Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

: /lf.~tt1J,5· i•'··ti· ,--- Sermon i'n the t-.'1-1ount. ~- ! p~ ) loffc.1'hirdly, when a man i.l; eontc~tcd to ad- [ A' N~igh6our,. \\}H~h m th_c old TcH:imcnt tsto.- Nc1~hbour, . ucmurc his princiJ:Y.lH in the h.'lnrl o!· him that- [ ' kct~ two \.V:1l~s,cahc~· Hn&ly ;'ltld m~re prc,pc_r.:.. ~~~~~~~ Lwl,) ·.1 borrowcthit,.then :1.lfo may hct::~~cincrcaft; l 1 1 !y ~o.r a fa.n~dtar_fi·cmd t~.nd antuamtancc 1 m 1 like as.a mnn_moy rcceiuc hire for Ius horfc, ~r / wb11,;n (c?le H 1s commo~ly take~; or 1~1~r~ g~..:. j [for chc vfc ot any crbcr ooods H5.din•,.to che1r ncrally, for any one that m any l:md or locu:cJe I ' loffc. Exod. 21. 14. 0 0 is ncarc vmo vs; as b)' confanguinitie-, habit:t.:. Duties of I Thus we fee who.t the will ofGod is for gi"" tion,offiE:e,traffiguc,or beingoncly in the fame i tbc:paarc:. ruing and lending VJltO rhe poorc: now hcnc(; pl~cc \:ll[h vs: JOr fo is rhc Samari:n~ f:~id rcr ' z. the poore may rccei~~ infl:rudion, Firfl,hcrcby be nc1ghbour to tht; m~n . th;tt. h:·~l amot~g ! Cm1tcnu.· all m:ty learn<:, that vod~·ill haue fome poore thccucs, /Je,·m~ brf j:mna htm (Jm"i~m th( W"11J I.:ok.H:qr., 1among his pcoplc,to rccctue and borow ofthe wluu ha trl11!~zl(!d, tmd had cr;mp,tjpan ar. him. n· I rich: which may fcruc to pcrfwadc the poorc No\~ th~ Icvv1fh teachers le~uc the g:ner~ll robe cemented with their u1canc dbtc, cHe~:- fi~mficau~n ofrhc V\'Ord, wh1ch cxprcHcd the 1 ming it to be the bdl: f?r tl.lcm,bccaufc God_m ttue.mcamn~ of~hc holy Ghoft, ~n.1d tak.e the 1 I his V\ifcdemc :mdptoUJdcncc hath or~:tinc_d Jt. fp_:ctall fign~fica~10n, and ~o rcHr:tinc I ... Secondly, thepo01e mufi take occahon from B ot Ioue to fncnas oncly. V\ hereby V\ e fee how scc:nc:... wb~ thetr outwa;,dpoucru·c- to fecke to be r1ch tn lt neceffadc it is, that the tongues ·Wherdn the rlchlnJ:t;lcc- ~ God through grace: lam. z. S· flath not Gad Scriptures werepcntJcd,i'holJ!d be \Yell knO\\·n chaftn thepoareofthtnvorld, t!Jdt tbcy foould 6e ~nd ~ndcrl1ood: for the m:fiaking ofthc-figniuchmfattb? Hcrcm they may matcl1, and goc: hcauon of a wdrd by the Icwifh tc~chcrs,cau..r beyond rheuchcr fort; V\l11ch IS a matter of ~ fed amanifdt error to be tatlght among them great 10y: Jam. I. 9. Let the brorhrrof /or~ defor truth. And this maketh grc_atiy for the ho.. fe'!1r~7~:~s;l~~ gree, r(tayc( m tbat h.c u c.t·~tlted . that IS, With m>U: of t~c Sehooks of Iearn1ng, where t~c I proouc:d. God,whocountsthem rtch Rcu.2.9.Thtrdly, fludtcs oftheT~ngucs is: profeffcd.And hercm 1 hence thepoorc muH: learn~ to carric thCfclues: alfo an other thwg may be noted in the I~wiih fubmifliucly to\\'ard$ the rich, ot' whom they te,3cbcr~, th~t in,thc time of Chl'ifl rhey were rccciuc great hdpe :111d comfort bythcir giuiog ignorant in their owne tongue; and therefore and lcndiilg: Prov.I 8.z;. The pDor( (faith Sano maruell thopgh at this day they ~nqyv n·ot lomon) vttererhfopplicatiam: noting their huthe proprieties thereof, fCeing their comrnonmilitie, which reprooues manypoore,who arc wealth is deca:icd,a:nCl they