Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

ofdieRich lizij ;,andLiz ras. 77 in a Gately pallace while hehued, now dead,dwellethin an inglorious place of torments. He that had braue fellowes for his companions, bath for companions now , thedinne!I andhis Angels : He that fed delicately, is now fed with fire and brim!1one. He that had his pleafure here, is now tor mented : and he is faid to be tormented in hell ; both in ree gird ofthe extremi ie of torment , and e_ernitieof terme there. Which teacheth that there is no eafe in hell, nor end Doc1°,a. ofhell, or no goingout ofhelì,nor endofroraaentsin hell. The fi. it For where -hell is, there are tortnents : and in hell , th:reis t'rtnch of no redemption; that is,comming out. '`' This is thedoc`Irine ; and this cloIrine is a roote oftwo branches : The fìrfl , that there isan extremitie oftorments in hell; Thefecond,thattheíe torments in hell areendicae. For the extrgmitie of the torments, it expreifed in the Scriptures, by things moll dreadfull , and terrible out or meafurc : as vngrserchable f i re ; 3 . 1 d : a lake of Ere, burning with br:mitone : Apoc. i 9. 20 :and a lone o fire end brineone, Apoc.2o, i o.Ofall torments none is fo extreame as by Eire : for fire, andall delft uetionby fire,is terrible.B tit it is more,and molt terrible euerto flotevpon a riueroffire; nay,euerto be otter head andBares in a burning lakeof fire and brimflone. Terrible needes mull this be,i' any thing in theworld be terrible. Therefore, Ejty crieth out : Who candrvell with thedeatogringfare ? who can dwell with theoser- lafin? barning ? Efa.33.14. As ifhe had laid, no man can. Andyet thedamned(whom God will throwe into it) !hall by the power of his iullice be llrengthened for their greater increafeoftormentsvnfpeakeab e,to bein it,and to burne in it world without end. Further,and for further terrour,it is calledvtter d.xrkneffe Math.z.z. :3 : whereis fire, yeaawhole lake ofit, and no light : or `a dark,: land cowered with deadly óbfcuritie, where the light that is, it dxrkenefeJob. i o .13.2 z, It were terrible to be in a dungeon ofdarknes for a fhort time: how terrible then, tobe in this hell of darkneffe forewer ? 'They that loue darknes more then light , (hall haue inough ofit L 3 here)