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17///f7HAV, 1!1MieA// 6 CJENESIS XXIII. in thefe lands never purchafed foot of inheri- tance, A &.7.5. till now for his dead; net for a- ny , (though it is likely fundry had dyed In his home within this time,) but for Sarah his wife. As the former (hewed his faith,abiding there a in afrange Coutry, Heb.r1.9. fo this purchafe of a grave,lheweth the like,not onely for the general]. reirre&ión of the dead, but for the fpeciall pof- fètfion of this promifed land: for which caufe,Ia- kob alto would be brought out of Egypt to he buried here, Gen. 47. 29, 30. and Iole ph by like faith,gave commandement ofhit bones, Gen.50.24. 25. Hcb 11.22. For a Sepulchre of ones owne, was a Pigne of right, and firma poffeffton, Efay 25.16. out of my fight ] or, from before me: fo verte 8. Death , fo defaceth all earthly things, that the molt lovely,are by it made loathfome : for Sarah had beene the deftreof bit eyes, Ezek. 24. i6. but now he cannot tnffer her in his fight. And the living dóc bary their dead, that according to the fentenceof God , man may returne to his earth and dull, Gen.3.19. and be Towne as fëed in the ground till the refurre&iois, r Cors 5.35,3 6.&c. where they relt in their graves , as in their beds, till their change come,Efa.57.a.Iob 14.14. Vert 6. a Prince ofGod] that is, a mighty prince, an holy ruler s preferred and advanced of God. So A- bimelech acknowledged that God wae wit/shim; Gen.21.22. Things that excel]., are laid to be of God: as.Mmmtaineof God , Pfa1.36.7. Cedars of God, PC11.80. I t. wrafllings of God Genets 3o. 5. and many the like. The Greeke here tranflateth, a King flied, the Chaldee , a Prince hefire the Lord A like fpeech is ufed of the Priefts, called Princes of God, I Cbron.24.5. the choifi] that is, the befl,the fairer : as the Chaldee explaineth it; be- cattle men nib to choofè the.beft things. And choife is put for chafen: Asgloyof grace , and richesafgrace, Ephef.1.6,7. for gloriotu and rids grace : tltepromife oftbeJ irit,6al.3.4.tor the promifdfßirit,and many the Ike. with -hold] orcçf -up, forbid, either by word or deed. 7 Verf.7 .bowed dome] didobeyfance, in tigne of re- verence, and tliankfulneffe: fo verte 12. Some- time they that bowed, would fay they did fo, as profèlGng their thankfulneffe, 2 Sam.' 6 4. 8 VerC8.yonrmind,]or, _your will : Hebrew with yourfoule; which word is often tiled for the mind or will ofany: Pfal.27.12.and41.3.and 105.22. The Greeke tranflateth, if ye bave inyosto foule : the Chaldee, if it be the pkafatre of your fente. to bury] that is, that I fbouldbury: an ufitall phrafe, where theperfon is not expreffed, but eafily un- derftood: fee Gen .6.1 g.and I 9.2o.and 47.29. 9 Verf.9. of Macpelah] which is by interpreta- tion, the cave ofdoublenef, as the Chaldee hath, and fo the Greek alto tranflateth it,tbe double cave: but it appeareth by verte be the name of the place. full money] Hebrew full fi/ver. that is , for at much money ait is worth : filver is na- med for all money,and foi ,for full weigbt,as appear- et!) verte 16. A like fpeech is tiled in 1 Chron. 2 r.24.for full filver ; which another Prophet faith, fir tbeprice,that is,the worth of it,a Sam.24.24 Verf.tofttirtg] there prefent among them: or 10 dwelling, as the word often fignifieth intbe Bares] 'that is , in the audience; or bearing: as the Greeke explaineth it. -So verl 13.and 16. went in] meaning the citizens ; who are difcribed by going in, as in Gen 34.24.bygeingout: which two areoften joyned together, togoe in andout,for to convert, trade, &c. fee Ierem. t 7.19,20,25.and 22.4. V:I I , in the lies,] that is, in the fight, or pretence : or before : as the Greeke tranflateth it : fo verf.18. fonnes of mypeople] which the Greeke turneth, my citizens ; an ulùall call country phrafe : fo in Luk. .19.14.hit citizens, is turned in the Syriake, the fins ofhit eitie.Bargains paffed thuspublikely in the ci- ty gates,for more teftintony and affurance,as was tiled alto in other cafes, Ruth. I. Ver.n 3.iftbou that is,wilt gite it, or Ohms be he, 13 whom I fpeakof': as theGreeke tranflateth,f eieg thou art with me : (that is, prefene.) Such imperfeht fpeeches are often ufed,where other ht wordsare to be underitood,as the fcripture it felffometime manifefteth : as behold the oxen,z Sarn. z4.22.which another Prophet relating fifth , behold Igive the oxen, I Chron.21.23. See allo before, Gen.' 1.4. and 13.9 and after here in the 15.verf. money] Hebrew f lver,that is,the price of the field. VerC l 5.fheke /s:] or, (aswe may call them)Phi.. I S lingo: the Creche tranflateth them ddrachmes: which word is ufed Mat. 17. 24.what thetrek// weighed,feenoted on Gen.2o.16. V.16.cnrran]or,pafngta: and fo all awed afMer- cbanto,as the Greek turneth it:which the Chaldee amplifieth thus, that war to pen f r merehaoadif in eze- ryConntrey.. Verl..t7. mat made firre] the Hebrewis flood up: 17 that is,was made liable, lure and confirmed, as the Greek tranflateth It in the Iaft verle of this chap. And this purchafe thus affured to Abraham was a propheticall ligne,'that his pofterity thould have the inheritance of that land: even as Iere- miesbuyingof his uncles field before witneffes, was a figne of the Iews return into the poffeffton of this land; Ier. 3 z.7,9i t o,1 5,43,44 the eaze]or den: thus carefully bought, 19 and defcribed where it lay , for a monument to poflerity.In this cave allo Abraham himfelfewas buried with his wife, at his death, Gen.25.9 Likewile Ifaak his fonne, with Rebekah his wife, and Iaakob with Leah hiswife : Gen.49.3 r . and 50.13. The Patriarchs hereby teflifying their faith in the promifes of God, for the inheritance of this land,and of life eternall figured hereby, as before is obferved on v. 4. Herewith may bee compared the purchafe of the potters field bought with the price of Chrift blood to bury firangers in : Mat.27. II 16 IAIAMIMAMMAIMAI C H A P. XXIV. 1 Abraham fweareth hie fervant , te take a wife for Ifaak, not of the Canaanite: , lut of bit own binred : 8 Ile Efil Mgt _