Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

' A rig:lltcon· ccium~ef Gocl,pwui• dcncc. A.gro~ndof fe~re ~nd o· b~(nce. Paul, Aet. 1 7· -,s: In him w~ti#;,!,lirlc/and A I; how theh lhould I donhis eulll in i,is fight. haHepm•bceing: '>!VC at·c~not i_n Got!-_f- M"J',?rt-_s of Oh that this thought did runnc: Jn our ittind"Sirt Godofor h:is dfcqcc-i.S' moll: fimpk! and }:et\[ ls the tinic of tCfnpra.tion, thCby Gods gra~e ....,.r~ true we arc in God,be(aufc his cffcn"ccijs cucry ihoti!d fCare to Jlnm~J and chdcauour t6 walk' I!: vvhcrc: it is in vs:- forth ofvs~and..abot1t'vs,and before God in all holy obcdic,ncc, as his fer.:: bccing in vs, and a,Pout :vs,g'lucS•VS liui'ng, be.:. :uams haue ·done. Many arc·D1ameldfc in fi1~.:. ing, and moouing! : .\: - . ' ning, which comes from the \Yatlt ofthis ~cri Secondly,thisrcachcth vs to .t6tci1le an_g~1t .fwalion Of!GQO.s prcfence1~Yh,ich (hould !hike ofGads holy-prouide~-~t ~to wit ; s:~r~~m this fearc ~mo thHr he-arcs, as we may fce,.c;~·na regard ofhis fub{hmc~1tS 111 cucry·pl~cc1 gmmg 20·. I I .'Pfal.I '-'·h4·I I .and 94;6, 7• ~ · I bccing, lifc,and moeilitng to all thu:rg.s that be~ Sixdy, this-kno·wlcdgc of Godg p.tcf~ndi . 6 ·tiue,and mooue,prctCruing thcm;&lk!lhng thE 1 ~fet·u.cs t6 quitt·&. {heng~hcn thctr heart? that I:Snc~~i~:· at his plcafurc, doingwhttfoc\\Cr he \viU. .Ore.uoubled·with featc ofthe d~tiill: thus they ' f~:m oftlic Thirdly, this confidiracion'frnd--· 1 -mufi. rcafoti f\Vith themfelucs; tl;c Lord tny 1 acuill: all prefCncc, fcrucs to kindle in our hearts th:J.t God is 1 prcfcnt 'Nirh me, both m po ....ver and effeare ofGod,which is me ground'\rc obe- R:' .fcr,lCc, he can bidd Satan, &_h~ wil~ keepe rho~< dienecin all dlates. If. Cod lhallt Hl,r.lvpon vs :T ~hanruft 10 hrmfrom the Inate of tilC hunter; any:ililiC1ion,eithcr in. b-O'dic or"n~;A~t;', : .,·vhcrcforc then {hould I be afraid l .or goods,let vs then tonrtder r!mctlt~t.fal pre• ' :c Secondly~is the earth the Lords foot!io·oJe; :fence ofGod, laying th~t'Crofic"l'~v.s;and 1t then. while we hu.e here vpbrt the earth, olir will fldkc ~nto·outhcar·tS a rcucrcnt'",tO;ft.c ~f /t'f'et oughr ro 6e aMi!JpraEfiJ( of humiliation ~tl God,and mooue vs tO pati.cnce.,, mCaketics~ & rcpenrtma: when good fubiccts come: bcfo<t: contcmt<'ltion;yca,it will.cmufc VS!GO ~m~e ?flr -thc.chaire of cfiatt, cfpccially if the PrinC~ be fclucs vndcr hi-s- h:.nrd :-fo:r :t~c caufcr'lwhy men prafem, then they bG>w their Qddks, to tctH~'C !lie nor· to God, by hun!l!hn{;tlieln!Q!Hc~ it> thdrloyall fubiechon ymo .drtir Prince; lhail their affiictions, iS bccaufe they thinkc·9od is 1 1 .n.1an ~oc.this toman, <!nd !hall.not \oYC, \\·hof<: farreOff. Ag::unc, Jflllpro,fpctme-.w.c~eonfi.dcr ~\vdling i.s at the Lords foordloolc, .mu.c.Jil. Gods cllbmall prefcnce wtrh vs,· g_~Uu1grvnto t;nore hu~nblc our.fcluc~? VV•hen ·Da' wr-:t·Plll vsallgoodthmgs,rtWtllmakc"s_thallkluillfo was·- kindled again(\ Nabal; :A:blgail Nabals , much we docvntoman;M•hcn we.he m h1S-pn?- . 1 ~vife~ bc:~!ng_ wifcr then hc~·hu,sband, we-ht-t-6 1 i. inrlrih1. Agro1U1d ol ;:~n hulllble ~1'1dpeuitCni hf.:~ : fence th:J.t hath bdlow~1d a fauour vpon~;. we ~ , mcctc Oauid)\~rtbtfi ·prcfcflt ;:u~1 fo foone M; . ·- :.·~ ·readiiy-addrdfe our (cluc!I-C<>'tna1>i.flliti<is.:iand C ·{hcl'faw hirn}Jim~ighr.ffh""'affe,andft!t J.'lrilc. f .. ~"."·'!' , ". • lhal!';vr!.not doe fo to Go'd? In-a word\•his ho• ' ... vpon h.rfoceV.n~c'!'