Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

Wifdom the Strength of the Mind. 89 the underHanding is fo over - clouded as not S E x M. to difcern what is neceffary to a juft con- IV. dud, or when the felf- determining, power is infeebled that it cannot ad Headily and uni- formly, or it bath not that felf- enjoyment, inward compofure and tranquillity, which ought to attend the due exercife of all its fa- culties in a found and healthful conftitution ; fo that the principal fymptoms of that weak and diftempered condition are darknefs, ir- refolution, and difcomfort. I have already infinuated, that the weak - nefs againft which wifdom fortifieth the foul is efpecially difcovered in the difficul- ties of life, and therefore principally appear - eth in the prevalence of the paffions which are excited by them, and are fummed up in averfion, that is, in the prevalence of fear, and forrow, and anger. It is true, the other paflions have by a different manner of operation the fame effe ±; they are all of them the weak part of the human nature ; they are, indeed, when duly governed, very ufeful and orna- mental to fuch a creature as man in his pre - fent condition, and plainly Phew the great wifdom and goodnefs of our Creator ; but reafon and moral confcience is the man; in its vigor and authority over the inferior fprings of ac`lion, our ftrength lieth : The excefles ®