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hod Jacob lerves for Rachel. G E N. XXIX. Leah and her Ions. there were there flocks of fheep lying by it; forout of that well,they watered the flocks: a ^d a great shone, was upon the wels mouth. 3 And thither were al the flocks gathered,and they rolled the foone from the wels mouth, and watered the tbetpe : and they put the (tone again, upon the wels mouth, in his 4 place. And Jacob laid unto them ; my bre- thren, whence be yee e and they laid, of Charran are wee. And hee faid unto them, Know ye Laban the fonne of lslachor e and 6 they faid , wee know him. And hee faid to them, Is there peace to him e and they faid Peace ; and behold, Rachel his daughter, is 7 corm-sting with the fheepe. And hee faid, loe yet the day is great, it is not time that the cattell fhould be gathered together: wa- g ter yee the fheepe , and goe feed. And they faid,we cannot,untill all the flocks be gathe- red together; and they rolle the (trine, from the wels mouth : then water we the iheepe. 9 He yet was fpeaking with them; and Rachel cafne,with the fheep which were her fathers: 1 o for thee fed them. And it was, when Jacob faw Rachel; the daughter of Laban his mo- thers brother : and the fheepe of Laban,his mothers brother: that Jacob went neere; and rolled the (tone , from the wels mouth, and watered the (beep of Laban his mothers I I brother. And Jacob killed Rachel : and lif- t ted up his voice, and wept. And Jacob told H achel,tharhe was her fathers brother; and that he was Rebekahs fon : and Thee ran and told her father. And it was , when Laban heard, the tidings of Jacob his filters fonne; that he ran to meet him, and imbraced him, and kiffèd him, and brought him in, to his bottle : and hee told Laban, all there words. And Laban faid unto him, Surely thou art 74 my bone and my flefh: and hee abode with him,a moheth of daies.And La ban laid unto Jacob; Becaufe thou are my brother, fhould- eft thou therefore ferve me for nought a tell 16 mee, what (hall thy wages be ? And Laban had two daughters : the name of the elder, was Leah; and the name of theyonger, Ra- chel. And the cies of Leah, were tender : and Rachel Was faire in forme, and faite in 18 countenance. And Jacob loved Rachel : and laid I will ferve thee feven yeeres , for H a- rg chef thy yongerdaughter. And Laban laid, It is better that I -give her to thee then that I fhould give herto another man: abide thou 2o with rr e. And Jacob ferved for Rachel ,fe- ven yeeres : and they were in his ties, as a z 1 few dales, becaufe he loved her. And Jacob r7 laid unto Laban , Give mee my Wife, for my dales are fulfilled : that I may goe in un- to her. And Laban gathered-together , all the men of the place , and made a banquet. And it was in the evening,that he took Leah his daughter :and brought her in, unto him: and he went in,unto her.And Laban gave to her,Zilpah his handmaid :for a handmaid,to Leah his daughter. And it was in the mor- ning, that loe it was Leah : and he Paid unto Laban, what is this thou haft done unto met Did nor I ferve with thee, for Rachel t and wherefore haft thou beguiled me c And La- ban laid, It may not be fo done,in our place: to give the yonger, before the firft- borne. Fulfull thou the feven of this;and there (hall be given unto thee, this al fo ; for the fervice which thou (halt ferve with me,yet feven o- ther yeeres. And Jacob did fo, and fulfilled the liven of this: and he gave unto him,Ra- chel his daughter, fora wife unto him. And Laban gave to Rachel his daughter, Bilhah his handmaid : for a handmaid ro her. And he went in allo unto Rachel;and he loved al- to Rachel,more then Leah : and ferved with him, yet other feven yeeres. And Jehovah faw,that Leah was hated;andhe opened her wombc : and Rachel,was barren. And Leah conceived,and bare a fon; and the called his name Reuben : for the faid,for Jehovah hath feene my affliction; for now, my husband will love me. And the conceived againe,and bare a bonne; and the laid, becaufe Jehovah bath heard that I was hated ; he hath there- fore given me, this al(o : and (he called his name Simeon. And (he conceived againe, and bare a Tonne ; and faid, now this time my husband will be joyned unto nice; be- caufe I have borne unto him three formes therefore the called his name, Levi. And file conceived again, and bare a fon; and Thee faid , this time., I will confelfe Jeho- vah ; therefore, the called his name Judah: and (he frayed from bearing. Aimatations. IfiedupJ that is ,went lightly and cheerfully on hislong journey,being comforted by the von and oracle of God, received at Be: bel. Seea such like phrafe,inPfaLi4.3. fasej the Le] that is, the EaJlerne peopk, in 114e/epotamia, which lay Eaffward from Canaan. So in Job t. ;. The Greeke omitteth the word fns, and tranllateth, the Eaff cenmries.Frsm the Eaf God had strife( se A- braham the(man of) righteeuJnrftè,Efay 41.2. Gen. t2. 1. and thither new Jacob his nephewfieeth, there aa 23 24 25 a6 27 2$ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 I