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O/í9/®4//` 11 7D%//A"/ GENESIS V. commeth. Enoch beinga Prophet, foretold in his Eons name, of the flood to come in the yeere that Matbujala died i as cante to paffe. Compare Jude, verf. 14,1 5. 22 Verl: 22. walkedwith God] that is , led his life, and adminiflrcd before God, homy, juflly, and faithfully , and fo pleating to God , as Gen. 6.9. Wherefore the Apoflle(following theGreek vet- f ;on) faith, he pleafid God, (which without faitkit is unpoffble to doe) Heb.11.5,6. The Chaldee tranfla- teth, he walkedin the flare ofthe Lord: and the lent - falemieTbarrens faith, he ferved (or laboured) in the truth bare the Lord. And by comparing the like fpeech unto Eli, 1 Sam. 2. 30, 35. It feemeth to imply a pleating or acceptable miniflration of office before theLord. Wherefore Enoch is noted to be a Prophet, Jude a4. And Noe who alto walked with God, Gen. 6.9. was a Preacher ofjuriice, 2 Pet. 2.5. Of Eli, it is fpoken touching thePrieflhood, r Sam. 2.30, 35. and frf David in the K"nagdame, Pfal.56,14. and 116.9. See alto Gen.i y.s. Thus Enoch was a fpeciall figure of Chrift. 24 Vert'. 24. be was not] to weet, not found, as the Apoflle (according to the Greek)faith,Heb.15.5. and the Chaldeeaddeth be appearednot, andyet the , Lord lo ledbimoet. The like fpeech is alto ufedof them that are taken away by death, Jer. 31.15. which the Evangelift alleaging, addeth the word are(or were)thatwanted in the Hebrew,as in this place it is wanting alío. God Cooke him,] that is, tranflated him, (faith the Apoftle) that be fhould not fee death, Heb. a 1. 5. where the Arabicke verfion addeth,be was tranflated into Paradi f : meaning the heavenly Paradife,mentioned Luke 23.43.2 Cor. 12.2,4. So Elias was tale: up into heaven, 2 Ring. 2. and the Hebrew DoEtors fay, that Enoch was ta- r kenupinawhilewiad, asEliaswar; and that hee was difarayed of the foundation corporali, and clothed with thefoundationJßirituall. Alto that God (hewed himall the high treafrrres, mtdfhewedhim the tree flife, in the midji f the garden, bc. R. Menachem on Gen.5. and. the Zohar on the fame. By this tranflating of E- nocb, God affitred all the faithfull, of their refur- re&íon and eternall life: therefore they afterap- plied the like worke of God to themfelves after death,as in Pfa.49.16. And the Apolile teacheth, we (hall all be changed, and mall have piratesQ bo- dies and a building of God , an boufe not made with band; , eternal! in the heavens, with which houfe, wee def:re to be clothed-upon, ¢ETC. 1 Cor. ' 5.51,44. and 2 Cor. 5.1,2. Ben Syrach faith, Enoch tranllated, was an example of repentance to all generations, Ecele- fiaflicus 44. 16. 25 Verf.25. Lamech] Flebr. Lemée. 9 Verf. 29 .Nee:]fo written in Luke 3.36.,Pet. 3.20. The Hebrew foundeth Noach, which ligni- fieth ref! whichproceedeth from comfort , as the words following (hew; his name having affinity with Nahum. comfort so from our worke:] that is, comfort us rrith refl fromour worker: as the (>reeke tranflateth,hefhaïtgiveurrefl firm our worker, This prophetic his father uttered of him, as hee that Mould he a figure of Chrift , in his building the Arke, and offering of facrifice, whereby God finel- led a fainter ofrefi,andfaid,he would not curfe the ground any more far mans fake, Gen.8.2I. Or we may reade it , eomfort no concerning our worke, &c. from the earth:] underftand againe 5 which commeth frám the earth: for the earth being turfed; bare not fruits without great labour and forrow, Gen. 3.1 7,18. bath crtrfed: ] Hebr._ bath turfed it : but this phrafe our Tongue ufeth not : for it, I therefore fay before, the (or that) winch. And the Hebrew text fometime omits it as fuperfluous, 2 Chron. 28.3. with 2 King. 16.3. Vert 32. 500. yeeres ease :] Hebr. forme 500. 2 yeeres : that is, going in his 500. yeere. An ufuall 3 fpeech in the Hebrew fcripture of wens age,or of beafts ; Gen., 7.1. Exod. s 2.5. But fomecime it is not meant of naturallage properly, as appeareth 2 Chro.22.2.compared with z King.8.26.where Abaziabisfinneof22 .yeeres, for his Owl* life : but forme of 42. yeeres , for the Hate of his kingdome. And by beingold, (or fenneof) 500. yeere, is not meant that yeere full ended ; but while he was living in that yeere : as appeareth by Gen. 7.6. where Noe is 600.leere old: which in v. 1 r. is ex- plained to be, In theyeeere of the 60o.yeere ofhie life. Accordingly,mufl we underfland the ages ofinen and beads, fpoken of in Scripture : as when a Le- vite entred upon his Miniftery , beluga fen of 30. yeeres,Num.4.3. it is meant, going in the 30.yeere of his life.Therefore Chrift fulfilling that and all tr other figures, entred upon his Miniftery, when he began to be of 30.yeereo,as is exprelfed, Luke 3.23. And for the facrifices in the Law, which were to be of any yeerling begft, (after theHebr. phrafe, forme of ,leery Exod.l z. 5.) the Jewes have left re- corded , that it mutt be ffri&ly within the firft yeere of the life; and if it be but an house elder then a yeere it is not allowable for an oblation to God; Maimong, 8.b. in Magnefeh Kew/martb, ch. 1. f..13. Noe begat] that is, began to beget; for all his three fonnes were not borne in a yeere, but Shemwas borne two yerren after, when his father was 502. yerres old: as may be gathered by Gen. 11. so. where two yeeres after the F lood,he was but an hundred yerres old : and then was Noe Isis father 602. by Gen. 7.6. See the like of Thera, Gen.l 1.26. Senn, Cham, and la herb,] founded in Hebrew, Shem,Cbam,and lephetñ : of which la- pisetb was the eldelt, Sem the next, and Cham the yongeft; as is evident both by the former note of Semi age, and by Gen. 1 0.21. and 9. 24. But be- castle Senn was in dignity preferred of God, be- fore his brethren, Gen. 9. 26,27. therefore he is bell named. The like is in the hiflorie of Abram and his brethren, Gen., 1.26. So laakob is named before Efeu his elder, Gen.28.5. and 'Ephraim be- fore Mantels, Gen. 48.20. 2222äe11 CHA P. VI. I, The formes of God, marry with the daughters of men : 4 , fo Giants are bred: 5 , tahckedneffe m- creafeth; 6, God repenteth that he made Man; 7, and will defiroo them : 8, Noe findeth grace, 13,.and it forewarned of the Flood; 14, The Arke ( with matter ec