Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

--- ----- ----:--:---=:--:---- Sermon in the ~ount. ~-. -·------1 lf-fatriJ.5. ""·4'· 9l I --I i Ad.+l4miriue Church, •fold tiuirpofi~Jfiomfor the relce- A 1 iOdccdc vpo·n prcfcnt hCccfiitie thty ate tObet; tting of thepoorc brcrhren in cxtrea',"clvant: ra- / rclccucd, bur yet \~ith tl~is aduerufemcnr) that rhcr diminil11ing thcirownc remporall cflar.c, they1ookc nor for It agame, bur rha~1 thcy pro.: rhen fiufe~:ing the poorc to wane that ·were 10 uidc fryr thcmfclucs by labouring in fame Jaw.:: cxrrcamc ncccffiuc.This Rule ought alwaics to full talling:fOr this comrnon rclccuing at mens Pc regarded and prathfc:d,efpccialy in thtles of doores, makes (o m~my idle vag::~.bonds a11d ., want; as for rhofe that make aduancascoftt rogues as there arc. · ,. ~ dearth; nnd enrich th~mfdues byG?ds JUdg..:. IV. P'oi?~_t •. In ~vhat orde: mufi ~~•c giuc.out' ~;~~~~~~~~e~: mcnt on the poore, they :uc mott tmferable &. Ahncs ford!l·b_nChonofpcdons? An f. Tout•h..: I wretched people, quite voidc ofeuery fi'ark of ing order in rclceuing _, the holy Gholl h<1th that gracious diipofition v ..'hich was in ChriH, laiddowne three Rules : FirH, by S. P:ml, lie r. Ru_!'"· who bcein1' rich, euen king ofheauen& earth, that prouiderh Itotfor his own~, rrnd tMmciJ for., I' l,l lm.s.!. k :J.Cor.S.9.· k nurc/ 1 hiil/folfepoore, thdt through his po_uertie, thcmofhi4 houjbold, is wo;ft then l!ff ln{u:le/1: I l 1 c might makf otlur.r rich. It is the will ofGod, whence this order m:~y be obfcrued, that I. a I that we fhould bearc one 3h others burdens,& m~m mull giue to them chat bee vf his ownc help to lift vp thcpoorc, that are ~rdfcd down houlhold and family: I!. tb his ownc blood, with the iudgct~cnt of God; \o\'htch wee lh<lll B ' kmred ~ and :tlliancc: I I I. vmo !hangcrs.Tha doe when we gmc not oncly ofour abundance fecond Rule is this, Gal. 6. 10. Do(' g~odvn!6 11. Rule.• m c~mmon want, but cucn of our ncccffarics all, hut fpt:Ciai!J to thehu;~fhold off.dth: hrft, he. in the cxtrcamc want of the poorc. lecucri mufi be rclccuc:d, and tlfrn all others ~ Ill. Poi;~t. To-..vhomemufrwcgiuc?An[. good or baddc. The third Rule is giucnby III.l\ule, ~~:!:ftrnc: To the poore:this p.ccds no proofe:yedn thcfc Mofcs, Deut.I 5· Jb.-wrec muft firjf releettc oilr poorc two things arc required. Firfl:, they mull: owne f"Oorc, that is, fuch as liueamong- vs, ,v,J be truly poorc:~hat is, fuch as arc indcc_d either thengillevntoftranger.r, if our abilitie will afl in common or cxttcamcwant: anJ of fi1ch S. foard, and theirnoccfficie Jocrcquirc. t r.Ioh.J·1· \ John faith, 1 lfrmy man h,me tbis w(ff/d.rgood ,an~ . V . .Point. HowmUch muHwe giuc?Toudi""- ~t~~~~f;1~~~h· foeth his 6rotbcr haue need:; Jf hujlJut vp hr:1 ing the mca'furc ?four Almcs; thcr.e is no parAlmc:s. Of~iuingto lu!li~bc:;;g(rs. m loTh({{', po. comp4Jlivn jam him, haw dwellcth the loHc of tiru!ar cpmtnandcment .irlStripmrC: bttt yet Godin him?Secondly,thcymuft be fuch as can the(c. generall Rules may thence-bee gathered. nc:>t hclpc.tbcLHiclucs, Lcuit.lS• 3~· !fthybrflF1yfi, r,bat ttman.zl rlotb'pu;;d ttJj;tltea/1 t!Mt h~e 1 • Rule. fhcrbceimpouerijhed, andh~tlleatremhlinghand, h.tth:-Prouo 5· 15, 16. Drink_'e th~'"J o.f thOH(h.rlt releeU< h1m: the man ofa tremhling thine cw»~ tiftti-ne 3 ofudfowingjhea_m/s or!tof h11nd, is one that is notable to