Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

92 I e.JlnEx11o'itian ofChrifls ' Mmh.'f. r 'J" 'J I "·42 • --- 1 1 manaskc, how thcpoorc ·were then rdceucd! A rclccfc for .the poorc: forth~-~ Ar;o(Ue crJm- \ h 1'Cer.l6. 1anfwcr, God tooke fuffitient order for their the Corinthian.f, that each ~n~ iho11ld 1 u, t Lcv.19 9 \proutfion: for firH:, the husbandman t mu/f not lay afide vpon that day, according asGod ktl\ gather hu gr:lpeJ cleane, nor yet hu corne field, protpercd him the week before, that which he {;m leaue the after-gatJurmg andgleanmgfor the ...voulcl gmc for the poore: where by the way,it u Nurn at.1C" poore. Secondly, befides the ";careiJ Tenthu may be obferucd , that daily giuing at mens ~81:~~:t·'4- !for the Pridfs llnd Leuires., euery x Jhreerearu doores was not allo~,\·cd by the .A. poHlcs. AltO I tenthcs were to bee gmhcrcd and kJpt for the touching Trades-men this may bt: added: from poore, andfurJfrttttg~rs. Thirdly,cuery feaucnth this, that the Apofile makes contribution for yearc the land V\' as to reft, and all that it the poorc a Sabbath da;es work.£; that whereas brought for that yeare, wirh.thc fruit of vine~ they vfe to imploy part ofthe Lords day, both yardS and oliucs was for the poorc. Exod.13. moming and cuening in fcruing rhc1r cuI r. Againc, in the OC\'\'C Tdlament the .Apofiomers for their owuc private bcndit,this c:m 1 files ordrlincd, that in cucric Church there not be warranted: onely this they may do ;vpY A&.6.J~ fl1ould be'! Dcacom; that is, men of wifdom,c on the Sabbath they Jhould fell vnto none,but and difcrcdon, who wCrc to gather for the to fuch as buy of neceffirie , and rhen they Time of :a~mes·gi·. urog. ltulcs.r.· I r:·.. poore, and likcwifc to difpofc ofthat which B may not make apriuate gaineof their fale, but was giuen, accor~ling as cucry man had neede: mufi turne that worke to a workc of mcrcic in which very order of prouilion for the poor, for rh.~ poore, either felling without gaine if the Lord forbids all vvandring bcgg~g. 11. it bee a poore bod1ethat buycs;.or giuing rhe Thefe wandring beggcrs, arc the fhame &. regaine ofrhat wh1ch they fell to the rich,for the proch ofthe people where they"~rc fuffercd:for rclcefc of the poore. This indeed will hardly it argueth·wanr ofcare ofgood order in goucrbe obtained at rradcs-mCs hands, bur yet they nors, and ''\'ant ofmcrcie in the rich, that chey mufi knowe that the whole Sabbath day is the gathcrallto ,th.cmfelucs, witho~trcgardhow Lords, wheremhc will be worfhippcJ \\'ith the poorc {houldliue. I I I.ln rclcuing thcfc dcliglu,ncirhcr ought men to do therein their wandring bcggcrs, there is this double want ownc·workcs, nor fceke their ownc wills)nor in the giuer ; _he ca1fnot tellwhat to giue, nor fpeakc their ownc \.Vords.Ifa.58.1j. how much : bccaufc he kn_owcs not theJbtc V I I I. Pomt. ln vvhat mann~r mufi almes The mtnncr f · j b h · b A .