Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

~~ e./1nExpoft~ionofChrifls / ,__ \~~;~b.,. l difiinftion oftimes and places,in regard ofho- \A what good wr: can ; as it is more pb-indy ex- '\ · lillcffe., thdruit of which doe.hine 1\ickes fa{\ prdfcd, Luk, 6,36. B "!" thmfurc memf•il, . in rhc hearts of many vnto this day: for they · M7our h~.1Hmlj[.1thrr is m:rcifull. And for the thinkc Churches and Chal'Pcls to be more hofccond; that kind vfagcwhich loue cxprct\Cth ly then other places, an~ therefore fomc will I in word and dcedc, is here fer out vnto vs in not pr.ay but 'Nhcn they c@mc it1to fomc fu. eh three br:m~hcs: FirH,hleJTc thtm cutfeyou: place. And doe they nor make great difference· ·where is commanded all good fpcech, both of da1cs and rimes? all ..\•hith arc f;:ults ofPovmo our cncmic, and of our cncmtc~ The fcpcric. In rcgard·"vhcrcof,wc fee it is necdfarie j cond, Doe- gt~odrq rlum thar hate)'01~: where is that the puriricofR{.:Iigion'in faith and r_:n:mers . 1 ·p~dCribcd :~llloui.ngv~:tgc in :l~io:1, by affoarfl1ould be Hrongly rnainraincd by the tynccrc dmg the~ h~lpc,rclcdo, and comfort,anyway I miniHcric of the v.;ord: for m:tny difordcrs in we can. The third, Praie for tbem1hat perfecme \ mens Jiucs.comc fro 1 n the vnfound handling you: that is, for their good efbtc in this life,fo j ofthe Scriptun:s. 'Vhcrchy we m:ty fee Gods \ I farr_c forth as it fcructh for Gods gloric;and for 1 ! vnfpcakcablc mcrcic and goodndfc tO'-\'ards thca conuerfi.on and fa.luation in the \\orld to i vs,invouchfafing vs an holy Miniflcrie where- n come. ' : in the puritic of doCtrine is, :!lld h:\th btcne Sec tht cuidcncc ofthcfc things io examples; long, and may be fiill throuoh Gods mcrcie For the ajfeilUm of rh~ h~art, tal\! Chrijh ex- \ m:untamcd & publifhed.This ~ught to mooue ample-, who fo loued hi_s enemies, that he was vs to all thankfulndlC vmo God and to cndc~- contented to fhcd his ownt hc:ms blood for ! uour to thew the fi·ui.t of tbis 'nuc: Religion them, ~u~d t~ fuffer thepant;s of hell vpon the 1io all holindfc and picric,both ofheart and life croffe for thc1r faluarion. foi !ottc in couruom ·j towards God ti.nd man. JPeech, fee Dauidt praflz[e towitfdJ Saui hiipro1 . -(; . ~ } j feJTed enemie, for.thougli D•luidhad him in his v_er;. e ++· ,.vut ay 'tmto hands,and might haue killed him fundrytimrs: i "'OU Loue ·y.our enemies : bleffe nav,thoughhcwasprou1kedthereumobyhis J~ ..; ~ . •. J , ij ... a foru:mu , yet hee fpared hun, and \)'lth all , 'l 1 s~m·l.f· Ithem ·tbat cur re you '"doe·goodl rcarmcs of reucrenc•w.wards Saul appea{cd I''"''"'P· 1 • :~·- , ·· ..-· 'jr. . ~ . . · · . his fcruants, calling Saul hMMajhr, and rht 26 .9,to tO t/iem that hate ' ;)OU, and~ Lordt annomted. Thus loumgly alfo in !peach -· fi ; h. hh dtd PAHI bchaue ·htmfdfc to bFeflru and A- b ""'·'I· p!tlJ or toem 1)1 tJ urt you~ : c ' grppa! though they were heathen mell, and hJS .... ' 7 · andper fe(ut eyou - ·1 encmtcs. For domg goodm atl"n to an enem«, · ~ }' • . n;~dExod.