rtiaint3ine him.:. thc.midtkj} of thin~- owr.e well· :~et rh; finmfelfe: of this fort arc Orphans, widowcs, the C tai»es difperfe themfehtes abroitJ? Where vndtlr· aged, ficke, blind,lame,rnay!llcd in fcruicc,and a'n allegoric borrGwcd from '"'''<ttcrs, 'tile hbly fuch like, all thefe mulhbcc rdceued. But the Ghoft ditecl:crh ~111:\li, fbr the difpofing ofhis cafe flandsotherwi[e with that kind of poorc:, riche~;Hiamc1y,cornfbrtably to·enie-y-Jlis'o-~A·nt which wee call IHjlie heggm ;who arc able to goods,and yctto bellow fo:ne parrrhcrcofon prouidc for themfclucs, if they would take thcmthatwanr:&Lu~."'IJ.I I.Lnhimtbathllih p3.incs: S. Pau!J r~le bclo.ngs to them, m .If two coateJ,gille"( not both) hupo;UJ.tohimt!Mt thq willnot work! "i the; mnft n-or Mte: that IS, WoUJteth: where we fee thCiufily..rcbllke(l, th:i.t they mull not'be maintained on the Almes of 111 prodigali"ticdoc riOfoufly lauifl1 ~& fp<:nd al1 I the Church, ·0!.<f.. t. What mull fucb ltillie thao nhcy h'luC :' for ifa man tli~Y hoi:gi'ue all; .: poore doe? .Anfio. Thcy.muft be imploycd in much ldfo rllaJ h<lfpcnd •!.I w\lful'lji)t.f I. Rule. ;. """· Come lawfull calling, whorcin·theymay labour :1. Cor, 8. IJ.· Awiin muft'hbt fo (F.)tf:ei to other.;, ; to gee their oYmc bread, :md not cate the cornthat hehimfe{(f begjiesu'd., andrho/ /ie·J~~fod a!to.:J ' mon foodc of thnfc rhat arc poorc indec:dc:. gethn-•. /"1 fr.s'Rrl!t••:Almcs rtfult' b"t::}ldc:Ordlng 1 • Rule. ~ For the Church and Conunon-wc~lth arc as a ·t.d'tho.giucrs ab"'ilitfic-,.-and· Withalba. . ·brwcrnblc j m:m.s bodic, wherein Cucrjc mcmbcdiath-his to the ncccffitie ofthe poore, vtrhCt~lbr 1n foOd fetterall office ,·for the good of the whole bo- D .raymet)t, orbarbour: ~o 'Jlau! (a;th f fJ•<lllliiilg die: ~rt"d indcc-edc cucry man fhould hauc not of common ttlcdfeJ·iq· Tht! fliinif!YdtiOH-bf" th!~ q 2.Cor.S1.u. I oncly a gencrall callrng of> Chri!lian ; •bur a [l'r'ulcejupprierh rhe flevt!f!irie of rb.'lMI>ts .- and r. particulnr calHng alfo, wh~~oln ~e.rnufi·_imP,loy S.1a'me.s req~ircs,~i:ha.t in rclccf~ fii~- things·U~ r larn,l.Jto:. · himfclfe forthccommon goodm IS agamflthc giu~n' M b<11eerlefo.!! tf rhebodi"':hi·d:Oi:<ut."l'5l word of God, and thclight ofnarure,tbat any ~: lf:I'J ftroth<''be:rJore, (houjlmltop~• rh; haniJ lhouldliuc hauing nothing to d'oc. _.A.i"rmin vntohim,a,dlmdhimfojfiticnr.[Jtll#hre;J.whith his innoccndcwascnioync_d·co workc iu the hihitrl1/o.. . o: .. ~ •. :>..i.t '\ .\ \ -,~ I I n tuk.1 1,, garden; and our n San}1ftr C/;ri.ft befOre his :; .}:r 1;· Roint:;In "''.harp/aa-e.niu~,{\l::ncs, bc·~i~ 11;~ pJac:e of "" 1 th :.ruk bapti(mc, liucdvnder his fachcr in apa1 titttlar uen?. T ouchingJtht'-.placc ~ve mttfi1k!.Jow th1s; Al111ca. 1 b 1 " ' callmg:, till he was thntle ye<trcs old';''whbfc thatr1it is ::t. _.difb rdcr. not b.efeetli9ng GodS I ;.~~~j~.i,i,;~g examples we mufl: follpwe. fd!!,erf. z. Wh:tt JS Church, to g!Uc rclcdc to '· bcgacrs ~hq;r,.:r~ a our dutJC to,.va.rds chcfe luilie beggers? :Anfiv. at on~ dores:chis·~nuy app'earc by .t:lle~Cr"{·;f~nsi . 1 ~~~~t Mur1 0 l.ThdT.J. From 0 Patt/J rule we may g:tther, that we inufl: ;r. I~·ia Gods c::onima:ndcmcm, f tb.:u.amm'lghis llc:afons.f. <o. l not mdm:trtly a.nd of cufl:omc rclecue thCm: pepP!CJthert Jb(Ju/d bee I;'O fitch hed~r.r : if :trl~ 1 Llc:uto~; .. ~. ;__ _ __:______________________I::,.cx:___ -----=~mati . '