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At/1f91nI161 I. 1 V1 1D///ar 2 3 GENESIS X I L are called and chofen ofChrift out of thisworld, and from worldly corruption, Jott.r 5.19.2 Pet. I .4. and are by hint delivered from the wrath to come: t TheC 1.10. thy kindred] to weet, Nacho, and the reft, excepting Lot. For although there is no expreffe mention of Nacho,, among others that went with Tbara from Vr, in Gen. 1 r. 31. yet it appeareth by the hittory following, that Mahar. went fo farre as Padan Aram in Mefepetamia , and there fetled : fo that it was after called , Nachors Citie,Gen.25.zo. and 24.1 0,15. and the fame was Charran, Gen. 28.2, I o. and there was Abrams kin- d ed, and country here fpoken of, Gen. 24 4. fa- thershoufe for the father Tharah being dead, his hou(hold(as it feemeth)would go no further,bnt flayed there with Fletcher : and onely Lot and his houle went with Abram, as the fourth verf, and hittory following Both confirme. So Tharabs houle and Nachor,left following of God, and tur- ned again to idolatry; as appeareth by Gen.3 . 30,534ot24.2. From fuch,Chrift allo calleth all to follow him, Luke 14.26,27. and Co the Spirit faith to Church, 9rget thypeople and thy fathers haute, Pfal.45. i i. will 'hew thee] that is, the land of Canaan, verle 5. but God here nameth it not fot more proofe of Abrams faith and obedience. For as he railed up this man of jee lice from the eat; fo cal- led be hint to hit foot, that is, to follow himand his dire &ion,Erayp.i .2.Exod.21.8. But under this earthly inheritance, was typed an heavenly which Abram lookedfr,Heb.12.9.,i0. And in S0- fern a citie of Canaan, Melelrifedel raigned, and was Prieft of the molt high God, and bleffedAbram, Gen.14. 18,19. Vert. z. agreat] or, to agreat nation, that is,tobe- eotne the father ofagreat nation: lèe Gen.2.7. and 17. 4. Of this promife,there was no vilible hope,be- cauleSarai hit wife, (being 65. yeere old) mar bar- ren, Gen. i 1. 3o. for which Abram complained, Gen. i 5.2,3. But under this promifed Natian,was implied allo a Ipirituall feed, of faithfull people, Rom.4.11,1 2. Ga1.3.7. ble, thee] in all things: both earthly,Gen.a 4.1.3 5. and heavenly, Ga1.3. 14. Ephef. 1.3. Gods bleffing is his favour, and therupon an abundant multiplication of al good things : on the 'contrary, his curf, is both the de- priving ofgood, and heaping of evil]. things up- on themwhom he hateth and punifheth, Lan,. 3. 65, 66. thy name] which is better then a good ointment, then greatriches, Eccl.7.3. Prov.22.s. So God made Davida great name 2 Sant. 7.9. be thou] that is, thou fhak be (as the Greeke tranfla- teth it:) but this manner of fpeech is more vehe- ment, as whereby God commaùleth thebidng, Plal. 13,3 3 . So Pfal. i 28.5,6. See thou. Verf.3.that fe4eetia- thee- evill}or curfeth thee: but here are twowords uled, and this fielt, frgnifieth evill fpcaking with light efteeme,'or vile con- tempt, and diihonour Guying alfofignifiethczi1- (/eaking by men, as Paul Iheweth, Aft. 23.5. from Exod.22.28. The like blel$uag, Ifaa,,oronounced unto Iaakab , Cenef. 2,. 29. and Balsam to Ifrael, Num. 24.9. in thee J that is, in thyfeed, (Chrilf; who (hall come of thee according to the flefh,) Gen. 22. 18. For Chrilt was tent of God to beeffi ut, in turning every one eus frons our inirluities Mt. 3. 25, 26. and that we may receive the promifi of the Spi- rit through faith , Gal. 3.14. Wherefore this was a preaching of the Goffiel to Abram Gal. 3.8. And this catmint confirmed be fire of Godin Cbt^i ff, is obfev. ved to before hundred thirty yeeres before the law and could not by the law be difanufed,becaufe Godgave it him by promife, Gal. 3. 17, 28. Veri. 4. went] By faith , Abraham being called did obey te goe out unto a place which he 11, (mid after receles for an inheritance : and he went-out, not kenwing whither he fhould come, Hebr. 11.8. old] Hebr. fenof five jeerer,andfszemyyrers,that is,goingin his 75. yeere:tee Gen.5.32. And his rather 7 learah being trio hun- dred and five yeereS old when he died, it appear -. eth that he begat Abram at s 3o y eeres, and to not he, but Heran was begotten atTbarahs 70. yeere, Gentils r 1. 26, Abram after an hundred yeeres pilgrimagemore, died, Gen. 25.7. and IJaakhis ton, then 75. yeere old, is left heire of Canaan. Vert. 5. fabflance] or, gathered-goods : for ofget- ting and gathering it kath the name : and is a gene,. rail word for cattell,money, or other like goods. the foules) Hebr. the feule : put for foules, that is, perfect of men and women, as Gen., 4.2 i. and 46.26. Rom. 13.1, and often in the Scripture. So in the Hebrew textman, i Chron. i o. s. is put for men, t Sam. 31.1. wizard, 2 Chron 33.6. for wi- zards., z King 21.6. See before, Cen. 3.4. and 4. 20. and i t.,6. The Greek tranflateth, every foule. As here fine/ea , fo'eltwherefie); and firit,(A&:2, 17.5 Joh.4. I .) are put for thewhole perlons. badmade] that is, badgetten , ro weet , into their pollelhon, as the Greeke manifefteth. But this may be meant,not only of getting them to their fervice,(as I Sam.8,16.)but alla of winning them to the faith of.God, as theChaldee Paraphraft Caithrb.d fnhdnedunto the Law : which is very pro- bable by that example of his houlhold fouldiers, Gen. 14. 14. and his commendation for teaching his houle, Gen. 18.19. and their receiving the wound of Circumcilion,Gen.17.23. SoTbarren, Ierufàlemie alto talleth thefe, fauter of Profelytes, (or convert,) land of Canaan] a country in Afia the leffe ; po(felfed by Canaan (the fon of Cham, the fon of Noe) and his Fons ; but for their wic- kednelfe the land was to pre them eut, Lev,18. 25. and it is now promifed to be given to Abrams feed, vert. 7. and was thereupon called the land of promiJeHeb.s I.9.a goodly country it was,having mater - brooks , founoaines , and fringing depths , moan- soirees, and valbes, and mines ; corne, and wine, and aile, and honey, and other fruits , it lacked not any thing; it scat watered with the raine of heaven cared for ofGod, whole e it were aimai,, on it, Deut.8.7,8,9.&t 11.11,12.10 that it was the pleafJànteft of all lands, andflotree(with miike acid honey,Ezek.2o.6. In it God hadprepared aplace where be mould dwell among his people ,'the Fons of Abram, the land being hit and they ffran- gensand fojournera in it with htm,Exo.15.17.Lev.25. 23. called therefore , Iebovahs land, Hof. 9.3. and the holy land, Zach. 2. 12. the land of Immanuel, that is , of Chrilt, Efay 8. 8. a figure of an heavenly coon -' 4 / __07,L/M/M1111IIV1/