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IIIay1l11111/Air S E T H pro pa,_ateth the fait hfull feed. Enoch prophefieth, and God takerb him away, that he dierh not. Chap. 5 Serbs feed, and Kains, arc mixed, Co Giants are bred , and fin increafed. God repenteth that he made man ; rhreaeth to drone the world , but Noe find. grace. 6 NOE & his houCe,wuh fome of al cream, es, are faved in the Ark,which God bade him snake:the world is all The government of the World after the Flood. N O E with his family, come out of the Arke; are blared, to fill the world again. Chap. 8 G O D promifech to drowne the world no more. Sin reviveth in Cham, Noes Con ,whole pofferitieis cuffed : the Melting continueth to Sean and laphor. Chap.9 Noes three furors, Scm, Cham, and Iaphet, doe multiply on the earth. Chap. to Their poReritic arc fcattered, by confufron of tongues at Babel. Sem propagareth the faithfull feed : which in Torah falleth from God, but is called to repentance. Chap.rt A 13 R A tri is called from Idolatry : and commerh a pìlgrime into the land of Canaan. Çhap.Is Abram (parted from Lot) is promifed the land of Canaan, and a plenteous feed. Chap.,; He fighreth for Lot, overcommerh foam Kings, and is bleffed of blelchifedek. Chap,14 He (being childle(fe) is promi fed an Noire, juftified by faith, and comforted by a villein, and covenant of God. Chapp.t 5 He hath a Con (after the fldh) Ifmacl of Agar his bondwoman. Chap. t6 Ho bath a newname Abraham, the covenant ofcircumcifion; and promife of Jfaak. Sarai is named Sarah. Chap. a7 Abraham entertaineth Angels: bath the promife renewed : and Sodoms deftruftion revealed , for whom he màkethi inter.. ccflion. Chap, r8 Sodom is burned; Lot delivered, begeeteth of his daughters, Moab and Ammon. Chap.ty Abrahams wife taken by Abim fee, is tea ored unto him. I S A A K the vomited feed , is borne: Agee and ICtot , arc toff out of Abrahams home. Abimeleceoernanreth with Abraham: Chap.a t Ifaak is offred for a facrifice by his father : but fared from death by God. Abraham is bleffed ; and heareth of his kindred, iee,eafe.. Chap.aa Abraham purchafeda in Canaan, a burying place for Sarah. Chap.a; He provideth a wife for Ifaak, who marrieth Rebekah. Chap,a4 Abraham dierh : Ifaac begectcthEfau and Jakob, who (hive in the wombe. Iakob buyeth the birthright of ECau, furna- cued Edam. Chap.a5 Ifaaks wife taken by Abimelec, is reflored : he covenanter, with Abimelec. Chap.nn I A K O B by Cubtilry getreth the blaring from Elan, and is rhreaured, Chap.a7 Iakob ffeeth from ECau, is comforted by a vifron of a Ladder, at Bethel. Chap.a8 He fervetti for a wife ; is beguiled, marrieds two, and hath foure formes. Chaps, He is increafed with mue children: is wronged by Laban, but waxerh rich. Chap.3o He fìeeh fccretly, is purfued by Laban , but God delivereth him. Chap. ;a He is mer of Angels; afraid of EGu; wralllethwith God, and is named Ifrad. Chap.; a Iakob and ECau meet, and are friends : Iakob purchaferh ground at Sechem. Chap.;; Iakobs daughter Dina is defiled: his fonnes flay the Sechcmites for ie. Chap. 34 Iakob burieth Deborah the nurfe, Rachel his wrfe, and Ifaak his father. Chap.; 5 Elm dwelleth in Sen., bath many Dukes and Kings of his polteritie. Chap. ;4 I O S E P H Iakobs tonne, is hated for his drama , and fold by his brethren into Egypt. Iakob monmeth for him, and will not be comforted. Chap. ;y Judah , Iakobs fan eth of his daughter in law, Pharee and Z arah. Chap. ;8 Iofeph in Egypt is tempted m adultery, falfly accufed, and impriConed Chap.;, Iofèph in pnfon,enpoundeth the dreames of Pharaohs officers: but is forgotten. Chap.4o lofehh ex poundesh Pharaohs dreames, and is made ruler over all Egypt. Chap.4t Jakob fendeth his fennes for corne into Egypt : Iofepb kaudleth them roughly. Chap.4a Iakob cooflrainedly fendeth his Cons agsine : and left hfeallesh them. Chap. .,; Iofeph challengeth Benjamin for his eup; Iudah fopplicamth for his brother. Chap.44 Iofeph maketh himfelfe known to his brethren: and fendeth for his father. Chap.45 Iakob by Gods advice, goerh with his houfhold into Egypt : in all feventy boles. Iofeph meeteththem in Gelber, and inftrufteth them what to fay to PharaoF Chap.46 Iofeph father his father and brethren m time of famine r bringer, the Egyptians into bondage ,acrd Cweareth to bury his in Canaan. C hap.47 Iot phs two Cons are ble fed, and adopted of Iakob on his death bed. Chap.48 Iakob bleffeth his twelve fens, prophefieth of Chrifl , and dierh in Egypt. Chap49 Iakob burieth his father in Canaan , and returneth: forgiveth his brethren; prophefieth of their departure from thence : gweth charge concerning his bons, and dyath. Chap.So The number of the Seaions (or Leîfures) in Genefrs, are twelve : the Chapters, fiftie: the valet, 1534. The midfl is at Gen. 27.4©. Search the Scriptures, Ioh.5.39, To the Law, and to the Tefiimonie, Efay 8. io. W hat(oever things -were written aforetime , werewritten for our learning : that -wee through patience , and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope, Rom. 15.4. AIWA% %/11W111111'Afi/J.