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Rachels griete. GENESIS X X X Rubens Mandrakes. ni CHAP. XXX. T, Racbel in grief fir her barrenneffi, giveth Bilhab her mayd unto I*ILb. 5, Bilbah besretb Dan and Naphtali. 9. Leah giveth him Zilpah her mayd who Nand) Gad and Afher. 14. Reuben findeth Man- drapes , wùh.ouhicb Leah hiretb her hurband of Rachel. 17. Leahbeareth IjThchar, Zebulun, and Dinab. 22. Rachel (wrath Iofeph. 25. Iaknb deftrctb to depart. 27. Labatt fiajeth bim, on anew covenant. 37. Ialvbs policie,wbereby be became rich: r A Nd Rachel faw,that the did not beare- children unto Jakob;& Rachel envied her fitter : & (Ile faid unto lakob, Give me. Ions ; orelfe, I dye. And Iakobs anger waskindled,againftRachel : and he fayd,am 1 in Gods ftead, who bath with -held from 3 thee, the fruit of the wombe ? And the Paid; Behold my handmaid Bilhah, goein unto her: and the (hall beare, upon my knees;and 4 I alfo (hall bebuilded by her. And the gave Unto him,Bilhah her hand - maid,to wife:and 5 Iakob went in,unto her. And Bilhah concei- 6 ved,and hare unto Iakob, a fon. And Rachel fayd, God hath judged me ; and bath alto heard my voice , and bath givenunto me a fonne: therefore, called the his name, Dan. 7 And Bilhah,Rachels handmaid, conceived again ; andbare, a fecond fon,unto Iakob. g And Rachel faid,wra filings of God,have I- 1 wraftledwith my lifter , I have allo prevai- 1 led :and fheealled his name Naphtali. And Leah faw,that the had stayed from bearing: and the tooke, Zilpah her handmaid; and 1 o gave her unto lakob, to wife. And Zilpah, Leahs handmaid , did beare unto Iakob,a it fon.And Leah laid;With a troupe: and (he 1a called his name, Gad. And Zilpah, Leahs hand-maid, did beare,a fecond fon, unto ta- 13 kob.And Leah faid, With mybleffedneffe, ;fotthe daughters will call me bleffed: and the called his name, Afer. 14 And Reuben went, in the daies of wheat harveft ; and foundMándrakes, in the field; and brought them , unto his mother Leah : and Rachel fayd unto Leah; Give mee I 15 pray thee, of thy fonnes Mandrakes. And the fayd unto her ; Is it a fmall- matter, that thou haft taken my husband ; and would.Jl thou take, my fonnes Mandrakes alto ? And Rachel fayd,therefore he (hall lye with thee 16 to night, for thy fons Mandrakes. And Ia- kobcame out of the field, in the evening ; and Leah went-out to meet him;and (he laid, thou shalt come in unto me; for hiring I have hired thee, with my fons Mandrakes : And 17 he lay with her that night. And God heard Leah : and the conceived, and bare unto Ia- kob, the fiftfon. And Leah faid, God bath givenme my hire, for that I gave my hand- maid , to my husband : and theecalled his name, Iffachar. And Leah conceived again: 19 and the bare the fixt fon unto Iakob. And Leah fayd , God hath endowed me with a good dowrie : now will my husband dwell with me,becaufè I have borne unto him fixe tonnes; and the called his name, Zebulun. And afterward, the bare a daughter:and the 21 called her name,Dinah. And God remem- 22 bred Rachel : and God heard her, and ope- ned her wombe. And the conceived and bare a fon : and Paid, God huh gathered a- way,my reproach. And the called his name, Iofeph ; laying: Iehovah will adde to mee, another fon. And it was, when Rachel had 25 borne Iofeph : that Iakob laid unto Liban Send me away , and let mee goe ; unto my place, and to my land. Give me my wives z6 and my children , for whom I haveferved thee,and let me goe : for thou knoweft, my fervicewhich I have ferved thee. And La- ban fayd unto him I pray thee if I have found grace, in thine eyes : I have learned- by- experience, that Jehovah bath bleffed me,for thy fake. And he fad, Fxprefty name thy wages unto me , and I will give it. And he Paid unto him;Thou knowett,howI have ferved thee : and how thy carrell bath been, with me. For it was little, which thou had deft before me,and it is encreafed to a multi. tude; andJehovah hath bleffed thee , at my. foot : and now, when(hall I allo do, for my owne houfe ? And he laid, what Mall I give 31 unto thee? And Jakob faid, thou (halt not give unto me any-thing; ifthou wilt do for me this thing,I will turne againe, I will feed thy flocke , I will keepe them. I willpaffe 32 through all thy lock,to day ;removing from thence, every lambe fpeckled and fpotted ; ' and every brown lambe, among the (heepe; and the fpotted and fpeckled, among the goats:and it (hall be my wages. And my ju- 33 cuce than anfwer forme, intimero come; when it (hallcome for my wages,before thy' face:every- onethat is not fpeckled and fpot- ted amongfb the goats, and browne amongft the fheepe; that (Ikon e counted) ftolne,with nie. And Laban laid, behold ; I would, it 34 might be according tothyword.And here- 35 moved in that day , the hee -goats that were ring-ftráked and fpotted ; and all the (he- goáts,that were fpeckled and fpotted; every- one that bad. fame white in it, and every L z browne 18 20 23 a} 27 28 29 30