Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

1)4 Godsface. fee ic in others ; If amanbeenever fo obfervant of any of you, and performe nevc:rJo 'many offices of . friendfhip toyou, yet ifa.mancan fay,hec -loves m_e riot for all this, hee cloth not prize mee, nor defire my loveand favour fo much for it felfe, but for his owne ends ; in this cafe you carenot for what hee cloth : So the Lord, hee knowes the heart and the ; reines, and what thine end is, whether it– munion with his pedon immediately,or thine owne : welfare meerely; andiffo, regards-notthyhum- ' bling thy felfe nor rhy prayers.- Thepromife you. ; ;feeis[ufpended upon it : it is, . j ~~d willfeparatebetweenethepreciousan~thevile, : Italm . ~4. ,1t IS amarke fet upon Gods people alone :- 'ItJ {eelte'– ·GoJs {Ace. ·i ('" ~I I . Wee will therefore further and·more particulax– lyconfider, what it istoflektGods faceorpre(en;e-. · And there are threewayes eo finde it out. Firll:by w~atis hete joynedwith it, I{t·hey ht~m. , IJle themftlves, Awdjeeke my{~tee : and fo byconfi- ·; dering .theconnexio~ that thefe two have.together, fiode out what feekmg of G o D · s face 1s. Now there is a twofold humiliation wrought in men : . The one is ·, for that bitt~rne!fe and punifhment that finne brings.wit a it, and this never brings fortheitherfaithfull prayers,or Seeking Godsfact. But there isanotherkindeofhumiliationtwhich hath afurther ingredient in it, and that is the fight of the foulene1fe of finee, when God openeth a crevife of light to looke upon,Jin, not oQly as that .' ~h~ch brin~~ bitte~nelfe ~ith it, bu~as that,which 1 tn lt felfe 1s moft filthyand .abommable, andby , that l