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%//A////%/IÍÌd'ä!////41% nz Iacobs wages. (ÌENESIS XXXI. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 brown one,among4 the fheep : and he gave. 'them,intothe hand of his fontes And hefet three daies way,betwixt him felf and Jakob: andJakob,fed the ref} of Labans flocks. And Jakob took unto him,the rods ofgreenwhite poplar,and of nut -tree and of piantane -tree; and pilled in them white ftrakes,witbmaking bare the white, which ruas on the rods.And he let, the rods which he had pilled ; in the gutters,in the troughes of waters : when the flocks came to drinke;before the flocks; that they might conceive when they came to drink.Andthe flockes conceived,before the rods: and the flockes brought forth, ring - ffraked,fpeckled,andf otted-ones. And the lambs, Jakob feparared , and gave the faces of the cattell, toward the ring- f}raked,and all the browne,among the cattell of Laban: and he put his owne flockes by themfelves- alone;and put them nor,unto Labans cattell. And it was , whenfoever the luflie cattell conceived, then Jakob put the rods before the eyes of the cattell, in the gutters : that they might conceive among the rods. And when the cartel were feeble,he put them not: fo the feeble,were Labans;and the luflie,Ia- kobs. And the man encreafed, molt excee- dingly:and he had many flocks,and women - fervants,and menfervants,& camels, &alpes. (...A ',notations. 1 Nvied,] One word in the originall,is for envie, zeale,and jealouf:e; taken fomtime in the good part,fometime in the evill,as in this place. It is a (} ronger affeítion then wrath or anger, Pro.27.4. and a work of thefejb,Gal.5.a1.1Cor.3.3. Jas] Come fin, or chill. or elfe I dye]or,and if noe,I am a Mad woman, The like phralè was before in Gen. 29.3. Through fretfulnetfe and impatience, the fhouldkill her felfe; for envie it the rottenntliofthe bones,Pro.14.3o.whereas the ought to have lòught unto theLord,as did Ifaak,Gen.25.21. 2 V,2.inGods field] who only can give children: r Sa.2.5,6.PL1 t 3.9.& 127.3. So the Chaldee pa raphrafeth,Askefi thou (fins ) afecte ? fhouldefe thou not otlZthem of the Lord ? fruit] that is,as the Chaldee expoundeth, doe child of thy bowels. So all children are called the fruit ofthe womb,Deut.7.13.Pf. 1 27.3. even Chrift himfelf,according to the flefh,Lu.,.4 z V.3. and fbefbal]or,that floe may beare upon mykees] meaning, children that mjght be brought up and nurfed on her knees,as her owner fo (3en.5o.z3. Hereupon the calleth Bilhahr children,hers:v.6. fhalbe bseilded]that is,fhall have children,as the Greek tranflateth.See Gen.16.2.where the like was fpo- ken by Sarah. 4 V.4. towefe] or ,forawife.The like isfaidofAgar, who yet was but a fecondary wife,or concubine: fee Gen.16 3.& 22.23. So this Bilhab (or Balla,as the Greek writeth her,) is called a concubine, Gen.35 22.The like is to be minded for Zilpah, in verfp. 3 V.6 judged] This word,when it refpe&eth the 6 godly,fometime meaneth cbaffifement, and afflifti- on for fin, s Cc .ii.3 2. (onetime deliverance out of their af llfkion,as t Sam.24.15.2 Sam.t8.19.Both may be implyed here. heard my vnyce,] received my prayer,faith theChaldee paraphrale:fo in v. t 7. and 2 z. By this it appeareth that faith Sc vertues, wereprixed together with the infirmitiesofthete holy perfons. go after in v.17. Dan] that is by interpretation,Iudeng:fo named of Gods judging, that is,helpf ng,and delivering her.Afterward his name is the Iudging, that thould bea- rnong his c hildren,Gen.49. 16. V. S.Wrafllings of God]that is,diviree and vehement 8 wrafslings, very great and earne(t endevours both with God in prayer,and by all other means that the could;as swaying is a writhing & turning eve- ry way to prevaile by might or flight, The name ofGod,is added to things for excellency fake: fee Gen. z 3.6,The Greek tranflateth it,God bath helgen me,and I have hence compared rrith my feller; the Chal- dee addeth,Godbath receivedmy requefl;when Ifuppli- cated in my prayer I defered that I might have a fon, ar my filler ; and it ie granted me. Napbtali] or as the Greek writeth it, Nepbtbaleim : Rev.7.6. by Inter - pretation,Weafller,or,fon of My wrafiling. Val. with atroup]or, a troupe it come: for here II is a double reading , in the Hebrew margine it is written ba Gad,a troupe it come, which in the text is one word bagadthat is,in (or witb)a troup:fo af- ter in e. I3. beafri, in (or with) my bleffidnes.And fo the Greek tranflates it, In, or yid); but theChal- dee turneth it it come.Gad flgnifieth a troup,or band of men,& to this interpretation lakob after doth allude,Gen.49.1 9.How be it the Greek tranflates it,with good hake (or fortune) Fortunately. And in Arabik,the planet Iupiter, is called Gad. Gad] that is,atrouporbofl :after the Greek,Luck, or for, tune. This word is ufed in Efa.65.1 I. that prepare a table far the croup : there the Chaldee tranflateth it Idols : for it meaneth the haft ofheaven, or planets. V.13.with my blejdnet] or In my happinef'e: that is, as the Greek explaineth it, 0 Hefted (or happy) am I : meaning that this child was both with her felieity.T he Chaldee tranflateth it, I haze praiji (or commendation.) daughters]. that is, as the Greek tranflateth it,wamen : fo in Prov.31.29.Song.6.2. And the Chaldee , women will praipe me. call ene b&fled] or count me happy. This phrafc the Virgin Mary ufeth,Luk.1.48. fee alfo Song.6.8. Afer] or Afber,that is,Blefd,bappy:or making blr d. Verf.14.Mandra&es]in Hebrew Dudaim, which fignifieth lwelyor amiable : the Greeke tranflateth them apples of Mandragoras, (or Mandrake- apples :) the Chaldee alfo calleth them labrocbin, that is, Mandrakes; which name is borrowed fro the Arabicke. They were filch things asgave a m fenell, Song 7.13. Whether they were thole that wee now call Mandrakes,is uncertain.The name is not found in Scripture,but in this'hillory,& in Song. 7.13. there the Chaldee paraphrafe calls it Balfd. Verf.15. /o it fmad] the Greek tranflateth, Is it not enough? Thefe contentions were not meerly carnal,but partlyalfo for delre ofGeds ordinary bkfliing, 13 14 15 /W// /.1 /0 / /IíIÍ "1111111111 @111/ 1