Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

' . j A L L • s VF F I c 1 E N' c Y. ---- - ·- ··-------- Lorddothit bymeanes,hedothitby friends,by fome mediate infiruments. .An(w. God difpcA•I (erb not comfort alwayu ! .. ac~ordil'lg to our mcanes. Here is th~great deceit ofmankind,<that wee thinke; that theLorddifpenfeth his comfortsac– cordingto thofemeane·sthat wee haue. A man thinkcs, ifhe hauea- great fl:ate, his comforts fhall be more,ifhehauemanyfriends, hethinks he fuall be fafer;fayth theLord, p_f'al.62.I{riches 1 . 'J" r. h Pfal. 6' 2.,10. incr_eafe,fet not your nettrts upon them: for,1ait he they are able to doe lietle good. Powerand kiHd· neffebelongs f(J me, But then this objection comes in,rheLorddifpen[ethcomforts byfuch means, . No,Dtith the holy Ghoftthere, he rewards not ' men according to their riches, buthe rewards eohje£1. very man tZccording to his wor:kes. And therefore ./lnfw! thinke this with thy felfe, that thou hafl: abun-:- dance ofoutward comforts, if theLorddid re· ward thee accord!ng to them, thou hadft caufe to rejoyce in them, but hewill reward thee according to thy workes, and therefore trufiin him, learne to rec'kon him to be c_,1 tl-fltfficient,_ 1earne~o be tohim alone. Bur,may nora rt:lan that truJl:s not inGod,_ but o6jet1. lookcs a litdet0o much tothecreature,profpcr~ Aman again(:-, that wirhdr3wes his hart from them,and trufis in the Iior4maynot heewirher~ · Beloved} (I will 4dde but that in brieft·:) fedt .Anfw. "" thou a ma:1 that cloth not reckon theLordto bee A llflifficientthat dorh not refl: onhimalone,but makes ftefh his arme, and trufl:s in auy Creature, . thathath fuch thoughts as thefe, I haue thetfar Iete. 11~ f; vour ofhigh perfons,& therefore I am fafe,or I '\ · K. 3 · haue