Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

ofthe Richman,awdLazarus. 131 'lifie themfelues. Thirdly, the wicked, Seeing hiss c lidren who abode not in the truth,and whcfè name is flair:derer; muff needes do his works, and fay as hee will have them, John 8,44. Fourthly,fuch men are thevowed enemies of God:and what care fuchwhat they fayof him, and hnw theycharge him. Here then wefeewoofe children, and children ofwhat flocke and parentage they are, who complaine of God, when they fhouldglue him glory in his iudgements.They arenot ofthehoufe ofDauid, neyther haue they Dauidr fpirit in them : for,heconfeffed his fault, that Godmight be iufiifled inhis fayings,and pure when he iudgeth, Pfal. 51,4. He blamednot God,when he had told him byNa- thoin,That culli fliould he ray fed againíl himout ofhisown houfe,that the fvvordofdeath fhould-flrikeit,thathis wiues Mouldbedefiled,& that the child Mould die,2 Samba I; but cófeffeth,as it was,that he had defeated no leife,& that God in fo doing, was holy,righteousandiu[l, v. 13. Nor did Eli chargeGod when he threatned the deflru&ien of his houfe by young Samuel, but Iubfcribed, thathe might iuflly do what Same/had fayd, i.S4m.3. i8 :for,faythhe, It is theLord who cando nothing but wel.Andwith him iubfcribed 1-Ietechiah in a likemetfage Pent him fromGod, 2Kin. 20.1 9.But what did Herodwhen Iohnreproued him? He couldnot bearethe rebukeofhis mouth, but fent him toWarde for beeingfo bolde with theKing,Mar. 6. J 7. So the Iewes,when Steuen iuflly charged them,in (lead of iuflifying theLord in that iufl reproofe, they rather luai, fled themfelues in theirwickedneffe,.and in madne! a ran vpon him,and with f}ones murthered him,AE7. 7.51. 57. And what (hall we fay ofour owne times ? when Gods hand lyes vpon vs in forcegenerali or private fltokes for fin : doe we confetfe oar fins,and that God invitting for them is righteous?or dowe not rather murmur, and take on in theaffli lion,asifhe dealt bardly,or too cruellyvNith vs in fmiting`fofor fo fmall matterseToe we fay as Da- nieh 0Lord,righteoufñes belongcth vnto thee, and to vs S 2 open Vfe<