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, GENES- ISM. it is faid, bee that fttietb in the heaven , doth laugh, (Psalm. 2.) and the like: all fuck, our wife men have frill, the Law fesketb according to the language of the fumes of Adam. And fo he faith , doe thy pro - voke me to anger i (Jer..7. I9.) again bee faith , 1 am the Lord, Ichange not, (Mal. 3.6.) and if he be feme- time angry ,`and fometime joyful! , then ben changeable : But all tbefe things are not found, fave in perform obfcure and bafe, that dwell in bottles of clay , nrhofe foundation ie in the dull : but he the blef éd (God) it bleßéd and exalted above all t be fe., Maimony in Jefudei Kato- rah, chap. I. fe&. 1 r , 12. Vert. 7. blot-out:] that is , defray and abolifh: 7 'from man:] that is, both Men and beafts. For as the beafts were made for mans Gen. 1.28. fo they be- came fubje& to vanity and deftru&ion , through I mans iniquity, Gen.3.17. Rom. Lao. 8 Verf. 8. found grace:] that is, obtained favaur, Or mercies , (as the Chaldee tranflateth it. ) So this phrafe is Interpreted in Greeke, fometime finding grace, Heb. 4. 16. fometime finding merde, a Tim., 1. 18. and grace is oppofed unto worker, and unto debt, Rom. i s .6.and 4.4. And it is a fpeciall title ofGod,that he is named Gracioue,Exod.34.6.and, fpeciall prerogative of his people,that they Mind grace inhis eyes, as after of Lot, Gen.19.1 9. of o- fes Exod. 33.12. of David, A &. 7.45. of Marie, ' 7 S Like 1.3o. And the letters of * Noes name, are j 7 the letters Of * Grace in Hebrew, the order being changed. , There three letters in the Hebrew Bi- bles, doe fignifie the Paraiba, or great Setlion of Mofs law, which Was a Le&ore on the Sabbath I day; tead in the Jewes Synagogues, as is obferved A &.15.21. CO which was added a Le&ure out of theProphets,A &.13.15,And the first Paragraph or Se &ion (which is from the creation hitherto) they call Bre¡hitb, that is, In the beginning; this fe- cond , which reacheth to the 12. Chapter, they call Nag and fo the refit : there are in all54. Se&i- oizs in theLaw, which they read in the 52. Sab- baths,joyningtwo of the fhorteft twice together, that the whole night be finifhed in a yeers fpace. Hereof the Hebrew Do&ors write thus: It boa common cuflome throughout all Ifrael , that thy nifh wholly the - (reading of the) Law, in one yoore ; begin- ning in the Sabbath which is after the feaft of Taber - nacles,at theefril Setiion ofGenefis: in the fecond (Sab- bath) at, Y Nett are the generations of Noe : in the third, at,Tbe Lord faid unto Abraham, (Gets./ a. i.) f they reade and gee on in this order , till they have ended the Law, at the f of of 7" abernaeles : Maimony in Milli, 9 I treat. of Prayer, chap./ 3. fe &.I. Vert.9. generations:] that is,oJfjring,atidthings that did befall him and them; fo Gen.25.i 9. and 17.2. and 2.4. and 5.2: jui1J or, righteous: Noe is the firft in theworld that hath this title of jufl; and as generally the juiì` liveth by faith, Rom. ,. 17. fo of Noe theApoftle witneffeth,he was made beire ?thy juliice.which is by faith, Heb. 11.7. perfedl] or melee fncere of a iïmple, plaine, and upright carriage : as jullice ufisally refpe&eth faith,fo per- fe£lnef refpelteth life and converfation, in the heart of man, EFay 35.3. and in his wales, Pfalm. I I 9. 1. This is not meant of perfc &ion in mea- lure or degrees, ai being without all fin, Ecclef7. 22 . Jam.3.2. t Joh. i.8.but when men by the grace of God , keepethemfelves from their iniiynitie,NAIL t 8. 23, 24. and fnne bath not dominion in them, Pal. 9.14. The perfett min is oppofed to the per. verfe and reflef i wicked, Job 9. 20, 22. in his generations] that is, among the men of the ages wherein be lived. So generation, Mat. t z.16. and t z. !}2: is expounded, the men of that generation , Luke 7.3 1. and 1t.3í. walked with Gad:] that is , by faith pleafed and acceptably fervedGod: fee the like before of Enocb,Gen.5.22. The word may imply alto ad- miniftration in the office whereunto God hid called .him, which was to be a priacber of juilice, 2 Pet. 2.5; So the HebrewDo &ors fay, he prea- ched to the oldworld, and faid,Turtreye framing?' waits , and fromyour evil worker, that the waters of the, flood come not uportyooe,and cut off the whole feed of the fins ofAdam, Pirkg. R. Flicker, ch. 22.. Verf. 11. the earth was corrupt] that is, the inhabi- tants of the earth : (fee Gen. t 1. t.) and lb the earth it felfe for and through them; as is (hewed after in verf i 2,13. therefore both.were gether. Corrupting is in fpeciall applied to idolatry, and depraving of Gods true fervice, Exod. 32:7. Deut. 32.5. Judg. 2..19. as, the people are laid to doe corruptly , 2 Chron. 27, 2. when they faa i ficed and burntincenfein the high places, 2 King. 15.35. So idolatry was their chiefe corruption here,as may alto be gathered by Gen. 4.26. fee the Annota- tions there. bifore God:] that is, openly and boldly in Gods fight, as Gen. ío.9. and in refpe& of his worfhip and law : fee Gen.17.i. violent - wrong] injurious andtrued dealing, which feemeth to be chiefly meant of violating the duties towards men: as the former word noted corruption of religion,Gen.49. 5. Joel 3. 19. Obad. 1.1o. The Chaldee turneth it rapines, (or robberies:) Or, by violent -wrong violent and cruell men, may be un- derftood: as,pride, is ufed for proud men, Jer. 50. 31,3 2. finne,forfinfull men, Pro. 13.6. poverty , for poore met, 2 King.24.14. and nsatsy the like. Thus corruption increa fed in the Ecçleliafticall and politiçall eftate, as it began in the dontefticall: Verf: I z. al flih:] that is, all men, who are cal- led fefh, both for their frailty, Pal. 7i. 39. and corrupt unregenerate eftate, Gen. 6. 3. So fefb is expounded to be men, and eople, Pfal. 56.5712. Flay 4o. 5, 6. their way:] that is, both their re- ligion, or faith, (for fo a way often figniheth, A&. 18.2'5,26. and 22. 4. 2 Pet. 2.2.) and their manse ners, works, or courfe offife; as elfwhere is mentio= tied the way ofRain, for maliciouuteffe, Jude, vest. t 1. the way of Balaam for covetoufnielfe , 2 Pet. 2. 15. and foundry the like. And of this ma) of the old work, wherein wickedmen did walk, it is noted, that God had filled their bouts with good things,' but they Paid unto him, depart from ter: they did este, they drank, they married wiz es , they were given in mar- riage , untill the doy that Not entred into the Ark, and the foéd came, and defrayed them all Job 22. 15, 17, 18: Luke 17.27. Vex- 1: II