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GENESIS X. 41 V.2.Iapbeah] the eldeft of the three brethren; verfz 1. Hee is renowned in the ancient Greeke writings, called Iapetos ; of him many things arc fabled by the Poets; and his pofterity called lape- tianides,by Hefiod,and others. Gamer] in Greek Gamer : of him came .a people ftill called bytheir fathers name in i;zekielsdaies;IeatedNorthward fromthe land of Canaan: who did helpe to afflict the Jewes, after their returne out of Babylon,Ezek. 38.6. They are of Greeke Geographers called Kimmerioi (Kimmerites) a people beyondfhracia, Iafepbui (in hisAmiquities) faith , the Galatians were of old named Gomerites. The Kemmerites (or Cimmerians)afterward degenerated into the name of Cimbrzans. Magog] of him alfo came a peo- ple and country fo named , which were enemies CO Gods people,Ezek. 38.2. and 39.6. Rev.20.8. thofe that are now called Sgthians, (or Sarmati- öns) are thought to be of his race : lofepb, Anti,b. I.c.7.which Scythians dwelt in Coelefyria, tl4aiai]the father of the people calledMedes,into whofe Cities the Ifraelites were led captives, 2 King.8.s i. They with Para (the Perfearss,) o- vercame the Babylonians, Efay 13.17,and 21.2. Ier.5 s,rl. Dan.5.2 S.3t.and 6.8. That people is alfo mentioned in Aa.2.9. lavan] inGreek Iovan;of him came the people called lones,that is, Greener : which are mentioned by the naine la- van, in Ezek.27.13. Efay 65.t 9. Dan.8.2 z,and 10.21. Vnto them the Ifraelites were'fold for bond-men, Ioti 3.6. They were calledGreekes,of one GralLxe a King. Thubal]in Greeke Tbobel: his children were hill called by his name ; ufed trading with the Tyrians,Ezek.27.13.and ayded Gog their Prince, againft the people of God,Eze. 38.2,3. The Thobelites, lafephurfaith, in his time were called lberi , heiq. b.1.c.7. they inhabited Spaine,andthe countries adjoyning. Mefhec] in Gr. JYlofoch : of him came the Mofcovites,as force thinke, and the name feemeth to confirme : who removed their dwelling more Northward.Mefbec is ufually joyned with T hxbal before mentioned, mere whom he was feated : Ezek.27, t 3.and38.2. IoJipbxt deriveth from him the Cap adseians:(An- tiq. t .c.7.) which of old were calledpMefchines. Tbirus, ] of hint came the7:racians, and the Greeke name Tbrax : he is not mentioned againe in Scripture, fave in the genealogy, t Chron. t.5. Here are of Iapheth reckoned (even fonnes,which firfi felled in Ana ; & from thence further North- ward andWelt. So in Afia, there are feven Ghri- ftian Churches of the Gentiles, Revel. s.t 5.Thus Iaphet hath been perfwaded and inlarged. 3 Verf3. Afeanaz] in Hebrew, Afbehmaz: his land and children retained his name, when they helped the Medes to overthrow Babylon,Ier.5 i. 27.0f him the Lea between Europe and Afia,was called Amos Ponta :, and after , Exxenos : and his pofterity dwelt in Afia,Pontus,&Bythinia (men - tioned in 1 Pet. 1.i.) where is the river Afcasius. The Iewes now commonly call Germany, AJhehe- naz : and others with then drive from it die Af- canes, and Tuifones,thatis the Dutch-men. But the Iertafalem Cbaldee parapbrafe turneth it, here Afia. There (in Afia the leffe) is the country Afcania; and Sicania, named of this man. Kiphatb]he in t Chro, called Diphatb: for the Hebrew letters are like, and fo one put fotnetinie for ano- ther , as is (hewed on Gen.¢. 18.OfRiphath, the Riphean matanaines in Scythia, feeme to have their name.But the holy Scripturesmention him not as being furtheft off from the Iewes land. Iofephus faith, the Papblagones come ofhim. Thagarnta] in Greeke,Thergama:(asthe Hebrew it felfe tòme- tinìetran flateth letters ;Abnnegún, 1 and Algummim, 2 Chron:9, s o Harebat, 2 King. 2 2.1. and Chafrab, 2 Chro.3 4.2 2.) Of this Tha- garmahr hoirf and off- fpring, thrre is mention in Ezek.27.t4. and 38.6. he was feared Northward fleece Gamer.. and cheChaldee paraphratl on Eze- kiel,makes his Century Garmamaia,or Germany. Verf.4.ElifaJ or (as the Hebrew writeth) Elì- fhah: hisformes dwelt in Iles and fold blue and purple to the Tyrians,Eze.2 7.7.Of him came the Greekes called,Æoles, and the country was na- med Hellas : that is, Greece, as both the name, and 7bargum Ierufalemy witneffeth. Tbarfas]Heb. Tharfh:his children dwelt by the fea,ufed much (hipping and merchanditie, Ezek.27.12.25. The country was after named Cicilia,and there was al- fo a famous City called Tar fur,wherethe Apoftle Paul was borne,Aet.2s.39,Whither the Prophet Ionas fled, Ion.s.3. The Hebrewes call the naine Sea Tharp, PlSn1.48,8, becaufe they utitally traf- fiqued but by that Tharfean Sea. ' Kitim]the Greeke. faith the Ketians : whom the Ieruf2kmy paràpbraff feateth in Italy : and Maketie, that is Macedonia,fheweth by the name,that it alfo came of Kei m. Of this people and country mention is made alfo in Numb.24,24, ( where the Chaldee tranflateth Romanes,the Latine Iraly,)Efa, 2 3.1 12. Ier.2.1 o.and Dan.i z .3o.where the Laraine tranf -' lateth it Romanes. Iofephue deriveth the Cypriens from Küim, amongft whom is theCicy Kirien. Dedariim]written alfoRodanim, t Chro.r.7. and here in Greeke Rbodiei. The Rkodeans and Do rears about Greece, Items to conic of thefe. The Scriptures mentionnot this Dodenim any more then Thiros. in verf. Z. the Dodmeans in Èpirus. feerne to conic of him. Thus Iaphethhath (eveni nephewes,as before he hand feven fònnes. VerCS. the Iles] that is, the countries where the 5 nations of Iaphets linage dwelt, in Europe, and the Iles thereof :wherfore although an Ile is ftriâ- ly ufed for a little land in the 1èa, yet often it is largely put for any country or nation there in- habiting ; wherefore the holy Ghoft tranflaceth that nations (or Gentiles) Mat.,2.21.which in He- brew isl /es,Efa.¢2.¢. every- man]TheHebrew Ifb,max,is often pst for everryvne and is fo tranlla' ted inGreeke by the holy Gholt, Heb.8.r t.front' Ier.31.34. See alfoGen 15 to. theirfamilies,] or kinredrin Greeke, {heir tribes: whichword is af- ter in this chapter, and other where, as alfo ita Rev./ .7. tiled for afamily, Rorke, or kndred of any nation. And in the Hebrew, is raid to have tribes, Efay 19.5 3. of whichword, fee thf notes on 6. Verf.6. 4