Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

go Wifdom the Strength of the Mind. S E R M. exceffes of paffion and lower affeetion to IV. which we find ourfelves liable in this pro - `' bationary Bate, are the diftempers of the mind which wifdom cureth. But what I chiefly intend at this time, agreeably to many pafhages in this book, to which I may after- wards refer, is, to (hew how the wife man is ftrong, and the man of knowledge in- creafeth ftrength againíf the trials and ad- verle occurrences of life. Fear is an infirmity natural to man, which very often hash pernicious effes, and in itfelf, abflra Ling from its effe&s, is very uncomfortable. I believe every one bath experience enough to make him fenfible that fear bath torment. Though there teem- eth to be a great difference as to this parti- cular in the natural frame and con$itution of men ; Lome are much more hardy and re- folved, more calm, and have greater pretence of mind in the expeftation of evil than others; yet I fcarcely believe there are any who have not felt fometimes fuck (hocks and furprizes, under the apprehenfion of danger, as were painful to them. Now, there needeth no reafoning to thew that this is a weaknefs and mifery; we know it by an inward confciouf- nefs. Every living creature, according to 2 its