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I .......--.....w...-+.... .s . ro..._ i So Ioleph feaítech them. GENESIS XL 111. laid to him that wa over his houfe,bring the 1 meato houfe: and flay a flaughter(of hafts) and make - ready ; for the men (hall eat wich 17 me at noone.And the man did as Iofeph had faid : and the man brought the men into Io- 18' fephs houle. And the men feared, becaufe they were brought into Iofephs houle : and they faid, for thematter of the money, that was returned in our bags at the firft;arewee brought -in : to roll himfelfe upon us: and to fall upon us ; and to take us for fervants, 19 and our affes.And they came neere unro the man which was over Iofephs houle : and they fpake unto him at the doore of the 20 houle. And laid, Ohmy Lord: comming downe,wecame- downeat firfistobuy food. 21 An ' it was, when we came to the Inne s and opened our bags; that beholdevery.mans money was in the mouth of his barge ; our money in theweight thereof : and we have 22 brought ir again, in our hand. Andother money have wee brought-downe in our 23 1 hand, to buy food : we know not, who put ourmoney,in ourbags. And he laid, peace be to you,feare not; your God,and the God of your father, bath given to you the trea- fure, in your bags ; your money, came into mee:and he brought out Simeon,onto them. 24 And the man brought the men, into lolephs houle: and gave them water, and they wafh- ed their feet ; & he gave provender to their zg affes. And they made ready, the prefent ; againft Iofeph came, at noone : for they 26 1 heard,thatthey fhould eat bread,there. And Iofeph came to houle; and they brought un- to him, the prefent which ma, in their hand, into the houle: & they bowed- down-them- z7 felves unto him, to the earth. And he asked them,of their peace ; and faid is there peace to your father the old-man, of whom you 28 fpakr t is he yet alive e And they faid; there is peace to thy fervánt, to our father, hee is yet alive : & they bendcd- downethe -head, 29 & bowed - themfelves -down. And he lifted up his eyes; and raw Benjamin his brother, his mothers -fon ;and faid, is this your youn- ger brother, of whom yet fpake unto me . and he faid, God be gracious unto thee, my 30 fonne.And Iofeph xnade-hafte;for his bow- els did yerne, towards his brother; and hee fought, (where) to weep ; and entred into a 31 chamber, and wept there. And he waffled his face, and went -out : and refreyned him- felfe ; and faid, let -on bread. Andthey fet- 31 on for him, by himfelfe alone, and for them ír 'y themfelves alone; and for the Egyptians that did eat with him, by themfelves alone : becaufe the Egyptians , might not eat bread with the Hebrewes ; for that is an abhemi- natiop, unto theEgyptians. And they fate before him; the firft- borne, according to his fiat birth - right; and the yongeft,accor- ding to his youth : and the men marvelled, each -man at his neighbour.And he Cooke -up meaffes from before him , unto them; and Benjamins meatfe, was five times more then the meaffes ofany of them:and they drank, and largely - dranke, with him. Antenatioas. B7lj] Hebrew, breake: fo after, verC 4 zo. &c. See Gen.41.5 6. Verf.3. protefling] that is,did folemnly and ear- neftly proteft,even with oath,Gen.42.15.Ofthis phrafe , fee Gen. 2.17. be] or, as the Greeke tranflateth, unlefyouryounger brother came witbyou. VerC7. askingj that is, firaitly asked: fee ver. 3. They excufe themfelves , as having not done it purpofely, but of necelitie; which they could not honeftly avoid. teneur] Hebrew mouth of theft words ; that is, as the Greeke tranflateth,ae- cordvs to this asking , of his. did we knowing know] that is, did (or could) we any way lejow; or certainy know Verf..s.yong -man] meaning Benjamin: who was now above 30. yeeres of age; being but (even yerresyounger then Iofeph. Verf9. will liea finned orfin ; that is,begd!y, as a violator of my faith ; and rubleft to punifh- nsent according. So the word fanners , is ufed in i King.t.21. alldayes]ofnsylife ;or,for ever : Vert: t t . praif- worthy fruit] Hebrew of the mu- I I _Peke ( or melodic ) of the land ; meaning the belt fruits moft commendable, and for which fongs of praife are given to God. So the Greckc tranflateth it,fruits; and the Chaldee, that which it laudable. So a blefng is faid to be in theclutter of grapes , Efay 65.8. baubn] or ropers: fee Gen.37.25. 2 h,rebint nuts]or, nuts of the tur- pentine tree. So the Greeke tranflateth it,7erebintb. Theword is not found elfewhcre in holy fcrip- ture. By this prefent, Iakob thought to procure favour, as hee did before, Gen.32.20. &c. for, a mans gift maketb roome for him and bringethhim before great men. Prov.'8.16. So Kings, bringprefents to Chrift, Pfa1.7 z.10. Verf. 12. double money] becaufe the faminecon- tinuing, it was like, corne was dearer. anover- fight] or errour, Greeke, an ignorant all, Hereupon juflice required, that the money fhould be refto- red. Verf r4. if I be] or when 1 ie bereaved: a like phrafe is in Efth.4.; 6. if Iperifb, I periph. both of them, feeme to bee a committing of themfelves, and of the event of their altions unto God In faith : which if it fell out otherwife then they wifhed, they would patiently beare. Ver.r6. 33 34 3 7 8 9 12 14 /4.//////aI/ö7/1i 1A11111R