Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

/ Matth.5. ~ t ~.-toti,te$ to A:~mes-~i. \ling. g :.Co:.;.J.6. I i rt.,prlrtie ,.,fg<wds l;a.w(!l!!, uing is, and how it mufi be perfo~~~:~::: ~er·!~a:::i:•cnioy them by hope; bur yet I Pjnow iliac vp our fclucs to put the lam: H1 pra1 , the l:Tuirion ofthca1 in :tCluall proprictic,is 110t I CtiCe: and to moouc vs hereunto coniHler the hnd before the dayof iL!dgelJCllt. , rca(ons following. I. VVe all defire to be cet~n-· I Againc, ifgiuing to the poore be a dut.ic of Vn1~e·l r~"~· red righteous; now ifw·'cc!d bl:·fuch mc;:ucry one, ;vhom God enable~ hereunto, then ! i~~¥u~t~· dccdc, we mutl: vifit thefather!cJ{e aud widowJ, no man m:~.y voluntarily dif..1blc himfrlfc fioml we muf.t doegood, rmd git$e a!mci t:> the poore: it; whereupon the Popi01 prad.iff: ofvndcrg_o... for t.~is is pure rc!tgion a;1d V»1:-Ji!ed beforr ing voluf1taric poucnit f.·llls to the ground, ~S· God, as f Iamei faith. To come to the Church vnlawfull: for lhcrcby rhey.dif1bl-: thcmfducs Rhl"rn.on and hcarc the wotd, and to rcccmc the Sacravmo this dutic. Indeed~ the PapHls make.this 1 ;.t~tt.l;.dcd. I ments arc good thtngs; but\\ tthout mcrctc to / afttrlt'of pufeEli~n, but DaHJd iudgcd br:gging 1 ~r~:.'~r~~f~. thepootc thcr arc not regardtd,b'Jtharcdof 1 tobcat:urCc,Pial.I09,IO. cls hccwould one <.~o. , God, If::t. I ,J 3, I 4, I 5. I I. Ifa man !houldof ... I hauc fpokcn of ti·ccdomc from bcggcric as of ' fer vnto vs apcicc of .ground to manutc_~n.d a ble~ng,which he doth,~fa.37·2 'i./~.ef't!rfow till for our ownc rcapmg, wee 'vYould rake tt B 1 therfgi"'teo;uf()rfok,sn,nor hufoed~ 6eggt;;g. kindly, and bellow both and feede vpLaJlly, in this con~mandcmem fn d1c error G~tht'r· on ic; behold rhe poore arc fcnt ofGod to the ofchofc.mcn, char glUe thcn~fclucs wholly to ~~~~~:d: rich,as a peicc ofground to be til!cJ,and when gather r1chcs to thcmfclues, ·bccing like ro the they giuc to the poore, they fowe vpon the: moutc which is alwaics digging in the earth: ground: now as Ptutl faith in this cafe, g loolzy for God requir:cs,that a man G1ould giue as wd ;u amanfow~th, fo {lJa/1be reap~: we therefore as ge~. nay he mufi get to giue, & not to keep: mufi fow liberally, that we m:~y alfo reape lifor God is more glonfied by giuing, then by.. bcrallv. I I l. Prou. '9.17. !le thdt h:ahm~rcy kccping:and herein his children rdCmble their' vpon zhe pocrl!, lmdcth ~be Lord: we would hcaucnly f.1thc~, wh~ rct·ciucth nothing of~ny cafily be mooucd to lend, tf we had. an hondl: m:m, ri~d yctgJHethb~eraf'J to ~~~~rie one that N• man to be fiJrctie vnro vs,.for rcturnmg of our k;rh, )JJJthom rtproachmg a"], lam, t ·5• owne with advanragc: wdl 1 the Lord offers ~lmlfi'om himrh.zt lPoJJ!d 61)rrow of rh~c, turnt himfclfC to tl1e rich to be luretie for the poorc; not aR~»J.] Thefe words containe Chrifis iC-. who rhen will fi:::1rc to lend hauing fo good a cond prcccp.t_, tou~hi!1g requiting good fore; dcbrer? . I I I I. If thcfe promifcs will not. uil,raken frQmlcnding & ~orrowing.Toknow o(~<oa;,g moouc vs, let vs confider the fCarCfull curfcs the ~aningofthis Rule thr~epoinrs arc to be J.poin~~. :~dc:atr~~~:t::t~~~~;h~~~%:;~;;ri::::; c ~;:~t\~~1; ~it.