Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

jMmth.5 .1 1"·45· \'\'ell c::~fchem vntGot.bcr.s- :t ~n-d l11cwing kind~ A '\.Yhc;~o>"l1:ln can comfort vs,. this wiJ!k~ ---~ ndfc vmo them., ~Gth<iu word snd <\ccd~ ;• we ondy 10~ vmo our hcans,whic::h will fwallew I eA"nExpojitionofChrifls muft: pray f0r them., and goc fo farre iB.all good ¥P all fcarc, that wee knov,·c our [clues to be duties tow~rds.chc:H, that by our wcl.-.dt!>ing, Gods ch~)drcn~fvr then.the Lord will ackno\\'- 1 we- 'iMJ hupe co.dfif of fire vpon rhcir beads : _ J~d.gc vs fO~·. his Q;\"llC: but i~ by linne we be~ I t.hat is,.eaufc their confcicn"Ge like a f.;~ to bux:n hkc the dcu1ll, God will rdufc vs, and fo we ~ithi·mthcm~ ac.cul1ng t·hem oftheir 1ll dealing f~.l wholly to ~be dcuilJ. Let vs thercCore pra-· towards vs, and not furfcri:pg them to rdt ;till Cdfe thole thmgs :s whereby this g:round. 0 f they lay :tway enmity anQ m:tliouCncH~ a-- c.omfon may be our hearts. gainft vs. Thtrdly, note here the ftvlc :md t~t!c of hoFifdy, thi"S ~:ommanel.ement of louingour n?ur, \Yhich ChriHgiueth .. Vnt0 God; he cals. enemies in V1 .'(')td and dccdc,illcwcs·ittO'bcyn.... h11~ n~t ~nely rheir f.athrr, but th~;r farher l'a.wfii!i (or any mall to vttcr cuill fpccchcs of a wh,cb u m hc.tRm: til.ts he cloth, te fiirrc vp Il0thcr,2t any time,.vnlcflc ~he occ·afion be iu!l; reuercnce in his hc::uctiS tow~uds God and fo and he be lawfully called thc~eume; f0r leua haue God'S chi.!d.t;cn dvmc., Dan. 9 .. 4 .' before ' a tnn!.~itudc 'oF fin)l-rs, but dit"c>raG:ing that holy~rophc:t po"v~r-~· our his. prayer VlltGlfi>cef.bcs:uc.ti·uitsofharrcd.Though Sa~/y.;cre B God fo1· hts-peoplc,. he the Lordwith. Dauids profdfed encmy,aod (ought his blood,. t:no~ titles;: 0 Lord God, gr~at tmd yec Dauidncuec rcuilcd hitl}; aad we aught tc> t~rrtbl~, whtch ks,rpf 1 'l C()Htnant andN:~rcif, (.;c .. (oUowehis g.oMcx:unplct. ~ ·~ And lrremie praying v:mo God, fpcn'ds three J·. or fourc verfcs,in fetting out G0ds great pow- • 'll _ 'etft 4. 5• ?""hat:J.C_?1Zt1Y bee crandMaicliic, Chap.p.r 7, r8, 19. SoHeh r '1 .ubJ.a:in his J]raycr for the pc0pk' calles the I· e cvilaren of- )'OUr... father Lord' ,,,.good.God;.which 110 doubt he did."' h •h · h · , rtfi <. ,J. ' flirre VI? rc~o~cr.cncc in. h~s ownc heart, and. in w lC is tn ·eauen.:.;.or',towards.GoJ. Whmb1 WC arc teth hit {u_ nne to..?mije" e on !.th.e. ta~ghr when we haue occaGon rorncntion rhe ~ I~' · . n.amcofGod,todocitwithaUr.cucrcnce and eui/l, and the good·:·and ·_hn~ covk Come tirksofhonour rhcrcwirJdi, , 9 J " h ..,.~ · · b.,,;'\' .. "(/ ......, flirrc,vpourfcluesan~our. h~anrs,toagrat-iU~t raine')Jpon t C iuft. an .. :yn..- ous a;v~,of heart rowru:ds Gods mo.ielii<. Bur • ·~fl ·, -· lamcmablc·is the praCl.i fe of the-world in this ~ \Vheret<'l God.~glori. OLI~ titltS fc:LIC.. VI;~~• ·. - ~ '· .. ,- .;;~C' · . ·~; -- -r b.chaltC, for cuery whEr~ the name; of Gad is 'J • Bccaufc it is-againfl mans louc.hfs C te{{ed 111 mens mouthcs tcnn.isball:. [Qme crrdrlic,thetcferc our Sau·iour. 