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The Creation GE NEsiS I. of the V ToiId. THE FIRST BOOK OF acv OSES, CALLED qE nCES IS. CHAPTER L ',The Heaven! and the Earth are created , and the Light,. in the firll day. 6, In the fecond, the Firmament ie fßred, and the waters divided. 9, In the third, the earth is made dry land, and froiofetll: the matere are gathered to be fear. 14, The Sun Moot ; and Stars, are createdfor Lights, the fourth day. 20, Fifh and Fowles are brought forth, and blef'ed in the fifth. a ¢, In the ftxth, Scaf s are made out of the Earth.. 26, Man is treated in the image of God, 28, k it b.efd, andbath dominion of the world. 29 , Food it appointed for man anti beafi. 31, Gode market are all good. 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 Al THE BEGINNING; God created the hea- vens and the earth. And the earth was emptie and void ; and darkneffe, was upon the face of the deepe and the Spirit of God, moved upon the face of the waters. And God Paid , Let there be light : and there was light. And God faw the light, that it was good : and God feparated betweene the light and the darkneffe. And God cal- led the light, Day ; and the darkneffe, he called Night : and the evening was, and the morning was, the firft day. And God Paid; Let there be an Out-fpred firmament, in the midit of the waters and let it feparatec betweene waters and waters. And God made the Outfpred- firmament; and feparated betweene the waters which were under the outfpred-firmament, and the waters which were above the outfpred -fir- mament, and it was fo. And God called the outfpred- firmament,Heavens: &the evening was,'and the morning was, the fecond day. And God Paid ; Let the waters under the heavens bee gathered.together, unto one place; and let the dry-land appeare : and it God called the dry- land,Earth: and the gathering- together of the waters,he called Seas : and God faw,that it mar good. And God faid ; Let the earth laud -torth the budding-gralTè, the herbe feeding- feed,'the fruit -tree yeelding-fruit after his kinde, whole feed is in it !elfe, upon the earth and it was fo. And the earth brought -forth budding-graffe, the herb feeding -feed, after his kinde; and the tree yeelding fruir,whofe feed was in it (elfe, after his kinde : and God fane; that it war good. And the evening was, and the morning was, the third day. And God faid; Let there be lights in the outfpred- firmament of the heavens, to fepa- rate between the day and the night; and let them be for figues; and for feafons ; and for daies, and yeares. And let them be for lights in the outfpred- firmament of the heavens, to give light upon the earth : and it was fo. And God made the two great Lights: the greater lighr,for the rule of the day; and the leffer light,6for the rule of the night; alto the Bars. And God let them, in the outfpred - firmament of the heaven ;ro give light upon the earth. And to rule over the day,and over the night; and to feparate between the light and the darkneffe : and God law that it mas good. And the evening was,and the morning was, the fourth day. And God laid ; Let the waters bring forth abundantly, the moving - thing, the li- ving-foule: and fowle, that may flue above the earth, on the face of the outfpred-firma- mentof the heavens. And God created the great Whales: and every living crzeping foule, which the" waters brought forth B abun- Iy 13 14 Iç 16 Ió 19 20 zI 1