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1 Noes drtlnkennefIt. G E N E S I S IX. 12 13. t6 17 18 19 20 2I 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 1 And God fayd ; This if the figne of the co- venant, which I doe give betweene ire and you ; and every living fo. le that is with you: toeternall generations. My Bow I have gi- ven in the cloud and it 'tall be for a figne of the covenant betweene me and the earth. And it fhalbewheat make - cloudy the cloud over the earth : that the bow. fhall beefeene in the cloud. Arid I will remember my co- venant, which is bettveene me and you,aad every living foule,ofall fleas: and there (hall not be any more the waters, to a good; to deftroy all flefh. And the Bow (hall be in the cloud :and I will fee it,to remember the everlalting covenant betweene God and every living foule ; of all flefh, that is upon the earth. And God Paid unto Noe; This is the figne of the covenant which I have eftablifhed;betweene me and all delh that rs upon the earth. And the fonnes of Noe that went out of the arke,were,Sem,and Cham,and Iapheth: and Cham,he is the father -of Canaan.Thefe three were the fonnes of Noe :' and of thefe all the earth was over - fpred. And Noe be- gan to be an husbandman : and he planted a vineyard. And he dranke of the wine, and was drunken: and hee uncovered himf lfe, within his tent. And Cham the father of Canaan, faw the nakedneffe of his father: and told his two brethren, without. And Sem and Iapheth took a garment ; and they layd it upon both their Moulders, and went backward and covered the nakedneffe of their father : and their faces were backward : and they faw not their fathers nakedneffe. And Noe awoke from his wine : and hee knew that which his younger fon had done unto him. And be Paid, Curled be Canaan : a fervant of fervants'rall hee be to his bre- thren. And he fayd, Bleffed 6e lehovah,the God of Sem : and Canaan (hall be a fervant to them. God perfwade Iapheth; that he may dwell in the tents of Sem and Canaan thall be a fervant to them. And Not lived, afterthe Flood , three hundred yeeres, and fifty yeeres. And all the daves of Noe were nine hundred yeeres, and fifty yeeres : and hee dyed. vinnatations. BEfrnirfull] the biding fird given to Adam, Gen.1.28,is hererenewed,in the fange word: and the Greeke hereto adderh andexereife. domi- nion (or fiebdue it) which the Hebrew.expreffeth in Gen. (.Here it Is implyed in the verfe fallowing. Verf z. flail be upon ezery beat .] or, be it apart them : This is that ipveraignty which 'Adam had over the creatures before his tall ; though not at= ter the fame manner ; for then the creatures were fubjeâ of their owne accord,now of feare,and by constraint. And although n any beads rebel a- gainit men , anddedroy them, (especially for tome great fins, Lév.26.22. t hing. r3.24.2.King. 2.24.)yet as the Apodle faith , cavil mature ofwild begfis,and ofbirds , andof creeping things and things in the Sea, it tamed, and bath Beene tamed of the na- ture ofman, Iam.3.7 Verf.3. moving] or, ereeptingthingahorii living: that is, as the Greeke in the former verle tranfla. teth, mating things which live : whereby things that dye alone, or ate not lawfully killed,fèeme unto fonte to bee excepted ; as after in the Law, filch are plainly forbidden to be eaten, Lev.22.8. Exod.25.3 t.So the law touching uncleane beads, fowles, fi(hes, &c. mentioned in Lev.r r.Ceemeth not to be given as yet. And this was the ancient Iìanbines judgement, as in Brefhith rabba they fay. What is that which Ppal.r45,7 , teacheth us, laying: The Lord lafth the bound? All beafls which have Beene forbidden at unclean in this mild, God will cknfe and licence them in the wori to come the All: fiat.. Even at to the fume(of lite at the firfl they were dean , at it if written ( Gen.9.3.) eve y moving thing that it living to year fhsll bee for meat : at the game inch,, &e. As the herbe it permitted sotto all , fo all heap )hall be permitted ants all. at the green berbe]given before for meat to man and beatt,Gcn. 1.29,30. Verf..4.with the Pule] or, in the fiuk , that is the hfr : for fo the fauk often ftgniheth, Iob 2.6. Iuh. 10.15.17. eheblood] this declareth what the former meant ; in the fule, that is, the blood: a rea- fon whereof is Chewed in the law, Lev. r 7. r r. far thefule (orlife) ofthefledis in the blind: and in verf. 14. the foulé of all flefh, is the blood thereof. So this law againd eatingfefh with the life or blood; feemeth to be againd cruelty, not to eat any part while the creature is alive,or the fiefh not orderly mortified,andcleanCed of the blood :1Sam.r4.32, 33 >34..& this the reafon following doth confirm.. Altò the Hebrew Do &ors make this the feventh commandement given to the Cons of Noe, which all Nations were bound to keepe:as there had bin frxc from Adams time. Which they reckon thus The firff againd idolatry, worfhipp of (tarres,ima- ges, &c. The fecond .againd blafpheming the name of God The third againdfhcdding of blood.The fourth againd unjud carnall copulati- ons,whereof they make fixe forts : r. with a mans own nrother,2.or with his fathers wife ;3.orwith his neighbours wife; 4. or with his fitter by the mothers fide; 5. orwith mankind; 6. or with beafis.(Five ofwhich they gather to be forbiden by Gen.z.a4.the other byAbrahams fpeech,Gen. 20,12.)The lift precept was againft rapine or rob- bery. The fixt to have judgement or pnnithntent for nralefahors.And unto Noe was added the fe- venth this here mentioned; which they under - hand to forbid the eating of any member , or of E 2 the 39 2 3 4