Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

\ Matth.5• "'·44.. \ Twok:;:; encmu:s. \ . I g A0:.8.19. h Dcut;,l. Sermon in the cCi\4oum. uarc , and. publikc: a priu:uc cnemie is he th~t [A 1 I oh.~ . I ~.::t.nd thc:~cforc '''er; m::t.y_ not alwafCs hatcth a man for fomc priuatc canfc in himfclfe I 1; pray!or our cnctntes? ./14~· Chnft~ comm_a~ .. or concerning his :t~aircs: an~i. fl_:ch a o:1c \NCC demc~.tb pr':,y .for .our en~.'mc:s; ~dmm~eth dlfs muH louc , and notn:uc., as Chnll hcre·com1 c:-::ccp ..tvn, ;,m/ef/e the) /innt>aji,1~e v~.o dMth, 1 mlndcth. Apublikccncmic, is he rh:tt hares a 1 bur that Ji~m~ Is hardly'wnc of the Ch~r~li. 1 man for G<Xls caufc for rcliaion and the Go- ~ ofGod:Jnd mcrc:forc puu~lc men mu!l not Ill fpcls fakc::md thcf(/publikc ~ncmic~ be oftwo :1 coth:C:it thcr~ot: furccafc this dutic, to pra1 \ f<Hts .curablc,::md incurable:Ifonrpublikc cncI fbr thetr encrh. I CS. Thus thc_nts r:hc _rc_xt to b~~ 1 mics be curable' vve mun pr::ty fdr their COilvndcrfiood; L"""oiJt ;am· en~mt:J, th::tt lS YoUl pn_: ucdlon, hating their cond 1 ri .. ms: If theybe in~ u::ttc enemies, and doegoodv~to th(m , vnld1c I 97 \ -· r curable. and we hauc plaine llgncs of their~-~ G~d commaund you ochcrwifc, :tnd pray for nail impcnitc!\cc, then v·:e may hate them, tor them, 1f~hcy Jinne not tha.t finnc_vnto ~c::rth_. ·\ (0 "''c hate the dcuiii:So Paul f.1.irh, f Ifan] m.m j Here IS confuted die old rcc_e!ued '!oCtrmc ~::~.~rh~~ !oHtfPilt the Lord lefw, Arrarhema !. .lvLI'I"emdtba, of the Church of Rom::. touchmg the !owe of {trincnf !I)" let himhfin:~IIJ andwl;oi!J accrerfod.Andyet this B 011! enemics,as comming neere to the doChmc 11in~_nur c· we mull know thlt we ou•'ht tO direCl: our ha- ! of che(c Phari.Bcs ; theY ie1.rh that a man is "'m'cs.. cred to rheir fi1~ncs, and f~r t~ei_r finnes h::~.~c ba~nd alw:1i~s not to l1a're h!s enemies; but for I their perfons, and no othen\'ilc.NowD:.tHidm loumg them tn good vf..,_ge out...vard!y 1 a malt . that Pialmc, fpcaketh tlot of priuate, but of is not ~ound, fauc in t\\"O cafes : ~ Fir!t , whai ' :a Aq11 t ,,q. I publike encmies,wh~ hated not oncly him,but our cnemic is in nccejfiti~ , and daun£cr of li.fe, ' ~~;:~c~~~i. God ahO in his religion and were alfo incurathen he mull be rdecucd and helped Sccondl7, , fcne.d.Jo.q. 1ble. ' t? in th.c cafe offcandal,whc~ as by not helping 16 ~r~llct. fn. I ObicU.l. But the piaCH'fc ofGods childrC'n or rcleiuing hirn we giuc offence vntO othep·: Jlruel s.:""· I fecmc., w be otherwiCc: for D.lttid ofccn cur""' but our ofchefc two cafes to Q1e\-\'Ckimlhc-&,.tQ L•·'·'Qo• 1 fcth his enemies, and praycth for the dcllnJ.. an cnctriiC, is ama!tcr ofCounf~l andpcrfcCti-- tlion of them :tncfthdrs, P!{\1. 109. 9, to. and on.But this doCtrine is danmat)lc, flat again-ll Peter ,. ..,if11cth, char gS1m0'1 M agm ma7perifh dais Tc.~t, and the pr:tCtifc,of .~?ds fcruams lvirhhi; mtm?: andPaulpraieth the Lord, to exprdlcJ in hi'S ..... vord; and tncreforc \'\'C~ ml]tl:' r~wdrdAlexander the c"ppcr-fmirh accordin'g t6 r.enouncc it,& a~knCJvdcdg that:<''e 3r!