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%/7,:/ff/lldllÄ(r .11 VD%l// T Idos s pofteritie. GE NEST S X. Clams potterity & Jems, pofterity of Sein) which was fulfilled when the Gentiles became jontheyres, amdif the fame body, andjohn partakers of Godspromife in Chrift, the flop of the partition wall being broken down, &c.Eph.3.6.and 2.14.19.Althoagh it may further imply the grafting of Iaphets children into the itocke of the Church, when Senn pofterity, the Iewes, thould be cut off, as Paul Iheweth in Rom. 5.17. &c. So the Rcubenites are laid to dwell in the Hsgarims tarts, after the Hagarims were lhbdued and false, 1 Chron.5.Io. The Church ofChrift, is here and often called Tents, (or Tabernacles) which are a flitting and movable dwelling, becaule filch is our eitate on earth; here we have no am: hating Ciy, but we feeke one to come, which hath foundations, &c Hcb.r 3.14.and I I . 9,10. So, the tents (Iudah,Zach.i2.7.fignifie the Church; and the tents of Iakob, Ma1.2.12. and the tents of the Saints, Rev.20.9. The Hebrew Dofters have gathered from this prophefie, that they fhou/d fpeake in 'arbor tongue, (which in the ages follow- ing was theGreeke) within:he:emsof Sem: Thal - mad Hierofel. in Megilah. This was fulfilled by the Apoftles Cpeaking and writing the Gofpell in Greeke. 29 Verl29. be died] in the yeere from the worlds creation 2006. and did leeThard, the father of Abram the tenth generation after him, before his death. I 'tkei4ittlintITI242** CM A P. X. r, The generations ofNoes three fines leer the Flood s, The fins of laphet : 6,T he firmes (Cham: 8.., amongfi whom Nimrod, the mighty bunter, and King; 15, and the twelve families (Canaan, 19 the borders of their land. 21: The formes (Sem, father( theHebrewu. ANd thefe are the generations of the fonnes of Noe; Sem, Cham, and Ia- pheth : and unto them were borne a fons after theFlood. The fonnes of lapheth, Gomer,and Magog, and Madai, and Iavan, 3 and Thubal ,andMefhec,andThiras.Andthe fons of Comer, Afcanaz, and Riphath, and 4 Thogarma. And the Cons of Iavan, Elifa and 5 Tharfis , Kitim , and Dodanim. Of thefe were the Ilesofthe nations divided, in their l ands;every man after his tongue: after their families in their nations. 6 And the Connes of Cham; Culh and Miz- 7 raim, and Phut and Canaan. And the fons of Cobh ; Seba and Havilah, and Sabtah and Pe;mah and Sabtaca: and the fonnes of 8 Regmah, Sheba and Denan. And Culls be- gat Nimrod : he began to be a mighty-one, 9 in the earth. He was mighty in hunting,;be. fore Jehovah : therefore it is fard ; As Nim- rod, mighty in hunting, before Jehovah. And the beginning of his kingdome was Ba- 1 o bylon ; and Erech, and Acad and Chalneh : in the land ofShinar.Outof that land went- nu forth Affur: and he buillded Niniveh, and Rechoboth the citie,ani Calach. And Re- fen,beteveene Niniveh and Calach:the fame is a great City. And Mizraim, begat the Lu- dims, and the Anamims, and theLehabims, and the Naphthuchims. And the Pathru- 14 ferns and the Cafluchims (from whence came out the Philiflims,l and the Caph- thorims. And Canaan , hee begat Sidon his firft- borne,and Cheth.And the Jehufite, and the Amonte, and the Girgafite. And the Evite, and the Arkire,and the Sinite. And the Ar- vadite, and the Samarite, and the Chama. thite:and afterward were the familles of the Canaanite fpredabroad. And the border of 19 the Canaanite was from Sidon; as thou commeft to Cenar , unto Gaza , as thou commeftto Sodom and Gomorrha,and Ad- mah, and Seboim, unto Lafhah. Thefe are the formes of Cham ; after their families,af_ ter their tongues in their lands, in their nations. And there was borne alfo to Semhimfelf: 21 the father 6f all the Connes of Heber; the brother of Iapheth , the elder. The fonnes la of Sem , Elam and Allier : and Arphaxad, and Lud, and A, ram.And the Ions of Aram: 23 Vz and Chul, and Gether and Mafle. And 24 Arphaxad begat Salah: and Salah begat He. ber.And unto Heber wereborne two foss: 25 the name of theone Phaleg, for in his dayes was the earth divided : and the name of his brother, Ioktan. And Ioktan begat Almo- 26 dad,and Saleph : and Chafarmaveth,and Ia- rach. And Hadoram and Vzal,and Diktah 27 And Obal , and Ahimael and Sheba. And 28 Ophir and Chavilah, and Iobab : all thefe, 29 were Cons of Ioktan.And their dwelling was ; 3o from Mefha: as thou goeft to Sephar, a mount of the eaft eaft. Thefe are the Eons of 31 Sem;after their families,after their tongues: in their lands, after their nations. Thefe are 32 the famil'es of the formes of Noe,after their generations, in their nations: and from there were the nations divided , in the earth,after the Flood. 12 13 IS 16 17 I$ 20 t< anotations. THene,:eratien, l that is, the children begotten of Noes three foes : by whose three part of the world wereinhabited;Afìa by Sems pofterity; Africa by Chams ; and parc of Europc,with Alla the Ie(fe,by Iaphets. Verla. I w//111144111UNLli/