Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

God af~iEts hu·o,ne People. 7 the feareof the Lord before our eyes (as the Apo· files fpeakes Rom.3.} that is,ifwe faw the Lord fo as eo feare him,we lhould walkewarilyand look how, .and where wee fet every ftep, and the reafon why you are fo unevenand notlike your felves, 'is from want of the feare of the Lord : Now the reafon of that pbrafe of the .ApofUe that thefeare o[Godis {aid to bee before your eyes is from the nature of feare, Tim~r figit oculum, as if aman bee bufieabout any thing,if there beany thing that he feares,he wilJHil have an eye to that, and he watcheth leaft it lhould come with fome by blow, when ht thinks.not ofit, and fo doth the feare ofthe Lord worke where it i~, · it fafineth o1;1r eyes on him :And ifthe Lord were thus before our eyes to feare him, it would make us walke more evenly aed more conllandy withhim. And therefore when the holy Ghofi in Scripture would chufe to commend aman, he fingles out this propertie, efpecially of fearing God, as that I~!J ,was an tqrlght mttnfittring God, and fo [peaking of 1 cornelitu, it is faid that hee wa~, 4 jtljlm4n fearing God, and,fo .A.brAht~m when hee would exprelfe the. wickedneffeof the Courtof .Abimeltch, hefayes, the(et~re D{the Lord is not in thisplt~ce, that is, there is ao religion nor good men, God is not regarded the; re, and themore feare, the lelfe fin,jlarulin ttwe ~ d fi Pial. 4 ~ "" . nt~e not . . If aman fl:and in awe ofthe Lord he would be afraid ofev~ry fin, hewould be afraid of vaine thoughts, tobee vaine inhls fpeeches and to give way to the Ieaft wickednelfe, afraid of every · . 1 inordinate afteClion, hee would be afraid howhee fp~ntthe timefrom morning till night, and · . \ :,c." ,. · B 4 g1ve ..