= bo.uncf hu doingJ, z. Tim. 4· 14. How can this '{land in confci~nct .".oneu~ry occafiori, to ffi·cw O!lr with the Text. An{. There be diuers infcrprelou'Cin Word & <iced vnt'o onrpriuat Cnemi~s. rations ofthefe facls: Some f.,y( which istrU.CJ. Secondly , heteby is condcmucJ the oom2 that in Dttnid.J Pfalmes,his curfes arc inproper C mon praCt.ifc ofmen in thtfC daycs~...,<~bich iS'\t.O . Tow~orfg~fl lcnfe, pro)'hcfies ofthe ddhuc1ion of publike wrong their priuate enemies any way they ~au, l f::fJ~:·'ro· incurable enemies of Gods Church, and are by word or dccde: f,Jme will rai1c-vpon t~ln, onclypropOunded in the forme ofprayers. Aas i Shrme1 did ,and 3s k Rabth~Jt,tli · i l-S:~m.t4,f gainc, Dimid, Peter, andPa"~<l, were enlighrerlid on H~~tk.jtU, and rht prop!~ of G8d, )~4 ~ k lb..JG+ ncdby Gods fpirit,and faw into the final dhte Gad himfolfe. Thi>is a damnable pr:ietife, !he '·"· ofthc:fc their enemies V·.' home they curfed, and agi'inH this commandcmcnt ofChriH, an_d hfs therefore do they \-'.:ifu fott.hcir confu11on, not holy pr~l.ifc; 1. Pet. 2. 2 i· N;~.y, M ichae/lr.he for their'ownc ca.u(c,iil ..,.,:ay ofpriuate rcucnge, Arch-mtgel , dwft not hlame fh~ deui/1 .JPith but vpon a deftre of the fur.therancc of Gods cmfitl jj<A!Qng , wl.'<n !1<1 jfroll<' agninft htm, gl<ilri~, in the execution ofhis iufl:i(e vpon tbC ludc 9. r " J ~ ~ 1 ... ~~ i whome he had forfahen. And it is not vnlaV.•.... 1 hndly,thar fruit of rafkour1s here likew1fe I full for Godschildren, to pr2y that God-in iutcprooued , whereby men \\Ill pH>fdfe rhpy Hice V\'bnld glorific his_namc in the iuH punifh..- \\illncuer forget thcu enem1es, though·they mcnr ofimpcnitent /inners, that becrucll encdoe forgmc them. It JS tndeed agreeable to our mics to his Church. ·· D corrupt n:~.curc, t.o kcocp 3 grudge Jong m nunif, O!dgrt~d';;:t~ ObicEt. j . God gaue con,mandemem to his I an(lto reutuc old \\ wngs,butthls command~ l•nl;:..,fllU. ! people the Iewes, b rodeProy the C.mantfes,and .meut of Chrifl:.c,ondcmneth this praCl:ife, !Ultl I roroore011t tb~ir cn!mies out of th~ land: nowe, I bindcth vs both to forgiue andrforget: and I how could ~h~y louc the.m , whomc they muti: therefor-e wee riluH: labour eo be:1t downe chr~ fo cruelly k1ll ~ A»[. V\·c muft ondy loue th··! I fpirit of rcucngc, and ,end~auot:r to loue our Lord o.bfolutely, and_""Othcrsin God, and for I' enemies in word and deerl. God, that is , fo t3rrc forth as it ftandeth with Fourthly~ here aHO fee, that it is not lawfull 4 his plcafure : and therefore when he commantoprofefi'c cfiniiti~ to·:mym<lns p€rfon 1 for wee H::t~c no cth tokill, we may lawfullykill. And this wee .fhould loue euerl:e'm'lri. But how can we loue fo~11~ 5 pc:- may doe by way of punHlunenr appointed by i).im,to whoh1c we profc£fc our felues enemies: , Cod, not ondy wicbout hatred 1 but inlouc, Chrillianitie.and priu:trc enmjtie cannot £land both forgiuin? thewrongwhich conccrncs vs, together: and· therefore we mufi labour to , and .:~If~~praymg for grace and mercie for rhc a,bandon out of our ~canS, the hati·cd of any ·! paruc, 1t ~H~ belong to<?od. mans pcrfon, ~1'1d finuc to fi1cWc forth louing ! 4· O.!n~EI. There bee fomc .that ~~ne vnt"o vfagc, ~uen t~wa.rds our enemies, though it J dcath,tor.:\'ho_m~\1\"Carc f':r~~~~cntop~y,_t. __ l bee ag~nlt om- na~~~-~-~Y- fpca_l~ng I I _____________1_,_4_ _ ___________ ~~11:!__ -- I 3