Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

I i. ' ; 1; I • \ ' I 54 T~e Lords Name is called upon his people. Now there is norhing will worke our beans ., kindly robe humb!edmor.e then love : and neere– nclfe will fmely.m<'.ke us love God : for why cloth ' the: wife love rhe husband, and the husband the wife, but becaufe they are ne.:tre one ro .another 1:' Now,when..the Name.·ofrhe Lord is called upon us, . it is an argument that ·w.e are neare umohim.; rherefvre let that fofi·en thy hearr,that thou lhould. ell: c.Jrry thy, felfe Ufl\Vorthy of this neareneffe. That w~s that whichJmote ·rhe h~art of DA-vid; W.hen he confidered how kind and loving the Lord had beene to him ; . the Lord himfelfe when he comes- to humble ·his people, .hee taketh .this -courfe with-them, to tell them 0fthe neareneffe ~ .that is betweene them andhimfelfe, as is plaine in . )er. 2-. ld~ Thus faith the Lord, Iremem6er thee;· .thlt is, put thee in miode of the -ltindnelfe of thy,. youth, that is, which I thewed t~et in thy yourh, _th4 .l9v~ 1/ th1·EfpoufaUs, when, &G. Nowwhen we fee the- Lord take this. courfe we fhould take·the fame,; when he would humble D.avid, he fent N.-,. th4n to humble him, th.i&was one rare ofhis meC i . fage, toteIt him of Gods kindndfe to him, 1 SAm. 11..7, 8.; thus faith the. Lord, .flllf11oilltedthee King , ov·er I fr~et, 4nd·I ddtvered thee· D:Ut 1{ the handof ~ $Aul, &c. .And this doubtleife was the ·Chiefefi .caufe rh~t made him confdfe and fay, I have finned. , ,ag4injl the Lord; as it is in P{at. 5I. he repeares (A· · ~~til1}J thu) twice, there lyes the Emphafis 1 I b4v-e.. · ji11ned Ag.ainft · thtt:~ ttgaifJjl~ thee h~tve IJinf!ed;-- rhat ; wounded him ia a manner alQne, t·h3t there was fo j . gre~ t a~eeren~~e betwixt theLordandbim.Whe: .. .