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CIENESIS Vi, 13 Verf. 13. An rnd it come: i that is, the time ofcl- ftrnIlion is at hand: lb Amos 8.2. Jer.5 r.13. Ezek. 7,2 3 6. from the face] chat is, becaufe, or through them. deftly] or, ans corrupting, that is, ready to z" rapt or deftroy. Before, the word was tired for corrupting by fin; here, for corrupting with punifh- ment, duo for their finne: that is, deffroying. So Gen. t 8.25.& r 9.13. and often in the Scriptures. wi.bthëearth] the Greeke faith , and tbe earth : which being given for a poffellion to the bons of Adam, was allo deftroyed with then; as in other particular judgentents,mens goods perifhed with them, Gen. 19.Nnni.16.32. J0(7.15,24. 14! Verb 4. an A 4é] or Coffin: called in He- brew Tebrh; and differcth fom the Arkor Cof- fer which M fes node for Gods Sananary, which was called Aroa,Exod.25.10. and ferved to kcepo theTables of Gods law, Dent. r o. 2, 5. but this Ark rehab , was to keepe osen, and live things fromthe water; as a Ihip,ufcd onely in this hifto- rie, and inExod.z.3. The holy Ghoft in Greeke expreffed them both by one word Kibatos,an Ark Heb 11.7. and 9.4. Heathen Writers alto make mention of this Arke, but by another name Lar- nax, that likewife is an Ark: Plutarch. deznduffr. anmal.This Arke was a figure ofChriftsChurch, wherinto they that enter by fdth,are Caved from the flood of Gods wrath; of which grace, Bap. tifine (the anfwerablétype) is a lgne and Peale. Sec 1 Per. 3. 20,21. Gopher trees] The Chaldee paraphralis make them a kinde of Cedars : the Scripture mentioneth not this word any other where. But G phrith is after ,ufed for fidphnre, or brimfione , Gen. 19. í4. whereupon Ionic thinke there to be Turpentine trees, which beare fulphnrie Berries, and the wood is known to be fit for filch an ufe. vefs,] that is, little rotarerormanfons,(as the Chaldee tranflatetIs) for nten, beafìs, birds, 1cc. to be in feverally. So a uf, is for a manfon, Num. 24.21. Obad. 4. pitch] or plaifler: the Hebrew Cipher, which eta-where is often nfed for catering and propitiating of finne, making atonement and the like;is onely Isere uièd for pitch or, plaif er, there being two other proper words for filch lintlè, Exod. 2.3. It figured the atonement made for the Church, by Chrilt,wherewith we being by faith covered and plaittered, the waters of Gods wrath, enter not upon us. 15 Verb a 5. cubits-] or eb's : a cubit is the nseaftir? from the elbow to the fingers end, containing fix haadbredthr,or a foot anda half: fo 300 cubits make 45o foot. height,] or fixture, By there meal-tires here let downs, the Ark was by proportion like in lbape to a C ffm for a mans body , fix times fo long as it was broad, and ten tines fo long as it was high : which was commodious for (wino- ming,and fteddinelie againfl winds: fit alto to fi- gure out Chrills deathand buriall,and ours with him; by mortification of the old man : as the A- poltle applieth this type to bapifine, I Pet. 3.20, z 1. wherbÿ we are become dead and bustled with Gloria, Rom. 6.3,4,6. Verf. 16. A c care light : ] whether by one , or by many windawes, is uiscertaine: after there is 16 retention of a window that was in the Ark,Gen,8.6 The Hebrew Zahar, (which the Chaldee trap- llatcth,Nehir,Light) is not found in theScripture but here : of it Zahorajim is tiled for the noone day light. Some Hebrew Doftors fay it was a precious [tone, hanged in the Arke,which gave light to all creatures which were therein : Pi,k K. Eliezar, ch.23. This clears -light lignified the enlightning of the Church, by the holy Gholt, as the doorefig- nified faith in Chrift, Ephef.1. 57,18. )óh.10.9. in a cubit:] or, unto a cubit. it from above:] by it , feemeth the Arke to be meant, (rather then the bight or window) which Ark had the roofe arched or bowed but a cubit,that it might be almoi flat; yet fo as the water might ealily Elide off. third dories] or thirdnetts, that is, roomer; as verb. 14. So many diftina !lodes, there are allo with - in mans bodie. And Pantmaketh three parts of man, body, fade, and fpirit, 1 Thel 5. Likewife ,in Mofes Tabernacle, and in Solomont Temple, were three roorhes the Courtyard , the Holy place,and the Molt holy,Exod.25,and 27.1 King. 6. The Church allo (figured by the Arke) Loath three flares, before the Law under the Law , and under Chrifl,Rom.5 :13,14. Joh.r.17. Verbs . Idoe bring:] or, am bringing : theLord 17 hereupon is Said to fit at the flood: Píal. 29.1o. as being the judge from whom this wrath proceed- ed: and moderator in rnercie to Noe. the floodj or, deluge : the Hebrew mabbul, is a peculiar name to this flood,which drowned the world,and made all things fade and die on earth, whereof it loath the name. In Greek the holy Ghoft calleth it K.e- taelyfmos , of the abundant thedding and inunda- tion of the waters, Mat. 2438. Verb 18. I will dfiaRifq that is, make fare and 2 g ft able , and faitbfidly keepe my covenant. Forfothe -i word importerh,and other Scriptures open it as, ' efallifb thou , 2 Sam. expounded let it be faithfitf (or fire) 1 Chron. 17..23. and to fablifh the words of a covenant , 2 King. 23. 3. is to doe (or perform ) them, z Chron. 34.31. and to continue in doing them, Gal. 3. lo. with Dent. 27.26. my covenant] or of amen[; a difpo/» on of good things faithfully declared: which God here tofiallycal - leth his , as arifng from his grace - towards Noe, (verC 8.) and all men; but implying alto condi- tions on mans part, and therefore is elfewhere named our covenant, Zach. 9.11. The Apoflles call it Diatlxkee, that is, aTeftament or Difafitian; and it is mixed of properties both of covenant and of tefiament, as theAvollle Iheweth in Heb.9 :16,17. &c. and of both may be named a teffamental ea- renant or a coz/enantìng tiffament : whereby the dilpofing of Gods favours and good things to us his children,is declared. and thou(halt eater,&c.] This explaineth the Cozenant made on Gods part, that hee would fave Noe and his houfhold from death by the Arke; and on Noes part, that bee lhould in faith and obedience make,and enter ih- to the Ark,fo committing himfelfe to Gods pre- fervat ion, Heb. 11.7. And under this, the cove- nant or tellament ofeternall falvation by Chrift, was all() implied; the Apoltle teffi£ying, thatthe (amiype)