Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

9+ I ', eAnExpojition of Chrifls ---. - longs l1is peculiar dutic. _To th_c fi~Hfort of A ginnestodccay,thcreforcthcywithdrc~vrhcir l'oorc-that hauc the (halz!ng har-4 (as Mofcs hdpc,.)c'-fi-hc lhou!d not pay them agamc,But M.arth,~, ~ lO.ev.~HJ· k fpcakC'th)almcs arc duc;and they h1uH be rethis Ought not to be fo: its Chrifts comm:mdclccu·cd by giuing frcciyyas V\"C hauc fi"l.C\ovcd in mcnt, rb:it t~c rich hy lending thould fufiainc lhnfterof lending. the former precept.To the fcc6d fort ofpoorc, [uch a one as by rc;~fon 6fwam,is rcadic to fall belongs knding properly,lpccia_Uy then,when into decay. their neccJliry requires.To t.+rc rich,nc•thcr gift SeconGly,this command ofChrifi binds the 2 nor loanc is due; but on the ·contr::uic they Rich notonly to lend, but tofleud freely with- ~J~~~-lcn· ought to giuc and lend to the poorc, maintai-- out taki1rg any incrcafc: fort 1ey mufi lcnd,not ning thcmfc!~les by the honeH.Iab_our ~u~d inlooking for any ~gainc: yea, Exod. 22.2 5. the dufhic of the1r lawfull ca1Lngs. · Lord exprdfely forbids to takc)ncrcafc ofthe 3· Pomt. In vvhat manm:r mufl: mcnlenrl? poore: where we fee the commonproCli{C of An[w. \1\'ith awt!lir.g mitidc, "''ithout any fhc\t\' Vfi1rcrs condemned to the bottome of hell, ofgrudging, cit.,.cr in fpecch , or by turning~- who lend vnto the poorc vp1>n bonds for in- ,v-.·ay the heador bodie; as it is here fatdc,From: crc~fc : thcfc are they, that Jiue on the blood · him rh.1tJVOJtld borroli'e of th~e mrr.e not awa;: & llfe ofthe pc:>ore, whofe finncis cucrywhere which propcnic in the lcnder,is yet fu~;ther ex- B COJldcmned, and ought to bee hated as bloodpretfcd by Lnk,:, faying, Lend, /(Jok.!_ngfor nofhcd ir'felfe. ;But the rich ...,,.ill fay, they arc in- _ thing ag.rin~: ""here ChriH cloth not f1mi1ly fortreated doe, and arc grcatlythapked for hid·men to looke for that \yhich they icnt; but fo lending. Anfw. This cxcufe will not fcrue ~is n1caning is, to ll"IC\-\'C with \'\'hat affeCtion the turne: for Sauls-arrnour was a mmand difpoGtion of heart mc:1 ought to lend : thcrcr for killing his maller , thouoh Saul namely, hauirrg rcfpect oncly to the good of earnefl:ly b~fought bim fo to doe, • 2.S~m.1.9. ,the party borrowing,and not to the reHitution 16. ofthe thing lent; as"' hen a poore man comes T hirdly,hcrc funher lcarne, that a man mufi to borrow, · .. ve muft uot rcafon thus \'-'ith our lend, and yet not ahvaies take againc the prinfdues; This mc.n is poorc, and it may be v.·ill cipall: indecdc he may1'equirc, and recciuc his not pay me; nor rhus,This man is painowne';els there 01ouldbe n_6lcnding but all gifu11though he be poore, and is like to pay mcc uing,which t\\'0 are here diflin8::bur yet when againc, and thercfor~ I v\•illlendo This ( faith thepoorc that borro'-tvcd, is fallen into further ChrHl) U the praCli{e of fmierJ, V.:ho lcnl~\bt• pouertie, the Ric.h mull turne his lending into eattfe they look$ to rteelue the-lfk.!. Bee 'r'hou giuing,:mdforgiu<! theprincipall or part thcrrhc·rcforc mooued to lend \'pon. a good dcflt'e of, as their feueralll cih.tes ihall require Deut. to hclpe the poore, at~d let not thy bee C 24. 