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CTENESI$ lX. and our reafmable ferzice of God by him, whiles weprefent our bodies a living facriftre, boll and ac- ceptable unto God, Rom./2.1. External! burnt of- ferings were in ale in the Church,beforéthe Law given at mount Sinai , as appeareth by this, and Exod.l 0.25.and 18.12. 2I Verf.2I . the finell] or, the odour, favóur: It hath the name originally of refpirarion, and it fignified God gracious acceptation of the facrìfire offred; as 1 Sani.z6.16.let bite fineUanoffring: Lev.26.31. I will not lined the find of your frreet odours : So in Amos 5.51. Wherefore the Chaldee tranflateth, the Lord accepted with favour his oblation. The Scrip- ture fpeakethofGod , after tise manner of men, who are delighted with Tweet odours,Etày 3.24. Song 1.2. ofrefi] that is, of fweetnefle, or of {meet favour , which refrefheth , comforteth, and quieteth the fenfe. The Hebrew word is of the fame root that Noes name was of,which fignified rill and comfort, Gen.5 .29. The Greeke here, and ulitally,turneth itetodiat, offweet favorer: which the Apoftle followeth, raying; Chrift bath gi- ven bimflk for us, an offering and a facrifice to God, for a finell of fakes favour, Ephehans 5.2. where this tàcrificeof Noe, and all other in the Law, are Chewed to have their accomplilhment in Chrilts death : for otherwife , as it was unpoffeble rbat the blood f hula and goats fbould take away fines, Heb.l o was it unpoilble that the fmoake of fach flefh burned,fhould be a Tweet odour toGod. in his bears] or, unto hit heart, that is,beartily, olinding andpoerpafngrbietbing which followeth. Some underhand it, unto Noes heart , as fpoken to his comfort : but the Hebrew (el) unto, is often Mid for in: as Gen.6.6., I Sam. 27. 1. and the Greeke explaineth it in the former fenfe. The Chaldee tranflateth in (or by) hit word:which may he underftood as an oath ; as not only the He- brew Do&ors fay, that God ffretcbedout his right band,and fware,éac.(Pirke R.Eliezer, cb.z;.)bnt the Prophet allò witneffeth, Ihaze {corn that theca- tersofNoe, fbaUno more gne over the earth, Ef.54.9 not again curie] or, not addetocork. This ta- king away of the eurfe(notwithftanding mans cor- rupt heart remaining) is a notable tcllintony of Gods rich mercy inChrifyby whom weare freed from the curie, Ga1.3.13. Rev. z a. 3. Zach.14. t 1. For the covenant now madeconcerning the wa- ters with Noe ; was a figure of that fpirituall and eternal! covenant of peace with us in Chrift, as is fhewed in Efay 54.8,9,10. for mans fake] the Greek faith f r mens works. for the imagination] or,thrtgh the füiion :See Gcn.6.5.w here from mens merits, the contrary is concluded to that which here God in mercy prontifeth. }vuth]or child- hood : Co that it meaneth not onely mans age , but infancy or childs age, as the word whenceyouth Bere is derived,is 1poken of Motes when he was a babe,Exod:2.6.and we all are tranlgrelfors from the womb, Efay 48.8. Pfal 51.7. and 58.4. In Brefbitb rabba (an Hebrew commentary upon this place) a Rabbine is raid to bec asked , When is the mill imagination pat into man? And her anfwered from the bathe :bat be it farmed. at I have done] Cod blefieth Noe. to weet, ardverfaly with water: howbeit, fire fhall confume the remnant, lob 22.20. for the heavens and the earth now, are by Gods word kept -itt (fore , refereed unto fire , againfl the dry ofjudgement ; and perdition of ungodly men : 2 Pet.3,7, Verf.22. Henceforth,, all days ofthe earth] that is, Hereafter, fi long at the earth endureth. It is a pro - mile to conferve the orderly courfe and hate of the world through all ages, unto the end: under which alto the promife of (lability of grace in Chrift, is fpiritually covenanted unto the faith - full :as ler.33.2o,21. AMAAHMAHMAIMAMAyi 22 CHAP.' IX. 1, Godblejth Noe andhiafimus. 4, Flef,: with the Blood, and murekr, areforbidden. 9, Gods cotenant to drornne the earth no more. 13, fign fled by the Rainbow. 18, Noe replenifbeth theworld. 20, plantetb a vineyard. 21, ie drunken, andmockd of hisfrnrne: 25, Ctsrf t(l Canaan; 26, Bluth Sem, 27 prayeth for Iapbet, 28, anddyetb 950yeeresold. ANd God blelfed Noe and his fonnes : I and raid onto them ; Be fruitfull , and multiply , and replenilh the earth. And the feare of you, and the dread ofyou, 2 (hall be upon every beaft of the earth : and upon every fowle ofthe heavens: on all that moveth afro the ground , and on all the Ries of the lea; into your hand are they given. Every moving -thing that is living, 3 to you lu all it bee for meat: as the greene herbe , have I given to you all thinsr. But 4 flefh,with the foule therof, the blood ther- of, ye lhall not eate.And furely, your blood 5 of your follies , will I require ; atthe hand of every beaft will I require it : and at the hand at man; at the hand of every mans bro- ther, will I require the foule of man.! -ie that 6 fheddeth mans blood,by man (hall his blood be flied : for in the image of God, made he man. And you, be ye fruitful! and multi- 7 ply ; bring-forth - abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein. And God faid unto Noe, and unto his 8 Connes with him, laying. And I , behold 19 eftablifh my covenant with you : and with your feed after you. Andwith every living Io foule, that is -with you; ofthefowle, of the cattell, and of every beaft ofthe earth, with you : from all that goe out of the arks, to every beaft of the earth. And I will efta- I I blifh my covenant with you; and allfefls !hall not bee cut off, any more, by the to aters of a Flood : and there (hall not bee any more, a Flood, to defiroy the earth. And