Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

--- ·-----· ~--·- ·· j ~~~:'h·s: \ Sermon in tha,'?Moul::_______ [2~. I we mull pcrfwadt our hearts that we ~re in his A gr~at light to the bctttr vn.!,,rft:-.nding of'Lhis /. prc!Cn.:c: this was D ..u-1idJpraCti(c, Pfal: z6.8. H.u:c. . · . j 1h.:uc for rhe Lord abP:ua /J,forcmu: th.Js ptrQ!:rfr.l. Scc:ng art:_bJe(i,·d 1 fwa!ion will m:1kc vs to \Yalkc \\'ith (Jm.t,as £... why Jhould they be bhmc:d ,.,htch kckc tCf 0 noeh ~lid, who for this is f2id uto plMfo God. m;:~!J:c pc:o.c~ _bnwecnc Pa?ifi.s_a~d Pr_otd!:tnts_, Third!)', this ;null: :tlhuc our helrtS towards by rcc.oH_c_dJ~g thcfc t\\·o rcl1g1?m t .AJ.flo:er_~ all thofc tnC!an'cs wherein God 01C\\'C.:S himfellc uc,auk WJS IS nor good pelr<', for there is iHZi" vnto hi!, children: the Lord r~ucakd. hin·.fdfc more concord bctwccnc tLcfe t\\'() rdigion$1 in his fanCtuaric vnto his pcoplc,and hereupon ~-L·n i~ between<.· light a~1d d~rkndl'c. \V~1tr~:is I Dauidwas rauilhcd with dd1rc to gods c:ourr~; tt IS f:udl they differ not m fu.o!l:::mce,buc H1 c1r" fee p[.,l. 2 7 ·+ and Pfal. 48. t. 1. And the like <.:umliances,, both hauing the _fa~1tC word, rh~ affeCtion muH we hauc to Gods word lnd Safame Crccac,andSa'r~.mcnts; ·we muft knowJ 1 cramcnts, therein he fhewi!s his beauric, as in that nm.·,vitB.H:and~ng all r.hi.s, yet by.·n.ccefiiuic 1: his fanCl:uaric · and therefore ·we mu!Uabour confcqucnt of thc1r doctnnc anJ rchg10n,they , therein eo fee the goodndlC and mercy ofGod doe quite oucnurnc the foundation of the Bi.: rewards vs, vfing'them as pledges of his·grace B hl~, of tl~c Cr~edc,.auJ Sacr:.mcms : as in th'c: and Iouc inChriH: yea, we muH cndc;lum!r to p@tnts ot iHjhficatson6yworl:,p, of hummu fo..: fee.him in all his crca.turcs,O\s hls wifdom,powti!f~Etion, of l-rorjhippi;.-g Saint.r andlmnges, and er,and goodncffc to vs-wards: this is a notable their maJ!ing{acYificeand Pridlhood, may foOnc fl:cppc eo our prefeCt bliffe. appcarc.But they hal.'!c the !amc Blptifmc with., . 1 vs? .Anfw.Baptifinc fcucrcd from chc true p:ca!. I ' V. 9· 13/ejfodare t/Je peace~ ofthe word,is no fuffioicncnote of3 tntd I {,, fi h fl 11 h /1 d Church; fm· the .Samaritans had circumcifion- 1 ffltl'"lfrS 1 ! Oft e)jlJtiU CCtl .e 3noyenheLordC1ith,'lb<J were not hi1pro: illoC•·>• th l •fd . ,J G d pit, Acrainc, they hold the outward formc<>f I CC~tl' 1C11 0; 0 • Baptifntc, but they oucnurnetbclnwardpo- :,. R.Je. Here is thcfeatlmth Rule and prr.ccpt of wcrbydcnying lutHficatkm by faithaio1_1tin: j Chrifi rouching true happincffe; wherein vb:.: Icfus ChriH. ThirdlY,.Baptifi11e jc; prcfcrucd 'in· fcruc firft, who arc bleffG<t, fecond!y, '~herein the Church of Rome, not for their fakes, bur this blelfcdncsconfi!h _:The parties bldfcd arc for the h•cl Church \Vhieh God hath kc~tti:t p,..,.. P#Ae<-m.<k..n-<. By WJ!_ mufr vndcr!land lumfclfe, cuenin 11hc middc!l of1:tll Pdp<[ conco.rd 1 :md agreemc.nt ~betY\:eflnc 1nan and C that ifthey rctutn.c to vs,we lh:d nccord:otl1C'r.:a mln: No.wpeace is t\".iQ-LfoldJ Good., or.EuiU: wife \VC may not goc to thcrri_,lcafi we fo·rfak~ Goodpracr, istharwhic\J ,£l•nds with good eothe Lord. , · · ,; fcicncc a~d,true rcligi<)n. This was among the !2.!!!ft. 11. I£ Peace-maKers be blc!fcd x A3: 4 , 1, conuerts 1n·thc Primitiuc Church, xwho li~eed how can any Nation Wlth ~ood ~..