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GENESIS XII. 51 country, H:6.11,9,10. the borders ofit reached !to the great river Euphrater,Gen. 15.18. AndA- b.'arn who dwelt byand the river, (without Gods territories)Jo n sw brought of the Lord, into this good land. And the Hebrew DJL&&Ors have acknowledged the land co be a figure of hea- ven, paying, itH mitten , Aad thy people Jbsll be all jolt, they fball inherit the land far ever, (Eiay 66 21.) thir land is a parable, at ifhe 'humid fay, the 1".1`;f the living, and do it the world to cum;. itdaimany in treat. of Repent mx, chap. 3. feet. 5. So R. Menachem on Gen. 12. referreth it to the land whits, it above, wa- tered with esters that are above, &c. And in7halmnd B cb. in Sanhedrin, chap. Chele(, it is written , All Ifraeliter have their portion ire the world to come; er it it faid , And tbypeople (ball be all juff, they (hall inherit the land for ever. 6 VerC.6, pafdthrough] to fiirvey his land wher- in he was but a pilgrim, Hob.' x.9. Seehem] or, Sychem; that is, the place where Sychem after was: of which fee Gen.33,18.This was about the mid- deft of the country. the eke]. that is, the oker,(as it is written in Dent. 11.3 0.) meaning a grove or plaine fet with okes: the Chaldee therefore cal - le :h it a pleitte : but theGreek, an oke; and it is na- med in Hebr. Æ!oa,of firength. Moreb] this fee- meth to be the name of fome man , (as after is mentioned shakes ofMamee, Gen. 13. 18.) or of force hill, as in Judg.7.1. The Greeke tranllateth it ,an high oke. Morel; fignifiethalto a Doan. Job 36. 22. the Canaanite] that is,Canaaaites,as Gen.lo. 16, t8. So the Greeke faith , the Canaanite: dwelt in the land. An idolatrous and wicked people, as the Chaldeans from whom Abram came, Dent. 12,30,31. SO Gen. 13.7. But when God pronii- feth the cleating of his Church, he faith, the Ca- naanitefhall be there no more, Zach. 14.21. VerC 7. tl, fed] that is, to all the children of pro - mite (the ele &) who onely are counted Abrahams feed,Rom.9.7,8. and in Chrift are heires by pro- mile, as well the Gentiles as the Jcwes,Gal.3.26, 28,29.Therfore the ftratigersare appointed their lot of inheritance among the Ifraelites,Ezek.47. 22. not in the earthly land, but in the heavenly, which Canaan reprefented, Heb. it. 9,x0,14,16. See Geuef. 13. 15. an altar] for facrifice and thankes to God, (as GeneC 8. zo.) who, after his wearie travellghad appeared, and comforted him with gracious promiles of heires, and an inheri- tance : neither of which he had as yet , but onely by faith. Thus be beleeved and receized the promi- fes thankefally : as Heb. 11.13. and Was the forme of God, and a light in the midft ofa crooked and perverfe generation, Phil. 2.15. Abram is the firfe manin the world, unto whomGod is laid to appeare, or be feene : fidi in Vrof the Chaldees, A &s 7. 2. next here in Canaan. g VerC8. Eafward ] or, on the Bali ofBethel:aCity after called by Iaakob, Beth -el: that is, Godo bottle : at this time it was named Luz,Gen.28.19. his Tent] (hewing by this, that he abode there al in a flran4e cnmtry, Heb.11.9. Pfa.i 05.12. for,a Tent is oppofed to an Leaf, or fecled dwelling, t Chron. 17. 1,5. Sea -ward] that is, on the : for be- caufe the twine Sea was the wetterne border of the land ofCanasn,Nnm.34.6.JoC23.4. therefore the Sea is oftenput for the Well : fo (;en. 28. x 4. Ex.10.t 9.& 26.22. Ezek.48. t,2. &c. For like rea- fon, the defert is ufed for the South, in Pfa.75.7. Ai] a city, whereof fee JofS. called on] which the Chaldec tran(lateth, prayed in the name : it may alto fignifie , preaching he the name of the Lord: for, calling or crying unto God, meaneth prayer, Joel 2. 32. unto men, it is preaehing,Efay 40.3,6. The cal. ling on the name of the Lord, is a figne of true faith and godlinefSe, Roma 0. 13,x4.1 Cor. s.2. Verf.9. going and journyirig] that is,continually joar. tying : fee Gen. 8, 3. the South] as towards the Sonne : whereby may be figured his progrefLe in faith and grace,as Pros. 4..18. a Cor.3. x 8. So the building of the Citiewhich Ezekiel Caw in vition, was toward the South, Ezek.4o.2. The Hebrew Doftors fay, that Abraham cleavedunto the condition ofinercie, far that it the South of the world; and therefore all A- brahams jeurnies were toward: the South : R. Mena - them on Gen. a 2. The North ottthe contrary, fi- gured the placewhence mill proceeded, Jer,1,13, 14. And thus Abram paffed fromplace to place, till God had brought him throughall the land of Ca- naan, Jof.'24.3. The Greeke tran(lateth, camped in the defart. The South (Negeh) is named óf Drimf, for that part of Canaan wantedwaters, Judg.s.15. Pfal, 126.4. For this, it may be, they tranflated it, defart e fo in Gen. 13. i,3. VerC[ o.a famine] a new affii& ion for Abram al- fo, who was hereby caufed to leave his land, and go as a pilgrim to another barbarous country: fo walking from nation to nation, from one kingdome to another peop,'e,P1al.io5.13. Although Canaan was a molt fruitful! land, Deut.8. 7,8,9. yet God now made it barren,for the wickedneffc of them that dwelt therein, Pfal.1 07.i4. "Egypt] called in Hebrew Mizraim, here and alwaies in the Scripture : but in the Greeke, the New Tcftanient alwaies bath IE;yp,. See Gen.' 0.6. And Mizraim is put for the Lend of Mizraim, by an uftsall figure of fpeech; which the holy Text fonietimemanifelieth, as 2 Chron.5.10. when they came from ./Egypt(or Miz- raim) for which in x King.8.9. is written, the land of ./Egypt againe there in v. 16. front "Egypt : and in 2 Cliron.6.5. from the land or/Egypt. Vent] òr,Ì pray ebete a word not of time, but cf reghdit: lò v.1 3.and often in theScripture. of faire ceuntenance] or, faire oflooke,or vifage: Sa- rai was a figure of the new Teflament, and of I- ru falem the mother of to all, Galat. 4.24, 26. That Spoufe of Chrill isfaire, Song 1.14. & 4.1. V.12, that they] Hebr.andthey: fo after v.14. but and is often put for that : as the Hebr. Text thew- et h,tChro 17.1 o.and the Lord will build: for which in 2 . is written,that be will.See Gen. z 7.4. Verf- 13. my Coale [hall live] that is, I, or my fe f fball live. The word Castle is tiled for any pperfor,. That Sarai was indeed Abrams , is after ma- nifefted,Gen. so: s 2., yet this fa&t of his, feemeth to be not without humane infirmities. VerC 16. Pharaoh] a common name for all the kings of. Egypt,from thefe dales of A6rani,til after k' a, the 9 IO II tT 3 16