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C18. NESIS IX. beer and praife.him that made it, Ecclus.43. i s. 28 Verf t 8.Cbam] or Ham : Çh,is to be pronoun- ced, not as we commonly doe in the word chm- bo,but as in the name Cbrifi; as ieit were written LCam.Antl. fo in other proper n.tmcs,written after this manner: asCba/dea, orCa/dea; Cbanaat, or Canaan, and the like. fatherofCanaan]called inHebrew Cett.agbnan. And though Cham was fa- ther of nwny moe Ionises, Gen 10.6. yet Canaan only is named, becaufe he was turfed, as here fol- loweth in vcrf 2 5. 20 Verf20.began to be] This fpecch doth not ne.. ceffarily import as if he had never been an hul= bandman before;but that now after the Flood,he was one : as of Chrift it is written, be began to fay, Luke I a. r . that is, he faid, Matt. 16.6. be began to caff.out, Macs 1.15. that is, . he did calf acct, Mat. 21.12. and of others, they began todiifdaine , Mark. 5 0 . 4 I . that is, they difdapted, Mat.2o.24. and fisn- dry the like. a hatband man] or lands man: in Hebrew, a man of the ground ; that is, giving him- felfe to husbandry or tillage: as the Chaldee faith, working in the earth : fo a man of marre , is a foreldier, I01..5.4.a man ofhind, is amartberer, 2 Sam.16.7, a man ofcattell, is afbepheard, or grafter, Gen.46.3 2. a man ofmords, Exod.4.I o.that is,elogaent. 11 Verfz;. 4&e uncotered himfelfe] that his fhame and nakednete was to be feriae : which fheweth, that wine is a mother, Prov.2o.1. and to be drunfe therewith is a riotous, Ephef 5. r 8. This fell out (in likelihood)fome yeers after his comming out ofthe Ark,as appeareth by the Increafeof his chi ldrens children:after Canaan was borne.Noes finne may be compared with Adonis, who tranf- greffed by eating , as Not doth by drinking the fruit of a tree : upon that, Adam law himfelfe na- ked, and was afhamed upon this, Noe is naked, and his fhame difcovered. Now, by drinking the fruit of the vine we have a finne and fcale of the covering of our fhame,the forgiveneffe of our fns in Chrift :Mat.26.27,a8,z9. Vpon this fi'militude ofNoe8 finne wwi Adams in-part, fheRabbines fay,that Noe fund a Vine, that mas calf out of the gar- elenof Eden: R.Menacbem on Gen.9. 22 told it]aud this (as the fegnellthew. eth) with a niockage of his aged father. 2 3 Verf.23.Sem]in that Sem the younger is named before his elder brother Iapbeth,and after bleffed before and above him, verf.26.27. it is moli like- ly , that he was principal! is this good counfeli and worke. 24 Verf24 bíryoungerfon] which the Hebrew cal- leth lefr,nteaning inyeeres. 25 Verf.25. Curled be Canaan] orCurfed !hall het be.It is thoúght of fome,that Canaan told Chant his father, of Noes nakedneffe; and therefore had this curie upon him and his poftcrity,rather then the other founts of Chan, mentioned in Gen. 10.6.orthen Cham himfelfe. And although by Canaan,may be underftood or implyedC,n aatit fa- thee, (as theGreeke tranflation hath Cham,and'at alfewhcre in Scripture Goliath is danced, for Goli- ath r brother, 2 Sana2s. i 9.conipared with s Chr. 20.5.) yet the event and hillory after fheweth, 41 that the Canaanites allo Wert indeed under this curve, when the Iikaelitescvnquered their land. And that Noe pronounced this judgement by Gods fpirit. But Cham is not exempted hereby from the curie, although his Ionise be named : as Sem is not exemptedfrom the bleffing in the tiext verfè g where Jehovah his God is named. So Iakob is faid to bleffe Iofeph . Gcn.48. vet!. 15. when Iofephs Children had their Welling, verle 16, &c. And the curie of the wicked reacheth unto the frúit o their b e/y, Dent./ 8.18. afervant of fer- vatmts J that is,a moll bate and vile fervant : the Chal- dee faith, a marking [ervant:Canaans name did alfa portend his condition, being of Canagb to bumble, born , or pre! donne. And as fervitude is here brought upon men for a curie lò the Scriptures under the name of ferving fguifying finfnU men, doe (hutfisch ontfrom the kingdome of od, Iòh.8.34s3ß .Gal 4.30,3i. Asson, the Heathens alfo,fuch an citate was counted mi.èrable: G ¿tae kerb only halfe the tender Jfandiitg of thief men that are brought into firvitnde: faith Pla:o in his 6 beoke of Lames from Homer. Verf.26. the God of Semi under this, Seen alfo himfelfe receiveth a bleiúug, for, b!efedis the peo- ple whale dad Iebovab is, Plal. t 44.5 5. and eter- nall life is implyed herein,for God bJib prepared for therm City, Jf whom e it not a(bbalned to be called their God, Heb. s t.1 6. and Sam is the find man in Scriçture , that hathexpreflythishonour. By the God of Sent, allo may bee meant Chriff, who came of Sem,according to the fief&; but is aifo God over all bkljed forezer, Amen, Rom.9. 5. Sem by inter- pretation isa Name, (which is.aliò ufed for ,e- mime, Gen.6,4.) and Chrift hash a nathe abate every name, whereat all knees bow, Phi1.z.9,1o. fervane to them]. or, to him: that is,.to Sera and Iapbet,and fpecially to Sem : the HeiTew fì : nifleth both them and hint. So in the verfè foiloti;,,, ing : the Chaldee tranflateth, to them : the Grec bit feervant. hc, Verf 27. perfwade] or,Jhall per made: or (as the 27 Greekeand Chaldee tranflate it )inlarge. The ori- ginal! word properlyfgnifieth to perfmade, entifr, or Ave, by faire and khsd words, and is applied to Gods drawing of men unto him by the Got= pel,Hof.2.14.and in the Hebrew there is allufìon to his nanne, Is p/sib /c Iephethi : Per fwade the perJma- ftb/c :It meanetlï by fayre alluring Words to,per- fwade unto faith and obedience í and fois apro- phefie or prayer,that the Gentiles which come or Iapheth,, fhculd be brought to the faith of the Gofpel.This word of perfwading,is often ufed for drawing men to Chrint, Aft.; 7 4. and 18.4. and s 9.8.and28.23,24,and it is the fpeciall worke of God,Ioh.6.44.A6t.I s.s8.Inlarging alfo,is not on- ly of roomth to dwell in(which may be implyed in this bleífngoflapheth,who had moe fons then eitherCham;or Sem) but oftentimes of the heart by wifdome,love,and comfort;as in 1 King.4.29. 2 Cor.6. r s. EIa.6o.5. But it is another Hebrew word in thofe places. he maydfinry] or and he !ball dwell in the tenti of Sem : that is , be united with the Churches of the lewes, ( the E 3 polierity 26