 11 r. · t "(:' Direl/ic)nJ fur the V,tion allil Communion ufS4itttJ, and f or avoiding uhpt.1ctohle1ieji and Schifm. ' P•7'll VVbtrein our Vnity con[ljltth? Vvh~t divtrfity J..... ;U be in the Chsrcbu. VI/hat Sc!Jifm is? VVh.1t > Hm[te? Vf/hat Apojla{tt? VVho are Schifma· tic/!,1 ? 'Ihdtgrm Jnd pi.?grr{l of it. VVbal. Stparotion i1 a dury: .Q: 1J ~tny one form (If Church Govl!rnment of JJiVint ap'pointmtnl ~ !t1J) man mak_e ntwCbt4rch Officer!: 'the Rene– fill of Cbrijli:m Concord ; to Jbanfolvu, and to Infidel!. Tbe miflbi<fl of Schijm>Vf/hrtbcr Pa• pift1 or Eroirjianu are SchifmmickJ? The aggro~ V:JtionJ of Divifion. Two hind.'on:u of o•r true apprebenfion of the tvil of Schifm. Dirt· ref1ion1 againjl it. Of impofing dtjefJive Litur: f,itJ. 1'he Ttjlimoniu of amiquity againft the bloody and Cruel way of CHring Scbifm. Their. Charalicr of Ithaci•n Prtl:JttJ. ' CHAP. I x. 1Wt1tly DirtliianJ how to TPorjllip God in the ci,rch .Affcmblie~. P· 7)5 CHAP. x. I Direl1Um1 11bout oup., CommHnio11 f'llitb holy foul! de· pa~ud, now with ChriJI. . p. 758 CHAP. XI. DirenionJ aboUt our Comm~tnion wi;h the holy A~tgcll' P• 76; -----------------~----- ( b ')) The