·onftiantt togethei:, and Wt'l't all tz[ one htttrt, andor.eJoule. make warr<f? ..An[tr. The L~rd!:· commanclc~ Eut!l prace, is an agreement and concprd in c.. mcnt tohauepeace with allmen_, d0th not bihdc uill,as in the Pradifc ofany Gnnc againftGods mcu firnply, but with this condition, aif itLltt ~s~Om.b.: commandcmencs:tn aw~mi,cuill peace is fuch, p(jj[th!c, ar:d as much as in VJ. lif!1b: but··wh~:rl as c:mnot {bnd with trueRdigion aud goorl there is no hope of maimaiC:ing~pcacc,J tl-)'c.!Jl 1 Ma.t.lo.J4 confcicncc. Hereof Chrift fpake, faying, '! I t.. hc Lord alloweth :1 lawfu!i·:w~nc, fuch;as is emr..e not to fer.d pe:zce~ hut tJg[word: ·that is, fot iuH defence,' or daimc of oUr nccdfulb:iue j diuifionbymeanes of.thc doCtrine of thcGofana right: for herein the cafe ibnd.eth with•. e ~d. ~o.w in thi~ place, g()()~pe:t(Je is the qualibodic p~litickc,a~ it do·ch w4ih rh1 a1n:mtral1 bb?D! uc_ot thole pamcsthat be b,clfcd. Further, by dy: whtlcthcretshopc of hn!ch and faf<tio , Pcacc..makcrs, two fQrts of men arc to be vnthe Pbyfitian vfeth gentle rueans;but when rh\; dc~Hood! fi~fi, all fu'ch as h:1uc ca1~e, fo.much D · 'cafe is dcf~~r.atc,~e hcrvfcd1 d~fpcrntc n1emrSJ as m them hc:th, to hauc peace With all men, lat~d fmnct1tncs glUes ranke o.ovfon,ro trie.ifD.y •, good and b·ad: fc(ondly,fuch as not onc!y theany n~cancs life m:iy befaucd.: J.tld fo in,y ,r,e fducs ..bc at peacewich others, but alfo doe laI f.afetic of a State' be fough'll b.jf warre, wh!3nr .hour to·r~concilc p:1nic._s at variance, aod to MOtions of peace will not takep):lcc~ : l,i;, ! Takepeace bccwccnc.~nan ;1n?.mao_~ bOt\... thc~<.~ 1! ~ ~.IIf. Jsi?~ cm lui: ·in.l.:uvbe ~ torts 3_rc blcffe<~, that ts; rhey ar.e 11"1aJh'Jpp1c ·. 1 :1\Vlth good colcH:nu,f'ccmg. rwc:m hardly tlaurl ,·,:·Jr. • l ftate and 'condition, bc:.caule this gi[c,of ·l:r~ttewith. this blfffed. peace.? So .!on_goas: makjn_~~ is ·::~t.g_racc of Gods fpU:it in tltcf!.n alork i 1 rmc~nr.s of agt.cmvent othe".r waits inay be hh~ 1 who arc bleflcd: for where Gods fpirit v-~orl ~bctwecnc m:!u. and man, fuits·,fn. Jaw tlio1Dltlj kcth peace ofeMcicncc tpwardsGpd \\l. .!Zhriil:, lll\otlbc takcil ''P;nfor Pa!!l blonmhthc t::orinthcre th~ fame fpirit do~h moouc the }\~n:ic to thi-:ms,not ondy b for ~oit::_(ttb !d:v,?r.dir1Jdti:JIJ')t 1 b t.Cor.tS".t~. fcckc peace: Wtth all men; as alfo to mrhcpca.ce IHdJes, but "bct.a.nfe they la\vcQ.;.fat light . hctwce~c thofc.. that 7re at< ~at:ianct;;; "f0<t:1.rrc 1 tc~s vpon fiu~lL occaftons:WI;)· rdthen (faith' lto) c verr..,. r.forth ::tS·Jt m:ty fbnd VJlth Rchg!onand,:t goo·dJ I fdj/aineycc r.or"harme? But ifby priuatc-meanCE I \ conf'cience. Yet h_ere arc.certain~ qup(!:~ons_ to M' F. cannot get o.r:hold our rig1n;; ,.,. . ;,;a may· ~tb· \ 1 he fcan!led touchmg, wluch \)'tU ~t.uc ttbc bdpc of law4 ,, (' [)' .,.. , ~ ~"'10") 1 I -- --~ -----------------------------------·~------~---------~------~~~~· 1 ' ------