10,11,t 1. Amanrna.y takcapledgefor his runnirtg vpon the10fle, or fafe returnc·of the' debt ofthc1>oorc: but yet if the pawnc bee a . fhing lent.Thus is that cl~ufe 6f Chrill, lool:jng thing 11tte{[11rit to thepooremmll life ,lJemuftnot for nothil1g l!gainc,tobe vndcdl:60d,-and not to tak$ it , or at lefl.jf not retains it till the{i1m1f be applic(i to the gaine ofvfi1ry,wherat Ch·ri!t fottU:g. aimeth not in this place. .Fourthly,fome may here aske(fccing Chri{l 4 1 i~~d1 n"· 15 1 Fir~, here obfcrue, that to ten? vt~to the 6idJv1 lendloofingfurnoth!"l. ag-aine,) wh_ethcr 1 ~f~~~~~!g , cluuc. g peorc,ts acommandement ofGod,bmdtng the may a m~m at no time wtth good c.onfctencc in~r~."rdQr , confcicnce 0fthe rich: it i~ not left free to rhe rccciue incrcafe for his lending? Anfw. Len... lendm;;• . .t·ich·l'nans' c~\oi'Cc, whclher V\"e willcnd or not, ding is two-fold: of due, or of currdic: lcn· but ifthe poorCmans co.fc require, he llnncs ading ..of due is the lo:~;ne of the rich vnto the 1 g-ainll God, if hc·doe notknd: for he breakes poorc, wbcnhis nccdfitie compclls him to , this commandcment./)meid therefore makes it borrovV: a11d for this a man cannot with good thC-propertic of IJ. .._f.ood,mt~n to he n;er-cifid!, mr_d confCicn'c rake any increafc. Lending'ofcurto /cnd:Pfal.r 1:.5.whcr~ we fee that wretched tefic is, when one rich friend lcndsvmo·an opr:~Clifc of m:my ri-ch men condclllned·to the thcr: this is not forbidden in the word ofGod, pit ofhcl,·who ~re fo·f.1ncfrcm lending :to the D · but Is left to a mans ownc libertie and diferctipoorc, that they hoard vp rheir !lore,til :l time on,neither hath it any promife ofreward.Now ofdearth,tha.t then they may inriCh thc_nlfclue_s -in this cafc·ofcu:rcfic,_I do not ?ndc !n Scrip- ! bypoorcmcnswant: :md thus they l!1Crdde t1ue that all tak1ngofmcreafc 1sfimply conGods iudgcment vpon the poore, and as it _demneJ: nay, in fomc cafes, both tl,\C lawe of 1 Jf.,. 3., S· were, J "rind!! rhdrf.ues,:md 111 tread vpon thrm, Jl.1turc, and the: bwcs of all countries doe alm Amo.5• 11 ' as th:c h~ly Ghotl fpc::tkcth. But they lhal O:nc low it: as firll, \.-\·hen t_hc encrc:~.fc is giucn onCafcs~¥bcr· day find,that they Ol!t;hrto h:iue lent vnto rhc ~Y in way ofth:mkcfulndft, as a blcffing to rern ~ m:~nln~t poore, in thei_r nc..·dtitics; y~a,_ and whc·n the quit~ in ki~l£\nc.ffe ag~od turnr r.e:eiued:for in:- ~~~:}:£~:· hand of God m common want heth more hcagratttud~ ts ab. horrcc; ofall, ano tlte lawof n~- .1 /cr.din;. uic vpon the poorc , they Oil ght then to open ture rcqu:res to doe good.for g~od: and all Dttheir hands more liberal!)' to\.vards them. It is uincs b?th Protdlants :mdPlp1fls do.c nllowc an vfual1 and common praCl:i~c, th:n: when a this kindcofmcrcafc. ScC"ondl~·, whero a m'an l 2 m:ln beginncs to decay in his dhte, no mall: fu~lain_cth dammage by his l~n_dmg~ he m:Jy r~- I willkndhimany thing; but b·ecaufc hec·becemc mcreafe by way ·of f:ltlsfaCb on f'Ol" h1s_ -- - ·--- l?!fc.,, ~-- •.r.:.