difpcrfedamong :111 fo !li"Ond hearted and ingratefull,tbatthey will I peop.Je, ," . . I not affoard the rich a good wo!'d: QUt this be- ' C Th'cir fecond-f.1ultis, ~f;J(e•co!le.;l.ion .and fcemeth none, much ldfe thofc that arc to liuc confcquent, that becaufc a man muH lou~ hts by chcrich: Pfal. 1 or ·5. Him rhat h4th aproHd friend, .t~ercfore he mufi hate his cr_1emic: ~liiS laok.! and higb heart, I cdmzotfkj{er. . is againlt the tules ofAne,fbr vnlcffc the con.... V.4'· rehaue beard that it trarics be eqoa!l, a conf«jllC!lt wiH not therrc4 ) . . fellow m this lort. · bathbcene[aide ifo/de, 'Thou - Hercthenob(cnietheneceffitieofthdit,dy ·"''·, l'h 1 1 1 . hb • J ofhumane Artes,and among the tefl,efpecial-. ) I'· tilt•tOUC (IJ.J nezg OUr, an . ly ofthe at~eofLogic!<c,whereby we may dif1 h ' · h• · · . cerne bctweene tru·e and falfe colleCtions. A~ I a~e t zne enemze. ' . g>inc, here obfcme an infallible note ofa fa,l(e z Indus vcrfe an~ ~he reil: to the .ende of th1s . tczathcq ro·wit,to temper the "''ord of God to ~~!;~~~c~~ .. 1 : Chaprcr,out S'a.uiour gocth about tOp.urg:e the m€ns natu:tall a:ffc€\ions, and fo to expound i~ gcncnJl con1mandct~l<l\1J: of the f~oudTablc asthey.may both fb.nd together. The ICwd j touchin~ the /al!~ ~f aur luigh!tarn>" from the wcr~apcoplcthar::louedthetrfrcinds cntite!y, l corrupt mterprc_ratton ?f the lcYvtfh teachers, and hated their enemies bitterly: novv anfw~aand to rdlorc lt tohts trucand,propcr mea- .r.ably doe their Teachers hpound this bw; I ning, And as Ill the fooner fo here, he firlt loics D;· whereby they ouerturnc both the law ofGod, I downe their fal[e doC\rin~ touching this eomI and the faluation ofthe peoplc,Thirdly,m>rk( :; mandcment:.l V. 43·:nd then confu~es the fame, ~ here the fru1t of corrupt doClnne, natncly to ~~~rc~~~~~-o· ! V·44·:J5. &c. In lapng downe thclrfal[c intcr-1 fOrru~t good manc:rs.The Iew~s were apeople rupts gon<t 1 prctatlon,hc propounds the law ofMofcs tOU• I rhq.t d1d much braggc of their AtrceA:ours and m:annctt. I chiBg brotherly Iouc! ~vit. t9.J &.,Thori pM!t I ,; and in r-::gard of thcrnfelocs conl launiJ.n(i._.~hkour,. ,~hich nmfi hete be .~ndcr- · remncd all forraine N:tdons; yea, they h~~ed I Hoed m their f.1lf~ fenfc, whC?'. by ne~{h6o1tr, ; [ thcra,and therefore they were hottc iri co"mcnmeant afrei11d: ns tf God had fatd, Thou fhalt 1 tion with Peta,for going to CorncBus ::tGca- ' lour thy fi·cind. Then be adioyneth tLcir tradiI tHe: 1\8-. 1 t. 2, now tllis their n1alice pro~ I rion gathered from the law ofGo~ mifcon£ci.. cccded r~utfy fi-om .nature' and .partly ft·om : [ued; na:1.1dy, to h.:Uta mans (nemtr., . 1the falfe doC1ritic ~f. their Teachers , '" hich 1 I In ,thcfc Icwcswcmayobfcructwo mantI was, that they .nught hate their enemies, · ~dl ab~tft:s ofScriptur:, V\'h~~h ought n_ot to be I The like. rnar a_ppcltC ia lll~ll}' pr<!.Ciifcs 1 111 .any fcachers: to Wlt,m~(intr-;prettttton,and a of Poperrc to thts day~ for when tint su.. fat[e rol/(_8ion. The word theymifcon{hu:-, ispcrfl:ition Was :doft, the people were t::uglu ·a ~---'--- I .. ~~~~~~------~