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2 3 6 9 Iz 15 IS GENESIS V. 27 from Adam,Gen.4.17.and fven being the number of the Sabbath, the feventh generationimplied the myferie of rei in Chrif. Accordingly the number of all the generations here,may be obfer- ved ; which are ten from Adam CO Noe : as before in Gen.4. there are leven generations of Kain , fo Abram the Ebrew was the feventh from Etter; Mo- the feventh from Abram : and in Mat. a'. twice (even generations arerekoned from-Abram to Da- vid; and fo many from David to the Captivitie of Babylon; and againefo many from that Captivitie to Chrift, Mat. r.17. The eitate of times for thefe ten Patriarchs, may thus be viewed : Adam to Noe; the chiefe end whereof, is to fhcw the genealogy of Chrif the promifed feed ac- cording to the flefh, and fo of his Church, Luke 3. 23, 38. I Chron. I. 1. &c. likeneffé of God :] See Gen. 1.26. Verf. a. their name :] fo Adam was the common name of manand woman, (which were one flefh, Gen.2.23,24.)and of all their pofteritie,Gen.9.6. for we are all of one blood, A&.17.2 6. Verf.3. andbegat] to weet, a fmne, as the fequell theweth. The Scripture often omitteth Inch words, and fometime fheweth they WHIR be un- derflood : as David put in Syria,r Chro.18.6. that is,he putgarrifans in Syria,2 Sam.8.6.See before the note on Gen.4. 20. in hislikenef:] namely,that which henow had in his finfull ttate: for the fir ft likens and image of God in him, was by fin cor- rupted,Gen.3. wherupon all men noware concei- ved in fin, Pfal. 51.7. and are by nature,children of wrath,Ephef.2.3. Seth:] that is, Set or Ap- pointed in Read of Abel: fee Gen. 4.25. onely his polleritie were refereed ,when all the world was drowned. And from him the genealogy is rec- koned both in the Old and New Teftament, 1 Chron. I.I. &c. Luke 3.38. Verf..6. yeeres: ] Hebr. yeere : fometime the Ori- ginali ufeth indifferently one for another; as, eight yeeres, 2 Ch[o.34.1. for which in z King.22. 1. is written, eight yeere. It is alfo the property of the Hebrew, to let the leali number formoft, as here, Seth lived five Jeerer , and an hundredyeere; and fo after:whích becaufe it differeth from our man - ner,and in the order where is no fpeciall weight, is changed according to our fpeaking : becaufe the Hebrew it felte, in repeating matters, doth often change the order of words: as,z Chro.23.7 when hecommetbin, and when hegoetb out : which in 2 King. r r. 8. is, when begoetb out, and when he corn- meth in. So, great and fma11,2 Chro.34.3o. or, fmall andgreat,z King.z3.2.And in tranflating,thc holy Ghol often alto changcth the order ofwords: as Joel 2. z8. your old men frail .dreamt . dreamer, your yang men (hall fee vifions : which in Ms 2. 17. is placed t us; your Jong men fball fee vifrons, andyour oldmen fhall dreame dreamer So in a King. r 9.10. they bave brolg dotane thy Altars , and billed thy Pro- phets : which Paul rehearfeth thus, they have killed thy Prophets , and broke diene thy Altars, Rom. and fitndry the like. Enos:] or, as the Hebrew pronounceth it, Enoch: but becaufe our language and cuftome rather followeth the Greeke, which is more calle, the names are expreffed,as the New Teftament doth in Luke 3. left the Reader fhould niiltake, and thinke them divers perlons. Verf. 9. Kainan] fo Luke 3. 37. in Hebrew, Kelm. Verf. 12. Maleleel]Hebr. Mahalalel. Verf. 15. lured] Hebr. Pored. Verf 18. Enoch] in Hebrew Chancel:, that is, Dedicated, or Catecbifeel: he is raid to be the fcventb from Adam ,and a prophefier of Gods judgement upon wicked men for their implorer deeds, and hard "peeehes auainff God, 'rude, ver. 14, 15. So he is di- ftingui(had from Enoch the Kainice , the third 1. Adam being 130. yeeres old, begat Seth. 2. Seth, 105. yeeres old, begat Eno:. In the yeere of the World, 335. 3. Enos, 9o.yeere old, begat Kalnan: in the yeere of the World, 325. 4. Kainah, 70. yeere old, begat Mailed : in the yeere of the World, 395. 5. Malèleel, 65. yeere old begat lased: in the yeere of the World, 46o. 6. Pared, 162. yeere'old,begat Enoch : in the yeere of the World, 622. 7. Enoch , 65. yeere old , begat Matbufirla : in the yeere of the World, 687. a. Mathufalah, 187. yeere old, begat Lamecb : in the yeere of the world, 874, 9. Lamer/2,182. yeere old,begat Noe : in the yeere of the World, 1056., so. Noe; 5oo. yeeres old, begat Lapbetb: in the yeere of the World, 1556. The lives of there Patriarchs are alto to be noted. t. Adam lived 930. yeeres. 2. Seth lived, 9r 2. y: 3. Enos lived 905. 4. Kainan lived 9 r o. y. 5. Malaleel lived 895. y, 6. fared lived 962, y. 7. Enoeb lived on earth, 365. yeeres. The thor- teR liver. 8. Mathufalab lived 969. y. the longeft liver. 9. Lamecb lined 777. y. Io. Noe lived 950, y. Gen. 9. 29. By this computation it appeareth, that Adam lived to fee Lamed) the ninth generation, in the 56. yeere of whole life hee died; firft of all there Patriarchs. That Enoch the 7. from Adam, (after he had livedon earth, fo many yeeres as . there be dales in the yeere of the Sunne) -was taken away into Paradtle, next after Adams death , leven Pa- triarchs remaining witneffes of his tranflation. That all the fire nine Patriarchs were taken out of this world, before it was drowned by the Flood that came in the boo. yeere of Noes life. That Matbetfala lived till the very yeere wherein the Flood came, as his name fignified that hee fhould : with fundry other things , worthy to be obferved in the briefe Hiflorie of there ten Fathers. Verf..2 i. Matbufalah:] to in Luke 3.37. in He- brew Metbufbelacb,which is by interpretation,He dieth, and the emifon (or dart) meaning the flood, D 2 cons, 21