Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

Marrh.6. ~ !~;~~}; ~:::,~· u!!vinuut• cers"ofrcli· r,ion, b ,,kin:;u. '7· e Pf.7S•H· -56,37, J.fonscor– ruptinrdi– gign, t Sermon ifl t.he ~ount. I 1~9 J -------------··-,----------~--'~:---:-"::-' "---=>- ~ --~~ I praifc of men. Thu.$ chc1i we fee th;tt Chrill A ibulcs, :lnd bctimc {·epcni~ for dicfd pr~~t)1t.~ ~ : condcmncs not righteous falling, nor godly 1 in~ke rhcm hyp?c.ritcs in tdigi~n, "'"h~fc cnU~ ' "··~·tc forrow therein, no nor yet d1e fccmely fign-:s will be danmauon : and ...Ehrrctorc bi)pg, ~hy of godly forrow; b~1t oncly hypocriticall fa... ro God \\'ith rhy~ut\\ard wcrfi1ip,~hod , fiing, ...vhcn m~n hauc mourncfulllookcs,withcontcnr 11€/.r't:h\• felt~ V\it}t, ·the fhcwcofgod!iout humble and cont-~irc hear-'. hcffe,but get rhc powor ofir,and fhcw it,iJ1 ~hy ~ · 1 1 1 The Vfes. I. HHc obfcrue the praClifc of conucr[ation; ;~nd cmbraoc rdigwnfot;)-~ f1=Jf~J I thcfc Scribes :mciPharifit'sin Chtifis timc:dl€)' aud not for the 'Aorld.. , '!"J I I did not oncly fJH qf~cn, as twice a-wcckc, but 1 SeconJly,is the Phariligsf<d'ting coo<iyJTmcd 1 they~ were c:ucfull in _obfcruing· a:ll_outw:n~ I o( ChriH,.bc~~u:_t"C_ thtyrtllc~l in the Pitt;.r.·ard i ! ryrcs ~md figncs pcrtaming tO a rch~!Oi.IS fa{t~ \-\'Orkr? :md d1d lt 1ll oH~~t:tti~P, ~or_thc rrr~J~C , . . ! yet as in the two tOrmcr duties ofAlmcs-Jecds of men? rbcn doubtleflc PoJJifll fa!l1ng tS aQ- ~~.n~~~~(H I and pr':tycr, fo in this, theprincip:tll thing is 1 homiuaGI!:, bccaufc it abpundcth wit~,ll}9rC' n.lnable. j vvanting; thatis, truth and tincerity of heart; abufts: for I. In religious f;1Hs, thcy ~a!lpw, Rc:lf<>ilS. ' : forthei~ fower look came not from fcrro•Nfull one meale, fo it be not Jl_efh; and bd!~!Gs th<itr :~'i~~~~~~~ts:· heart~: the}~ were h.ole :md righteous i~ tl~dr J · 1 d~inking of tu1~· kind .ot V\ines, or dnnk~h p .. r ~T~;~;::: O\;VllC conccu, and fo r;.e~<ie.d not..thc Phdiu~n B I k1ng_ofel~Cl.unncs,& _firo. n~ watcrs,conf~rucs, I 3 ' ' Chrill: Iefus , nor: amcncuncnt of hfc. Now Ill and iuch hke, at any tunc of th.e day; whJch JS. them \-\'C may fee:) true paucrnt: .Pf..tbc proper... amock ... fJH 1 and nothing clfc .. 1I. Th~f anakc , 2 , ~ tie of narurall men in matters of,rcligion>thc}' diftinClion o~ n:carcs necCffan~ to ~• fall,, a~1d · ~~~t.~~!~: more bufic thctnfclues abom the ounvard that-not for cnu.ll ends, as ~l~gdlratcs 1n~ <iQ; pJ,rtir:.t.~.~~ \Vorkc,rhcn inward truth; dlf:y content themor for tcmp..cra.ncc fake,aspriuatc mn11"Aa}H~\'·: i s.& 7· fclues v~.•ith outward rytcsand«remonics,:m.d but for confdcllCC fake, •. which is adof!rihe of c 1 .Ti..'T4-iJ little regard the tme "~'oribip of the heart. Sec Dmiils, as the t· ..A,Pofiie fahh. l I I. They ,bin<;! / ~ this in~ Ahab, who h~mblcd himfdfe ~ut!;- men in cor.teienc~ toma;)¥Jct _daies of ~i_lilJg, !. ~a:!!~~-~~:~~ ~ \Varcllym grcJt me.aJlm~, for fcare of pun101.1 ~ndmake the otmffioJ)·thcreof .a dc:adly~WOCj ,. 