Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

Oftle Rir&ma»,efstdLamm. ,ç 7 And therefore though we beadmitted by tic Níinifler, and allowed by men to goe for Chrifiians; yet,if we be not Chriffians in lifè, and in the teflimonieof ourswne confciences fo, their teflimcniewill Little ui!e vs againfl Godscxamination,and the witnetle ofcur nehear ts.If we condrmnecurfelues, and if Ged condemn vs; what matter for thepraifeofrisen , cr their gCoè word , whole eyes we balmblearedwith our fee mings ? Let vs therefore approve our.felues to God and cur'owne confcienccs, by true repentance,truly and indeede to be "Chrifliaus. If we haue not repented thus, lei vs nowbeginne : 4nd ifwe haue;let vs doe it more.Let vs breake off our francs, cuen in the purpofe,cf our hearts; and rot thinke to fay, or thinkewe h uedone inough;becaufe we can fay ;We bane Abraham topair Fatker.Math.3.9. For toreceiue thefeales ofthecouenant without the writing , and when wehaue noprornife fromGod in our finfull ccuries, what is it but to rake that which is noneof,curs, and with great thine, ficale Gods fealesand prints , hick wemuffbringback againe with fhame,when he that fitic`lly obferuethall mens waycs,fhall lay : Departfromme, yee workers ofinrquitie; I knowyou not ? Luk. z 3. 2 7. Somuch for this richmans re., quell in the maner, the matterofit followeth, flamemercyofa, Je,&C. The matter of this rich mans requeflis , generally for mercy; and more1pecially,whereinhedefireth Abraham, to thew him mercy. As thathe wouldbefogood to him, as to fendLazaress,-e. -- And the mercy which he craned, is here limited to the fending dove ne of LKx..rtes to him , with a very f mall 9uantitieofwater to cc;ole his tongue, tormented in a flame offire that neuergceth out. But yet, by Abra?amt anfwei.e,in the next verle, it appeared) that hefailed cucn offc, final' a d upof mercy ; l cr:ufe v hile 1 e lit:ed, Le would Phewe Lo mercy to I z,;'a .rat l,is gate. And