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'GENESIS XXIX I09 there tc f rve for a wifè, Hof. t a. 1 z. wherein the my(terie of hrift and his Church,was figured : Eph.5.32. 2 Cor.11.2. 2 Vert. 2. a well] at a well in the field, Abrahams fervant met with Rebekah Ifaaks wife, Gen.24.I 1. 15. So here Itkobmeetethwith Racbelhiswife. A much like thing befell untd Motes, Exod.2.15 . 16.21. And Chrllfittin on Jakob: Well ( in Sa- maria) preached there of the /King waters of his Gófpell and fpirit, which who fo drinketh, they (hall be inhim a well of water pinging up into everla- fimgl:tb,toh.4.6; -14. and 7.38.39 lymg]This the Greeke tranflateth refting.The two workes of Ihepherds to their flocks , are feeding, and caufing them to lye down, or to ref( ; both which Chriff performeth to his people, Song.1.6. Ezek, 34.tá. Pfal.z3.1.2. VirC3. the fore] wherewith the well was clo- 3 fed and fealed up, to keepe the waters Cafe and pure : and which the Ihepherds muff remove to water the fheepe. A figure of the Paltors duty, in opening the my, fteries of the Scripture , that men may with joy draw waters out of the wells of fal- cation, Efa. t 2.3. The three flocks here mentioned, are by the Hebrew Do&tors (in Bnfth rabbab upon this place) applyed to the whole body of the Church, Priefts , Levites, and the other Ifrae- lites. 6 Ver1,6. Is there peace] that is, welfare and profj,e- rig. This was the manner, in thole places of ta- hating, or asking of ones welfare; as in Gen. 43 27.28. r Sam.25.5.6. 2 Sam.20.9. The Greeke tranflatet h,is he in health ? 7 Verf.7. iagreat] that is, much day yet remainetb; or it is high day. He exhortetia to me the time,whiles it remained,for the good of their (beep: and not to take them fo Toone from their pafture. 8 VerC.8. cannot] that is, are not able, the aone is fo great: or, may not , by right,till all conte toge- ther.In this latter fettle the word is ufed,Gen.3+. 14. and 43. 32. and 44.26. and other where. Verf9.Jbeefedthem] or, fhe mar fhepherdef. In 9 Gr. fhefedherfathers fbeepe .Itfeemeth men uteri to imploy their daughters in fuch workes,Exod. 2. 16, (whereupon Chrifts fpoufe is compared to a fhepherdelle, Song. 5.7.8.) unle)fe it were laid upon her through her fathers covetoufneffe, as Come thinke. I o íhief1one] either, with the help of the fhepherds or, by extraordinary ftrength of his own.This latter,fonm Rabbines hold,faying, Ia- kobs fleps were not flraitned (as Pro.4.t z.) neither did hir firengthfaile,but atámighty (rang man, bee rolled the fronefrom the wells mouth, &c. and the fbepherds fair it, andwendredall, and were not able to role away theffone, but Iakeb rolled it away himfelfe alone. Pirkei R.Eliezer, cbap.36. Verf i tufted up] that is, is'isha lead voice wept: the Greek tranflateth , cried with bir voice and wept. It argued his great affehtion,and pallion of minde for her fake;as the like was after in lofeph, Gen. 43.30. and 45.2.14,15. Such things God fetteth down particularly and often, (though they may feente of finali moment)to thew how he is deligh- II ted in the alliions of his children , whom the world contemncth. Verf t 3. the tidings] or , the heare-fay : inHe- brew , the hearing : figuratively put for the-word (or matter) heard. The Apoltles in Greeke fonte- time keepe the phrafe; as, who bath beleeved our hearing? Rom. ao. 16. that is, our repirt, preaching, or word preached. Sometime they expláine one an .ether, with other words ; as , his hearing flreada- broad, Mark.'.z8. for which in writ- ten, hisfame (or fund ecchoe ) words] or things, to weet,about his journey, and the cocks of it,as is before fpecified.Forelfe,it might feeme'flrange, unto hint , that Ifaakl Tonne íhould come in that poore fore alone : whereas Abrahams fervant came richly,with ether men accompanying him: Gen.24.1o.32.53. Verf r4, yty bone] that is , mykíofman', as the Chaldee expidayneth it. The Greeke faith, of my bones. See the like phrafe, in Iudg.9.2. t Citron. 11.1. 2 San:' 9. i 2.13. of dayes] that is, a whole month t asayeereofdayer. 2Sam.'4.z8.isa whole yeere.See the notes on Gen.4.3. Verf.' 5,brotber] that is , kinfman : fee Gen.' 3. 15 8. fhouldeft thou? ] The Greeke explaineth it, thou fbak not.See Gen.' 5.17. Verf. 16. elder] Hebrew , greater : meaning in 16 age : and fo theyonger, is the leJr. See Gen.27.I. By interpretation, Leahíignitieth Labourions, or Painful!: and Rachel an Eire or Sheepe. Verf r 7. render] as the Greeke tranflateth, lot- 17 fiOM, or weake: but the Chaldee tranflateth faire. 'Thargum .Ierulalemy addeth , that they were tender with weeping and praying., in forme] that is , in proportion of body , orperfonage: as the next in countenance, orvifage, is for beauty ofeolour. Both together,, make perfe4 beauty. The like is fayd of Eltlier,Ellh,z.7. and ofIofeph, Geu.39.6. The Hebrew Do &ors myflically apply this to the Church, the fairnef in the congregation of Ifrael, when it was guiltlefè from the power of uncleannefè : ar it it pie (in Song.4.7.) T hots art all faire mÿ lave, there it no lot in shoe. R..ailenachem,on Gen.29, Verte 20. f rzed] Thele things are let downe 20 to thew Labans chnrlithnefle, and Iakobs meeknes, poverty, patience, and hard condition in this Iife; which the Prophet after rehearfeth, how fa- kobfled into Syria and dfrael fervedfor a wife, andfor awife, kept (fheepe:) Hof. 12. 12. For whereas . men tiled of their fnbilance to give dowries, Gen. 34.12. Exod.z2.7. l'aktb having nothing to give, out of his poverty (Gen.32 vo.) giveth his fer- vice to his uncle for a w ife,w hich fery ice was hard unto hint, Gen. 31.40, 4 t . asDavid,'inflead of a dowry , gave too foreskins of the Philiftines, whom he killed with great perill of his own life; s Salmi 8.2 3.2 5.27. There things of Iaknb, may al lò (as the former of Abraham and Ifaak) be my- (Really applyed to Chrift, whore fpoufe and Clan rch,is beantifull,Song.4.1.7,Ephef 5.25.27. and bath made hint td fir ze with her fins,andwea- ried him,with her iniquities,Efa.43.24. were in bit ges]that i s, fnmedwnto him. loved her] and hue fuffereth, hopeth,and epdureth all things,' Cor. L 13.7. 13 14. /%