3. [ n1cnt, but hee concent<"d himfelfc thercwithJ \\herein theypkc away QmChri{han lil;lc)·tic; t and neuer came to true hu)niliation of hcart~n for there "\\"aS no want of care in our S.P.JtiOur r farrow foi finnc-, for hce cont~nued Hill in his,to aproint all .good tncancs for.mol'rilyold finncs; and the Ifraclitcs, both in the v\·iling of the t1ct11, and yet hee prefoibt'.d IH) fer I dcrneffe,and in'theland ofCanaan,whcn God faHs in the new Tdlament. IV. They tnakc ·•· ~ affliCted them, would humble themfelues and f~fiing nieritorioUSJ reaching, that a ri1lllthcrI ToJk·:.!r:J"/.i:, feeke hisfauour; but yet not in conftant finccbymay fatisfic Gods iu!licc; whereby they do Sil'~i·f~:13t' ritip.nd truth, foras ..Qauid' faith, Thcy flat• C blafphemoufly derogate .fro1n the al-filfflcien- · ,.;,~ ' ttredthetn with their mouth:----forJtheirheArt ,cic of ChriJ\:s obcdict.lct andpallion.Nov\lfritti \ wat mt vpri.ght with hirtJ: theyperformed the they baue thus defaced religious faHing; let vs outward ceremonies, and d fo drew 11eere to learne by C,hd!l:s comm~d, not to fail: as t-he' God with their lip1, but their heart wk farre Papifis d.ot"". . !. . j from him. And thus it g~eth ge~erally with na... Thirdly, Chrifl: faying t.o.his Difcipks,;n'hm chr'ill it· turallz~en : th.c·whole religion of_thePapills ytfaft,takes. it for granted ,that fori!Ctimcs they ' ~~:.:;,~~uff fiands m Out\•vard ccrculOniall aChons, panly fafled,and lo to doe:and here he blp.rncs ! o"~!ion.; Icwilb, aud partly Heathenilh; and when they the Pharifles, nOt for faJ\ing flinplr, but For haue obferuc.d them, they 1ool:cc no further. their h;Vp.ocrilie therein: wherebywe f~~> that And fo it fareth \ovith miny amot.lg v..s.,that proChriH requires of all the godly, that when il!A: fdfe.trucreligion; for the ignorant fort( Ol'cafion.i.9 offcred,thcy fl10J.ild fafi,ei,t~lcr plib- :ue very many cucry where) content themlih:ly; or i·npriuatc. And if Chri!\: blame the fclucs with the ounVard aCtions_<;frdigion; as Phari!ics for their bad ri.ram'ler of fafii:;~g, then comrning to Chutch, hearing the word re:td, 0 much more will hee bl-ame thcri1 that fa!l: not and_(ometime preached, and rcceiuing the Sa- all,though 1\Cuer fo infl occafion be giuen' cramcnt, once ortwicc J yerc; and when the vmo them: ·for in this cafe it i·s not 3. thing iilwork i"s done:(though wi:hout Jlfl.dcdhnding) differe·nr·,b1.t necdfarie,for the want "'hcrc9f; yet all is well, .they thinke God is ferucd well God cloth many tim<• renne and increalc his enough. Yea many that hauc knowledge, doe iudgemems, as we may fce,lGt. 2 '2. I z. 1:"3.14. Mc:iaesto yet reA: in tbc outward aCtions of religioni tOr \Vh ..crcfcirc romoouc o~r hearts hereUnto, let faftiug. doe not fame cfleeme_thc confcionablc'cDd_ca~ I vs confider. the[e reafons: Firjl,\"w:: t)J"Uc hert~n -uour of morall obccitenGC: to be but preCifcthe ·worth le prcfident of rnoH holy men 1l1 ndl'c_? _and fo though r.l1<·y bcar-e fomc fhcwc times pafl,..,vho carefu!ly performed this dutje, \ ofrehg10n,yct they reproach the pO\\'Cr of it ~n I . when oC"Gt~cn '-'\·as offcr('d; as DaJ.tidj Danidi othen-, And another fort doe one!y fo (:,.rre ! E.;{,ra, 1\'"', our Sattiour Chrift, 11nd hii . forth m~i.m:~;inc aud profcffe rehgion,ls it Han-j Apo/llo , di)ccially, f Pau_/ who fa!led oti:cm f deth wnh the good of their out\.vard dhtc, I nC'w th~ir .cxamptes mufi be a cloud ofwitncf17 ' and theirp~aceable fruition ofwca1th)l0nour, fes vntoJn, fOr \\C come farre ihon of thc-tn in and d_clipllts, and fo A1akc 3 policieot reli-gion many gracc.s_of God, and in obedie-nce, and ~p!Ctle.But let all thefc take heed vmo.thcir ~ercf.orchaa more nc-c-d·tohumble our fclue:;. --~------'=-Scro~rl!y,____