Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

6 I God affliEts hu own~ People . . God loathed it and fo departed from ir, and fo Afa– hel came upon theni. God will bee fitre ro plow hisowne ground, whcttfoever becomes ofrhe waft, - to weede his owne G~rden, thGugh the refi: of the world fuould be let alone~ togrowwild. But you will objett and lay, that the Slints wee l ' fee, often lin,and affiLClions doe not follow. · I anfwer, it may be and cloth fall our ofceo, and the reafon is becaufe God findes his worke done to his hand. If they plow themfelvesup, .God will not, but ifwedoitby halves (as that is-our fault we leave many balkes behinde us) then God alwaies comes with afflittions, yet then the lef{e that you leave behind unplowed, the ldfe will God afflict · · you: if yo1:1 humble your [elves throughly, you . fuaU-eiCape;,except.0nly in t-he cafe of fcandall,aod then God mufi: needs do it for their fakes that looke o.n,-as in D.cvid, God would haveall the world fee : , his punHhment on him, as well as they knew of his finne, but this comfort you may have thoughyou have greatly finned, (if net fcandaloufly) that humhle yoLtr felvc:s .throughly, and you thall e- . fcape. •·. · Learne(rom.ltence to feare th~ Lord, ·to tremble Y/(.;,- .at nis 'words, a:nd.feeinghe will en.dLh:e)f\0uadean. Q.elfe in his owne people, fl.cnd in aw,-.snJ fin not.: 1 labour to .bring your hearts to fudh aconfii:ution, ,, to fuch an awful~ ·re~ptl.Cl as. to fear:e ·to om!t .any /' . · good.duty, or comtlillt thel~a~ finne, :and rh1s had , · ne-ed t.obeurged upon.-you,- for it is·t:he c.aufe .ofalli thlt laxiture .and loofeneLfe· in onr profe11ion, that wed9Cnot feare the Lol'4a~·we fuould. ·If we :ha~ · the