%3·4·5· lfthoumeeteothmeenemzes _ ljFcour Sau10ur C)ui{\ prcpoucds his AnOt·e" hw Aj[t gomg nflra<e , thou foalt 6rmg r}<\et VOtO t~C formr:r f.1Jfe d9Cl:nncofthe lcw.1 h1m tohJm ~~'{tllp~ .' and1[ ~hou ftet1 th11y tnet01 Teachers, forth~ hr!tingofantt7_emle.Whermiet Afe 'Jing vpdeor hh· !111rden~ wiltthou craft j~-firfi he .!aics down~ a gencrail Rule) CO~taitoht>lpr him r thou ihnl~ bclp'c him...vpt. ag!f,'ne umg ~he Jummc of \lis whole- al)fyvcr, fay1ng., with it .c and Prou. l). 2I. if rhi11t _ep~mit lu I ~ctte y:;:!'f enemies: then he o:po~nJs that Ruh!·l lumgrleo,giHlhimbrt.1d tt1 ~at'i? if he_ ~h;r.JA., ..'jt'ue' 10 ~he_ fame v.and after prooueth 1t,V.45;46.0.f I himdrink!. Sec the prathfc h(:reot m c,EJifha, c 1 Xin£.6· thcfc m or~cr. : · when Goddcliucrcd'"thcmimo his ·hands that 1 <r 1 N 1 • ·l!o~r th~ firH, Lftt~c yof4r me~ie.r•.In this Rule1 fought his lif'C, he brought 'them to S:tni3.Ha; t_:yo things mutl bt knovvne: I. what·is an ene-. and when the kin~'~'of Ift--aCl..would h·aue ftainc ,lpjc :- ~I. what it is.tq louc an encmic: both I theu:t, hec forbad him : nay_,hc ca\Ifed the King ~!u:fe.a,~ceuident il). the .Words follo.,.ving,whcr_,. to rcfrefu·them with bread and \.)at er~ a·nd fo m <;:l!ttfi expounds thts Rule, ~l4fe them that . 1 fcnt the:nto rhdr owne _ma!l<tr. For frltjitigfoT :~f:rib:_e curf!,JoK, &c.. .An ~temic thqn, IS any o·ne ~hat 1 D our memin, we haue the example of..::rhf.Pto.:. ofhatred cloth wr6g vn-t0 his nl'ighbour,eithcr / phcts, oft! our SilUiour. r:;~i.ft~ and of~ Suitm, d Luk2J.H• ig,.\y.ord, by curf~ng or euil_l fpeaking; or deed, who praicd forthofc that pm him to d6ath. e A& I\Vhniciuo,, by ilri~ing and pcrfccutinghirp. But what is' 06icff. h lt will-bafahi;;tbcStriptm.'ccllcofhmcd ·~i~~ :~!1 ~u~ I it t~lo.uc our Cllemie.? Loueo prop~rly is an afwhere fehilcs to make.aga1n{Hhis; f>f.'ll. ·[ ~9· tow:trdse· feJl10n pfthe hearr, whereby one.1s well plea.:. 2-1, l z . Do~ tll)t lluui t-h~m~ 0 Lold, ffaah ncmics. I ted v- ith ,an other. But _hr;rc more gcneraJiy, D auid) thHt hate thee,~ :m1d doe I not eo~r,..'n1f1J Iouc,comprchC'ndeth thelc t'.\ o things: firlt, to conter;dwith them, that _tifo 'OJf a.e;ainfl thu? I I be louin~ly atf<.·cted in heart tO\'\'ards an enehare rheomwirh an vnf'.:timd harad: whereby it I mie; fccondly, to y{c an cncmie louingly in fecmcs, that in fame cafes a man R1ay hate his ft)ei.'ch and aCtion-: fo it is rakcn, r. Ioh.3.18. enemies. Avfiv. Ftrfr, we muflpmadu'fcrcncc Loue not in wo,.d and tongue Mel_y, /;~! in decde betweenc our enemies caufc, anrl his perfon; and trt~th. And Rom. 1 o. r ~. Lo11~ U.the fo!filtheir euil caufes,and their finncs mufi be hated, ling~( rlu Law. For the firH, louc'in the heart 2nd \-\'e .muH giuc no approb:ltion thereto; but comprchendeth all gr.od affeCtions that one. yet thcit pcrfons becing Gods creatures, man beartth to another; as mcrcie;compaJlion, and bearing his image in fome fott, mult b<'~ l _ _ _ _ n_"_·c-·k_"_"_f!':.,_and_<!dirc to doe vnto them loued. A g~t~ncmics ~=:f two fo~'.'•J,~.:~L