\:: ;~1:~/~~~~~;: ~~;,1;~·;;;a~ ~r:::I· .. lack$,fo IJ~c that bideth h1~, jh~t-/1 \yhat lending ls, is \\·ell knowne by common h~uemdnJ cur[u, Prou.28.27. Andh~th11tflop- · is a ciuiH contraCt or bargaine in P"h hiuam artburying ofthrpoor<, hrjhaOtry which money, cornc, or fueh like goods, pa(fo ~tndnothehrard: Prou.21.t8. and thewofUH frommantoman)bothinrcgardofvfeand d"' fencencc ofcondemnation fhal be pronounced tic: yet fo, as the borrower is bound in confcjvpon the wicked for the negk£rof this dutic, encc to rcturne the thing lent Vlito him, or elfc M:1tth.25 .41 ,42. t·hat which in value is cquall vnto ir. .. ..,~;~~;~~~' ,;:~~~:~~~,;~r~h;t fri•;: ~hch~~l;h~~ cir~:.·n:;;;;~}~~;t,~r~~~~;~'a-~:Jf~~c:,;ttf,:; :~:~~E~. God, thot among his people thorc fbould be 4 but mull be fupp!ied out of L«l:.!, chap.-6, 34, proprieticof goods, and that all 01ould J5. where Chriflforbidsrhcm to lend , asJin• notbe common in that bchalfc: for Lhc Lord lf(rJ dot, to rectiJtc the lik.! ag!une: {;tt (f.1ith he) ! would hauc fame ~0l1:1uc t<? giuc ,1.~1d fome tO ~!·UJ oHr entmiu,anddoe good, and lmd, /o()k.i 11 g want that they m1ght recctuc; whtfh ·would for nothin ...{ agamt,. where it is plainc, chat lcn. not be, ·ifall thi~gs_ lhould bee common bot.h D 1 ~ing muLl be to fuch as arc truely p·oorc, and. for vfc and propnct:c, os feme h•uc fondly •- nor able ro lend again like for like. For rbc beomagincd. lfanym:tn think it was fo in the priter vnJcdlandjng whcrofwe are to know,thac mitiue Church, bccaufc it is faid, h thq hadall jn humane Societies there bre three forts of :hingscommon, he is. to know, that thzt cammen, Firfi fuch poorc as are vnablc to prooide rnunitic was iu fuc~ things oncly, as men had for thcmf'thJCS thi~1gs ncn·ff.:~;ie, by rcafon of then frcdy giucn for the common good. And fomc impotcncic, as fickncife, age, lameuts,or yet cuen.thcn, non~ was co.mpclled or ?ound fit eh; and thcfe are commonly called begm confctenc~ .ro gJUc 3ll hts fu~~~ncc n~ th:!~ . gcrs. A fccond fort arc thofe? whtch bceing fort: for there 1 Peter tell~s .AtMmsu, Ihat hupoJpoorc haue 'jet a trade, whcrcm they can prpfcjfion, 'wM/c it remained vnfold, appertained to ui'de fi:J'rthemfelues fome part of their maintC· hi.m , andafter it WM fo!d,the price :hereofwM ia nancc, and yet by rcafon of their poucrtic,flill lw orrm~ power to d,fpofe of 4! he would. ObieE!. 2. ·wa:rit (ome things ncccffarit', ,.,· ofthem.. All things bdong to belceucrs, M Paul faith, fclucs they cannot procure. The third fon arc J•forrs of 1 men in polj.. 1ikc bedic:s. I Allrhingrare;·ours, I. Cor. 3. 2 1. & tl)crcforc rich tm:n, fuc!1 as haue worldly goods in abun- 1 they ought to be common• .An{o The Apofilc dancc,uot 0ncly fuffi.ciem.for.thcir nccdfarie~ me:ulcth , thatthcy had right in ChriJ,ho all but 11111<h ~~~plus : noww e>eh of th~~~~~J.-·- -- '