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Agrave purciláCed. GENES IS XXIII. place, with you ; that I may bury my dead, 5 out of my light. And the formes of Cheth, 6 anlwered Aoraham,faying to him; heare us, my Lord;thou art a Prince of God,amongft us, in the choife of our buriall-places, bury thou thy dead : aman ofus, flrall not with- hold from thee his burying place, from bu- 7 rying thy dead. And Abraham flood-up, and bowed-downe himCelfeto the people g of the land, to the fonnes of Cheth. And he fpake with them, faying : ifitbe your mind, to bury my dead, out of my fight; heare me, and intreat forme , to Ephron the fonne of 9 Zohar. And let him give mee the cave of Macpelah which he hath , which u in the end of his field : for full money,let him give it me,amongft you, for a poffelliion of a bu- ro rying- place. And Ephron was fitting, a- mongil the formes of Cheth: and Ephron the Chethite anfwered Abraham , in the cares oothe fonns of Cheth; of all that went in at the gates of his chie, faying ; Nay my Lord heare me,the field Igive thee,and the cave that is therein,I give it thee : inthe eies of the Connes of my people, give I it thee, bury thy dead.And Abraham bowed.down 13 himfelfe,before the people of the land. And he fpake unto Ephron , in the cares of the people of the land,faying ; But if thou (wilt give it) I pray thee heare me : I will give the money Of the Held, take it of me, and I 14 will bury my dead there. And Ephron an- 5 fwered Abraham,faying unto him;lily Lord heare me ; thé land(is worth) foure hundred fhekels of filner, betweene mee and thee, 16 what is that r' and bury thydead.And Abra- ham hearkned unto Ephron ; and Abraham weighed to Ephron, the flyer which hehad fppken of,in the Bares of the fons of Cheth : foute hundred ftekels of flyer, currant with 17 the merchant. And the field of Ephron, which was in Macpelah , which was before Mamree,was made -Eure : the field, and the cave which was therein and everie tree which was in the field, which was itn all r g theborder thereof, round about. Vnto A- braham for a purchafe,in the oies of the fens of Cheth ; with all thatwent -in at the gates 19 .ofhiscitie. And afterward, Abraham bu- ried Sarah his wife, in the cave of the field of Macp, lah , before Mariaree , the fame ù zo Chebron, in the land of Canaan. And the geld, and the cave which was therein , was made -Cure to Abraham , for a po«Celfon.of a burying place : by the Eons of Cheth. II 12 vlrrnotatietes: D D 9 Here beginneth the 5 fecftion of the Law called Ciaijee,Sarab, chat is, The life of Sarah. See Gen.6.9. THe life] in Hebrew lives : fee Gen.z.7. This fpeciall honor hath Sarah our mother above all women in the Scripture, that the number of her yeeres is recorded ofGod.Eve was the mother of all living, Gen.3.zo. and Sarah is mother of all the faithful], j Pet.3.61 She lived a pilgrim with Abraham her husband 6z yeeres , and before her departure from Charran,6 all 1 27 yeeres. VerCz. KirjathArita] that is , the eitie of Arba, as the Greek¢ tranflateth it :calledalfoChebron:fee Gen. r 3.18. ram] or, spent -in namely into Sarahs tent, wherein the dwelt and , dyed : for-A- braham had man tents, (as hadLot,Gen.r3.5.) and one fpeciall for Sarah, Gen.z4 67. and 18.6. to weep] Sarah alfo is the firll,for whofe death, mourning and weeping is mentioned , another note of honour as appeareth by Gen.5 0, 9,10, r 1. Ier. zz. 18. 2 Sam.1., 7. &c. But forrow for the dead,mufl be moderate in Gods people,as having hope of the refurreetion, - z Thef. 4.13, 14. and weeper in the Hebrew hath one little letter ' extra- ordinary , noted alto in the margine of the He- brew bibles,whereby-as the Iewes thinke is figni- fed, that Abrahams mourning was not excel;ye, but with moderation. The Hebrew Do &ors fay that afterwards in Ifrael, a man was bound by the law (in Lev.,1.2,3.) to mourn f r his mother, and fr his father, his fors and his daughter; andhis brother and his filler by the fathers fide. And by the Rabbinee,a man was to mourn far bit wife that-he bad marled, and fo the woman for ber hatband: to mourne alfa for brother and f- fier by the mothers fide.lidaimorg in Mifnehi.tom.4.treat. ofM laming. ch.2,S.1. Verf3. from before] or, from foie face of his dead : Where in likelihood, he had fitten a while on the earch,as was themanner of mourners to doe: lob 2.12,13. Efa.47.1. f+nsofCbetb] that is, the Chethites , or Hittites the people which came of Cheth the foil of Canaan Cìen.r o. r 5. Vtrf 4.a f jeutner] orfrreiner : properly it fig - nifieth one that dwell'eth in a ftrange country, and bath no polfeffion of his ownethere. And as Abraham,. fo David acknowledgeth this of him - feltà and his people, with God: Chr.29,15. Pf. 39.13. and the law taught them fo much, Levit. 25 :zg. and the Golpell teacheth us the farm for our efface on earth, rPet. 2. it. and com- mendeth to us the faith of thefe fathers, that did fo profeflà thenrfelves,to be ltrangers and for- reiners in the land : thereby declaring plaiuely that they fought a better conntry,even an heaven- ly, where God bathprepared for then a citie r Hebr. 11. 13, 1.4., 16. a buying place] or, grave, fepuleher, in Hebrew Keber, from which the Germainegrab, and our Englifhgraz e are de- rived. Abraham having fojourned 6o. yeeres in I a 3 4