'Ghriilinfor~cth ,in &he middeO: of their laughrcqv:fc 0 God, 0 Vfe. t. .'l.t'r'Ue note of'G-od-s child. z Thecxercifc of3Chtitli· his'\Difciplcs hO·rcunto ; 1 by tht benefit they LaYd,f9rbn:athing-words;.but others fpare not. fh:ta rcar_e h~lteby, inm.'inifeftit~g t17emfolucs to to make Gods glorious name, the cnfis:ncof Ye'lhe ch;/dren>f God,f6r h<"fpakc to rhof~ that their rage and furic, in bloodic and blafphcl\Vtrc Cods chlldrc:n, thus them mous oa.thes: but voidc of grace :tre "ll fuch. to~louc tllcir C~letbies : TIJAtwhicP.willmakJyou Fqr hemtkfrh fumre to rife en the euill, and. 'k..ntm;ne.tobe·Gcds children, that}IJI~ in14j} doe;hitt on rhe good.ttnd fmdcth rai11e on the iufJ.,,~ and. ~J luu;ngyoure>iem;es l"' jh,tf/ IJ'iiz! ;r mllnifd· <>J1 the ''"mft. Here Chrifi propounds the thatyouare Gods childrc;t: this he prooueth iu prop~rtic ofGod in doing good, an<d !hewing. the words fdllbwing, b'ecau.fc it i's 1 a" propcrtic kindnc,ilC to his enemies., to ps:~H?Ne ~batby fo. of.Go·d fa to do;. forbemak$th.r.hc{mme to arife doiLlg,yvc 'hallfl~cw OLit fcllles tobehis childcn:i-he euillawdon·tbegood, Q;!.lc.: ·l • • rcn.Whc;rcin fidl obferuc,thc mancr ofChrifis : ' Here firtt..ebfemc a trucJi~>.tc.afthc child of fpccch: he faith not, He,e hathcaHfedthcftmne God: namely, to hn:ira~eCGd his.hcaucnly fato rife, and hath fcm r:tim·, &c. but fpcaking of "ther., inlouinghis cne·rrries, and exprcffing the D the r.imeJrcfent, he~qrh now.caufc, th~flmu: to 'fameby all kind vfage both in word :mddeed, rife, an {endeth rame: fo ltkcwtfe, John ~ .. ptaying for.them, and rclciuing thc~n in their 17. MJ Father )Ct ;t~orkJtb,and !work§ toger/jcr nt<C'ffitics 1 Andbecaufe bld100 a thing witb.hin;. Inwhich phrafe is cxprdfed a not:lGo~$pre· CObe the.chlld of0<5d,wc mun therefore llcreblc workc of Gods hcaucnly prouidetJCC ; ~~d~~~:c:ro# by fiirrc vp om felncs to·tnc ccmfcionablc pernamely, that after t)1e <r~ation ofall thi1lgs, fon'tlancc ofthis dude. :#" ~ . '"'hereby God gaue bccingvnto the ncatures, Secondly, from the grouml.of this rrafon and pow~r aud venue ro do~ the things, for .we are taught., tlu t-.wc 'Ollght'principillly to whi<:h ihty <.X ere crearcd,he doth by his prouiintploy our ~lues to thofe ;hings,by the doing dencc fl:ill prcfcmc th4-t bceing, and fo in cuery whereof, \\'c may- get ~ffiu·ancc that we arc the parti·cul~!i ncan:rc. It is God th:tt gauc becing children of.God,::~s thunn.e the doing·Qf to the at the beginning , and it. is he that al'l fi.tch thingS, as dccl:1rc vs td bC'.thcdiHdreD euEir fincc continueth the bccingof the funnc, of Satan: that is allti:nncs•"tVhkh O!rC indcede with the light and vertuc thereof : ::md the works of d~rkenclfe and,ofdrC'deuill.,Inthe fame ls t-rue of all crc::tturcs, and of our ;~. Ad. I;.;S. :_uill d~z,whcthcr it be ofdeath, or ofaffiiCHO, felucs.:. afur ;,J himweelitt( , moorJ.C, andbar~e .... ~r.. heeing: