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G E N E S I S XLIII. Iakob fendeth againe. 4-9 affe£tion,wliich yet he hid from his hrethren,till Í they were throughly humbled. So God inmens %aHliftions often bideth him felfe , Efay 46.15. Pià1, t ó; 2.yet in all their aff ifíion,he ù afjlitled,ECay 63.9. Simeon] who lèenieth by this, to have beene I the chiefe procurer of toCephs trouble ; hcewas. by nature, bold and fierce , as his fa& againft the Sichemites doth manifell,Gcn.34.25 & 49.7. Verf. 25. veils] meaning, their flicks. mò- 25 ' ney] Hebr. their filvers. provifion] or, food: the I Greeke addeth, fodenough, did be] or, as the Greeke ttanllateth, it war adonç, meaning by Ió- fephs lernant. See the like phraCes noted,on Gets. 2.20. and t 6. 4. The holy Ghoft obferveth this kindneffe of Iofeph,who was forre from revenge, and did good for evil!. Thus wee fhóuld doe, Ross.12 17.19. Mat. 5.44, g VerC.28. went forth] or, war gone ; that is, fade¡! them : or (as the Greeke tranflateth) rear a¡flonect A like fpeech is in Song. 5. 6. My oule went forth, is, failed: fainted. The Chaldee tranflateth, the knowledge of their heart departed. trembled] or, (as the Greeke faith) were troubled: and Co ma- t nifefted it one to another;; See Gen.27.33. 30 Verle 30. tooke ut] Hebrew gave us : that efieemed and counted. Or efod us ; as the Greeke tranflateth, be put ut ingrifn. A like phrafe is in t Sam.t.t6. 33 Vert 33. for Ilse famine] underltand from the 19. verfe , corne ¡fir the famine. And Co the Gr. ex- preffech it here,as there. The Chaldee allo faith, corn that wanted: in your hours. Such defe &s are often in fcripture:as,heflew Géliath,z. Sant. 2 1.19, for,the brother of Goliatls,as is expreffed in t Chro. 20.5. 36 Verl36.againflme]orman me, asahcaviebur- den, haitening my death. 37 Verf 37. my two inner] fo the Greeke tranla- teth, and the Hebrew is eilèwhere Co uled, Exod. 18.3. But it may alto be Englifhcd, tzno of my funs: he having forre in all, Gen. 46.9. This condition being unnatural! and finfull, Iakob would not admit of: but continneth his purpofc, not to let Benjamin goe, ver.38. 30 Verl38. himfef alone] meaning of R:tchels children, as is explained,, and] or, if mifebiefe ; in Chaldee death : fee verf 4. in) gray haires] Hebrew, my grayn f,or, hem tineffe: that is, met who am gray headed. unto hell] to the grave, or flare of death. See Gen.37.35. Jakob in their doubts and feares bewrayeth the weakneffe pf faith ; which afterwards bee over - commeth, refting in the providence of God: and then Moles nameth him Ifrael, Gen.43.1 r. tH212`111.2.44teltitt" CHAP. XLIII. 1, The famine continuing , 14th wouldfend againe into Eeypt t but his finites Atli not goe without their y:rgeft brother. g, Iudae ofereth to be fitrety for Benja- min. it, Ifrael at length ,yeeldeth, and fendetb them with apre(lne, doub,'e money, and abie(ng. 15, lofeph ore: taineth hit brethren. 18 They are afraid; and q.67r offer the fleward the money which had Beene reflored them. 23, Thefieward comfortetb them , and briugeth out Si- meon. 26, lofeph received: their prefent. 29 Blefeth Benjamin. 31 , and make"th ¡all bit brethren a f.:ft. 34, butfheweth 3eoiall favour toBenjamin.. ANd the famine,was heavie inthe land. And it was , when they had made -an- end of eating the corne which they had brought,out of Egypt: thattheitfather faid unto them ; Goe -againe ; buy for us a little food.And Judah faid unto hiin,faying; The man did protelting proteft unto us,fay- ing, ye (hall not fee my face ; except your brother be with you. If thou wilt fend our 4 brother, With us,weWill i,oe- down,and buy food for thee. And if thou wilt not fend S him , wee will not go- dowse: for t'ie man laid unto iis,yee Mall not fee my face;except your brother be with you. AndIfrael Paid ; 6 wherefore did you me the evil! ; to tell the roan, whether yee hadyet a brother c And 7 they faid, the man asking asked of us and of our kindred,faying; Is your father yet alivec l have ye á brother t' and we told hitn,acçor- ding to the tenour of there words : Did we knowing know, that hee would fay,, bring your brother downe t' And Iodate laid unto 8 Ifrael lxisiFather ; fend the young man with me, and we will arife and goo: that we may and not dye, both we and thou,and alto our little'ones. I, will be furety for him; of 9 my hand, fhalt thou require him : if I doe not bring him unto thee; and let him before thee, then will I bee a'finner unto thee, all dayes. For, except wee had lingred : furety I o now had wee returned theft two - times. And I I Ifrael their father, faid unto them; if (it muff be) fo now, doe this, take of the praiI- or- thy fruit of the land,in your ve1fe s;and cary downe to the man,a prefent : a little baulm, and a little honey fpices and myrrh, tere- binth -nuts, and almonds. And take in your 12 hand, double money : and the money that was reftored , into the mouth of your bags, ye fhall.cary againe in your hand : peradven- ture it was an over - fight. And take your brother : and arifc , goe-againe unto the man. And God Almighty, give you mer- r4 cies,before the man; that he may fend -away with you, your other brother, and Benja- min : and I; if I be bereaved of -my- children, I am bereaved. And the men tooke this r5 prefent ; and tooke double money in their hand, and Benjamin: and arofe, and went downe-to Egypt; and ftood,before lofeph. And Iofeph raw Benjamin,with them, & he 16 O3 . faid I 2 3