~ f ofAlmes0 the partie t lat egger • Now in ..aJmes c giuen'=? .nn 1 w. Hereo more is to be fpokcn giuiog. deeds there ought to be adouble difcrctiP:the in the chapter fOllowing : yet from this text giuer oughno know both his owne abi!itie, thcfe things may be obfCl'ucd:Fidt,that Almes. and alfo the neccffitie of the receiuers. I V. giuing mufi bee free; the giucr muft neither Common rclccuing at mens dOores makes ma- C lqoke for recompcnfe at the hands ofman, nor ny bcggcrs,and maintaines a wicked generatithinke-ro merit any:,thing.thereby at the hands on: for theft; wiidring bcggers are for rhc mOfi of God. That PopHh conceit depdues a man part flat Ath~ifh, regarding oothing but thdr of rhc true cotnfort o£ the fpirit in this worke bellie, feparating thcmfelucs from all congreof.mcrcic: none: but Cl\rifl: by his obcdtcnoc gations :and (rom begging many fall to .Hcacould cuer merit at Gocis hands. Secondly,our .J;ng;or elfc they take fuch pJeafurc therein rhat hearts in giuing·mufl: be touched with charitie, they will ncufr leallC it, no not for aycarcly and the bo\"·lcls ofcompaffion; wc..nlllfi glUe rent. This·is,kl1ownc to be true by expcr.iencc. with chcerefulneffc: for without loneall that wee All \o\;.hich 1 things duly cpqfidercd;muH mooue giue is·nothing, I .Cor 13 . 3.and, the Lordlouerh the Magifir.ateS and CliCr~'Qth~r in thcir..p'lacc, A cheer~fu!lgiuer, 2. Cor.9.7• now ifwe confito fee tha<;better order b<. •obfcrued for... the dcrthe poore as our ownc flclh, an.d fee Gods poore then doore-rclciuing to all that come. image in ·them, this will moouc vs to pitie. And fith good !awes al'e"m<! this b.ehalf<;, Thirdly, in theperfon of thcpoore wee mull ·men ought in. t:onfciencc- tO[ee the, fame..obconfider Chrifl Icfus, & giuc vnto them as we ferucd a1.1dkept: neither dn.any man.without D woUld giuc vmo Cbri!l.This will moouc vs to finnc tranfgrelfe the fame. Indecde ifgood or. giue,& that ehecrf'i1lly:fol· in the da!j,ofiudgedcr were not prouidcd fot .thepoore , it were ment ChriA: Y.•ill make it known that hecomes better toJelce.ue rhem iru:hcir w.idring courfc, for rcleefe to the rich in the pcrfon ofthe poor: then to fufft:r them to Harue:for fe dealt ChrHl to the mercilcffc he will fay, bIn M much M ye . b Matth.'S· ..andhisdifdplCswirh th~P,oorc-,'wben goo.d. didit'11ottothem,yc d;d irnott().me:buttothe 1 'fS· order fail$: cl ~n1ong the Je,\es ,_theyrde~cued merciful! rhus , o: In a? much tUyee dtdvnto one e ,.,,a. them in th'eh.iJih waie>and!lrcetcs. ' of rhe leaftof thifemy brethren ,ye bane do.e 1t V I I. Point, .At whartimcmufl A.lmcs bee vntom~. Fourthly;o'Jralmes muftbc giuen as giu<'n? .Anfiv. Hereofthe Sctipturc fpcaketh a pledge of ourth•nkefulncs vnto God forthe little, y<it.this may be gathered thence: Fidt, blcffings we enioy ~ for aU we hauc commcth that relccfc mu!l be giucn whcb prcfent occafifrom Cod, ti tfndofhri hand it iJ, wh:ttfoeHer lVe ~:·chr.J9· on requirc,th :·therefore Sa!omon faith, q Say giue-:'how heprofe{,that when mendog(Jod, not to tl~y neighbour, Go~41..1dcomr. agtti!l~ to •morc·and d!flrib;n~ to th~poo;·e)_heb· well plra[etf·with c Heb.rp.S rowc, ifrhpu no'R' hauc il• .Secondly, that the fuch facrifices. Sabbath day is a fit time.. for the giuins~of Hauingfcenc \\'hat this d;~e of ~~·gi.:. .-·..----.-.------uing--·--