Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

t.hat·weJHallnot departfrom him:and therefore in :E[ay 4o~the:Lordexprdfeth it thus;ToirjlMIII:now· me MSheepe.know theirShegheard,ttnd.l wiltm11ke ·a: Covenant withjou; and.thus &:thnsJ:will .dcale .withly.ou:A.nd:how,is.rhat:?WhY: the:C.ovenant ; .noJ thus,o.nely t As ; long:as:y.ou keepe.wirhin , ' _, bouncls; ,andke~pe: within ; the Foulq; as longas .-' yougoealong.the p.-sthes ·ofrighteoufnejfe, and . \w.a1ke in.them, , the.- Cov.enant that.I · wiltmake,J~wil.driileyon .ac.cordingto~that y:ou. . · l .J ar.eabktooeare ;:ifany;beg.reatwithy,oung; , r .wj/l.driuoh~mfoftly,ift.heybe lame,that theyare nm.abkto:g9e ~ (;he-) I . will take them.up in mihe_armu, ,aJ4dcar;ryJhem:in my}of'_ime: If·you c.omparethiswithEz.ech:34:·you:11ialllindrhere he.puts_.downe:all:the. flips that we ·are fubjett unto ,; ( fpeaking p[ the time oftheGoj}ett;·when Chriltf.hould_be.the Shepheard; ,) hdliewes the · Covenantthat he.will.mal<ewithkthofe .-that are rra.-4o~ 1 I : , his;fay.thhe ·i~'an'J}hin(J" h'e/ofl. ~ if a ilieepeloo.te Euk•H t i6;; . . r..·l . · . .·' J.' 0 · 'J~' . _ . . . l ; · · It:te fe, ,thtstsJn~1 Covenant;?wttlftnde tt.iftt ue !,any,violence_offemptation,IwiU 6ring~t.hizcke.t~g~in :· ifth(re be.a./Jreach:madeinto · rheithearts-by.·.tny;occafionthrouglidiime.and · lull;l•.This the Lord.willdo;thisistheCovenant.thathe makes.·. ,Now.confider, there··Reafons; ,r madlhc4ven. ,a.od.ekrth;lmd,} ktep_e Covenanf.andmercyfore~ - j -ver;. a.~j~ll:. 1 . But, .youwill fay; .though I ~ mull:·truft·inthe Lor.d, be(:aufe hemadeheaventtnd.'earth~ 'lndbe· ) c.aufeheke~ees..-Co!J)_enant&.mercyfore'Ver~ Y-.etth~ i , Loru j ------------------------------~-----·