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17 20 2I 22 23 24. 25 27 28 30 GE. NESIS XXX. blcffing, in propagation and chieflyfor the in- creak oft heChurch,and obtaining the pronufed feed -for falvatioti. Verf. 17.beard Leah] the Chaldee faith, received her prayer : fo verf 6 ;and 2 2.Gods providence and goodncs is here admirable,that he fhould regard, and in hip book record fuch things as theCe;about childifhWorks,and women contentions for their husband II7 into whichnotwithftanding the Lord abafeth hînifelfer (paffing by the heroicall aft of the world,)and preacheth his grace,(in the mid - delt of all humane infirmities ; ) to thole that jn faith doe call upon him. V.r8.lf facbar]T he Greeke addcth the interpre- tation; Iáehar, that is,Hire.It is written with the letters Iffaf har, but by the vowels IDàchar, one S not pronounced,which is not ufuall.Sach:tr figni- fieth Hire or wage : whereof he had the name.Bnt in that file counteth her fon a reward from God, for giving her maid to her husband; itfecmeth to be her error. Verf..2o. endowed] or, given me a good gift, as the Greeke tranflateth. Zebulun] or, as the holy Ghoft writeth it in Greek Zabulon; that is by in- terp retation,Dwefing. VerC2 i.Dinah] that is, Iudgeman; in Greeke Veiva. VerC22.remembreel] that is,fherred eare,and belpe fee Gen.8. r. Tlu Chaldee tranflateth, the remem- brance of Rachel came before God, and bee received her prayer. So in t Sam.1.19,zo. the Lord remembred Hannah. opened] that is, as the Ghaldee ex- poundeth it, gave be conception. So in Gen.29.31. Verf. 23. gathered] or taken awry my reproach, meaning her barrenneffe ; which was a reproaeha- mong men,Luke r.25,1 Sam. r .6.EfaY 4. r VerC24.Iofeph]that is, He will aide : or, adding. Sometime he is written lehofepb, as in Pfa1.8r.6. and to it was graven on Aarons Brcftplate, Exo. 28. The like is in the writing of other names, as Jonathan, 1 Chron. 10.2. or Iehonathan t Sant. 31.2.Ioafh,i Çhron.24,1. or Iehoafh, 2 King.12.1. and fundrie the like. will adele] or prayerwife, he adeleta me. The performance hereof, fee in Gen. 35.17.Hereby her faith appeareth. The Hebrew Doótors obfervet, that fhe fail not other fames, for fhe knew that there fhould be but twelve tribes ; andfile prayed that thefame forane might be of her: R. Mena- them on Gen.3 o. VerC2 my land] or counsry,meaning Canaan, promifed to him, Gen.28.13. whither by faith he would retorne, and dwell in it, expcEting the blelling of God, as Gen.26.3. Heb. 11.'9. So in Ier.51.9. Verf..27.grace]or, favour in thy yer: anunper- fea fpeech,meaning,tary I pray thee.See the notes before on Gen.' 1.4.and 23.9.a11d 23.13. Verfe 28. Exprefly- eame]or, nominate plainly, ap- point : The Greeke làith,d mpu ; that fliníl- y name. Verf30. before me] that is, before my comming: fo Gen.32.3. and 46.28. encreafed] Hebrew, broloen forth: that is, increafd, and _red- abroad fd - denly: fo verf. 43 and Get,. 28. 14. The Greeke here tranflateth it,encreafed. at my fiot]that is, fee my comming , and by my travell and ferviee. So the foot is tiled to lignifie labourioor fervice, Deut. I 1. r o.and the comming or prefence of any,Hab.3.5. The Chaldee tranflateth it as before in v.27.for mÿ fake. doe] that is, provide, laborer, prepare,&c. for my owne family ? which he that doth not,is worte then an Infidel,' Tim.5.8.The Greeke tranflateth, maf my feelfeanhoufe? VerC3 T. any thing] that is, any certain wage, or pitted hire, of Labans gift. He cholè rather to de- pend on Gods providence. will turne again, wil feed,eii c.] that is,as theGreeke explaineth ital will again feed th, y fheepe,and iteepe them. Verf.3 2. removing] or, remote thou : and fo the Greeketranflateth,fèparatethou. itfhallbe]mea- ning , filch fhould be his, wage, namely, all that were borne lò partie-coloured after that time. And this choicedepended upon Gods biding: for naturally the cattell would bring forth others like themfelvee,and its Iakobs part fhould be few. But by Gods extraordinary providence, it fell out other-wire : fee Gen.3 T.10,12. Verf33. my jufiice] that is, a jufl reward of my labours from the hand ofGod,on whom Idepend, and ju, dealing in me, who _hall be feene to keepe nothing but my owne. anfwer fir] or tefiife fir (or with me.) The contrary is in Efay 5 9. s z. our fumes anfwer, (or teflifie) againfl soc. Anfwering is 'for slime!" in Exod.2o.16, in time tomme] that is, hereafter fhortly : the Hebrew phrafe is, in day to morrow : butte morrow is often ured for here- after or time to come, Exod. 1 . r 4. Dear. 6120. Iof 4.6. Mat.6.34.asyeflerday,is for time pafi, Gen. 31'.2. when itfhall come] or, for it_Pall come; or, when thou Pak come (to looke) -minty wages. The Greeke tranflateth, for my wager is before;bee. V.34.I would,it might be] or,7 with it,let it be : for the diftinaion feemeth to afford this fettle. The Greek omitting the former, faith onely, Legit be. Verf..36.way] that is, journey: fo Gem 3'.23. 36 and often in the Scripture. Vet. f,37.rods] Heb.rod: as tree,far trees, Gen.3.2. 37 goocue] that is, »toifl : oppofed to dry ; and is not meant of colour. It may alto be referred to the rods. nut tree] in Hebrew Luz: Come think it to be the bazell, others the almond tree : the He- brew and Greeke arc both generali , for any nut tree : and the word is not found for a tree,but in this one place. Elfewhere Luz,is the City Bethel, fo named asfeeniethoflowtrees growing there, Gen 28.19. as elfewhere Jericho is called the tide ofpalmetrees, 2 Chron.28.15. platane tree] or, pine tree : thus both the Greek and Chaldec doe interpret the Hebrew name gnarmon: fonte think it to be the ctefnut tree. It was a faire tree, as ap- peareth by Ezek.3 t.8. Verf 38. cnxeive]Heb. be in beat ; whereby con- ception or engendering is meant,as the Greeke plain- ly tranllateth.And there things Jakob did i,y the oracle of God, as appeared' by Gen 31 9,t o,t r, reafon whereof, it was no more unlawful! for him to doe thus, then for his children to rob the Egypt ians,Exa2.3 5 o36.It was in recompence I. 3 of I13 31 32 33 34 38