Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

flowers, or in doing fome idle things, f:1yth he, ' there is amadneifein this to confider, that in-the middefi: offinne, and ofdanger,ane!. in the midfi offomany great bufinelfes and employments, in the midfi:ofthat labour that God hath given. to the ionnesofmen,for them to befullofminh and jollitie, this is madnelfe. Thatisone ofhis · cenfi1res of ir. 2. - The fecondis,itis Folly; Folly is a ftupiditie, ·- It is Folly. when fi:upiditie poffelfeth the foule of a man, · Follywbat. •, ~· - Itp1lf~th fooneaway. that it is notable to judge of things that are prefented to him, that is folly, fofaith he, I found this in jollity and carnallmirth,it breeds fi:upor) and takes away all tafi:e and reliili from me, that . a~amanthattall:sf~eete things, is not able to finde the reIiili ofhis Becre or Meat, fo, faith he, when I had tafl:ed ofjollitie, and carnall mirth,. itcaufed me to difreliili all things: forth at is the difpofitio offolJy,ittakes away the fenfethatwe fhould haue ofotherrhings, it fi:upifieth aman; fl:upidity and .folly we exprelfe one by another. · I.a!l:ofall; Whatdoth it~ Tlutis; itpaffeth away like asmufick,there is nothing left,it goes and leaues nothing behinde it, yea, itleaues fad– nelfe,ifany thing,and finne behind it, the thing palfeth away-in amoment but the finneremaines and continues. This is his cenfitre ofthat part) namely,carnallmirth and jollirie. 2o Then he~comes tO the reil:, which I wili out Wine. name; Thtn,fayth he,!gauemy felje to Wine, to 3• feetifitwercinthat. Afterthis, I gauemyfelfe Gr~atworkes 1 11.. togreat works,to make ll:ate ybuildings, tomew • my