<d h'cr jctfivnto the groud~; '"''·'•· .!y medimion of Gods p•cfence, ,~ill• make.ys ' -and fr! hillj<trc·;and 'b:fo,H•he'h;;n hsi"!b§.'r~' , 'to•humble.our [clues vmo God, &t.~or~oficonforg.r the rrttfAjfi, 'and' to /lay hiJ·hand f~~m: ···' ' tcntcd:w.ithhis.good,!diond ploafure:: ' - . blood: .fo likevnfc when l«ctJ/, med1is brolnof I 4 # • FourthLy, ifGod ind,fcncc be P·\ld~~l!:Ctrery .oE[au, g h_e bopedi himfelfe fomtdJJtil'J;t'I-, to moot!~· £ 6c:O H·1~ · ~tpf~~~rf~rc ·whCr,c~ th~n. ~-tis ttccd.tdfe .to .~nakcJ'Cl~o!i.c.c .~f. :, ,iJ,im ~o compaJ!l?n ro1Mr"-! him·nn:f his fa:ni'J : l w~,rlhipin placesmr:g~rdofho:hndfc,'fd~th2.w6rll!itp~f . ·How much· ~orc then ought J{\;e-to how·otir be,..lird of 1 ·God, for one .pb:cc·ts.n" tlO'ilrt:. tAl> Gotl . }fclues before the lord,whd hauc ten tboufantl 0 "" othtr:which·colifutes.thc.v:aoity afPo· .fold more defcr.ued his \vtath. then Nabal ditl pifh.P.ilg;rimages to'&eife.flae<s :fQJ:•rclig,io~s ; ·pau!ds,~; lacdb Efaus? and .!leGctes,our hmtlworlhtp :· and ltchcckcth a1fo-thrdi>£ntl pprm- , :blowalkmg before hHn at ht~fborfloole hele ono~ nianyht:nong y.s.r.'\MFi.O"..ch1.nkoth:ri£1}1rrc~ . :on·tarth~ may giuc vs affurancC, that-one. da-Y .is the ~oely ~lace of '}iiiazcr' nnr~ ot~anpla~~s qf Ale {:\'ill pl\\cc'vs On his throne ~n gl~ric ih>iic .Gods1 l.~orfh1p; "'':h.crcupoli thcy,n-ctt~lt~ar;t.\ 1 :~eauens. l~~lt if we; walke. prou4l] bcfofc him i -tn.p~flm_th.cir pnuatc·houfcS;. ~~t1 G0.dns ·m 1 ~.m the pratl:tfc ~f~r-nc; bcmgar.his fo0tfloo_!c, I ! , the~,·:J.nd;m,tby-houfc,~s"':'elia-s.:mtho~r~, '-? flcv_ vslmo~.v er_~~;: he ~r..tb fee~~ lik_; vn~IJ-jir:'fit ana therefore thou mmit bft-vp puuc bonds vn- 'j ~brti.!f~·bunun.g~m· a furnace,R·eV~l. 1. 1 '). vn'dCr I to God in all places, and muA: \>ray :u Romc;;as 1 · \vtiich he Wlll trample all hi; :en·C'mics, ·and I ., -~ ~~~~~·;:;;.r,. ~~vidl as·in'lthc Church '(al.waics prc;)Uidetl that :mak.C.them.his f6odloolc,Pf~,l, 1 J t).:t. ,~~ .. ,(!' [_thou <Jh?.nm:r 6ods Ol'.dioan.ccj~~hc..~ll31ik'c J< Th~tflird ioh~bitlo?, ~sft~ri: fircar;'!f: ~y1 le-, ~~d~~~~c~' I ~ffcrnbhcs-:) .~ . , '· i''-'":f · ·:ntfldem: the re,afon ls,for :r ,, ducr/Jtflft'JJe ~~Qugh 3• ~ ~Fi~rlj,_i,f'Go~ be cw.criC:!'hC"r~, t!tcn \~'Ot:t~{i -~·e:!t I~ing .· thai is., ~he citic OfGod,thc Kii~& botm,lins ~::;~~~~ -labour to ·haue hearts a.ffeCkd wtth th1s per- 'Of kinos: for .God had chofcn the Jcwes tcdk \~ith cm~~:r; 1 fcnc(. fwafi~l~~ft}iat w_c be., GodisoprC- . .>hlspc-c~liat:p~oplc, nnd lerufa,lcm .for his hol)i _uons. I fc:n:. withvs.l h1s lcffqn·G0d;~ught .A6r~bmn, .! !·citic, ,,._,h~re be h~rd hi_s Tcmp.Ic~. 2nd facrific~s ~ 1 .Gen. 117. t .rWalk.!bt[(IJ"f!1/1C'e-,andbet>pbghr,.anrl: r ·for. his foknme worfhip. NGn.v·hefc· obfcl'Ut:, 1 1 jli. ihis' EnoCbhad learned long b-efor~,; G.crlt~'-24. , :.that a~ th:s Jhn~· ·tJ:.e Temp!~ waJ r:1adr fl dem1e, ! and therefo~c wMn·portcd·of. t.;ttt!u~-'hdd pleaI' :of thetuc~, ;:tnd.nlan 1,. of the SC~i~·c·s· and Jcwi0~ . f:d Go.d, hl~b:t _r ·.5.,no.w where th1.s.p;_rfwafion . teachers \ycr.cnlt>totblc H~retikSl, erring agair.H: \ l takcth placc,1~ w1ll fit1kcthc h~a.rt Wtth.a.rem~- ~the, f!?_unda.uon of r.d.ig10n ;;-y-c.r_-; ·rhc people: l rend fcare au.a :"'''Clt.ov~·ar~s (jo.d ·'. ma.kmg a. i r;V'I.·erc~cb~lhous an~ wtc~cd,:'ls Stt~n J:iaincly I - .man thus t~ rca(on; .God IS prefcnt wsth me, .. tcllctn them, Aet, 7:.5 t. and yet ·Chrifl here \ :.;. Hr ---=--~llnlil _____:\